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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Is this the same PC that won't let you install FireFox or Opera???Did you do any of the suggestions I made to you about fixing that? It should be to diffcult to get that cleared up. It will just take a bit of your time
  2. aspnetguy


    great thanks, I am swamped and needed to know that for later but don't have the time to test.Thank you
  3. sorry it should be width:100%
  4. a link to the page would help too so we can see what it looks like in each browser
  5. you would need to replace all (<) with &lt; and (>) with &gt;
  6. no wonder he won the world's Ugliest Dog contest 3 years in a row.
  7. yes.PHP or ASP or ASP.Net or whatever.AJAX is not a language per say. It is a combonation of languages. It is JavaScript, XML, and a Server Side language. The XML object lets the JavaScript (client side) talk to the PHP(server side).
  8. you can't intereact with a database with javascript. You need a server side language for that.
  9. or most likely, no mail at all
  10. I'm just full of typos lately Thanks matey rrr
  11. Sort of like how a browser does auto complete?You could store those values in cookies then everytime the form is opened you can check for the cookies and use the values.
  12. I really don't know what you are talking about but if you tell me what you are trying to do (be specific) I can help you out.
  13. <html><head><title>...</title><script>var one = document.form1.inputfield;//orvar two = document.getElementById('inputfield');</script></head><body><form name="form1"><input type="text" id="inputfield" name="inputfield"/></form></body></html>
  14. aspnetguy


    If I create a cookie with javascript am I only able to read it with javascript or can I then read the cookie with ASP.net or PHP or something else?Thanks.
  15. turns out PHP5 is the trouble. WP and Php MyAdmin aren't made to work with PHP5...and I had modified the forums to work with PHP5 before opening them so that explains why they remained uneffected.I did find a PHP5 friendly theme for WP so it is readable now but the admin area is still a bit wonky.Once I do some testing I may back down to PHP4 just so everything works correctly.
  16. This is a good place to start: http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp
  17. take a look at this http://cit.ucsf.edu/embedmedia/step1.php
  18. since you are using transitional anyway why not just go ahead and use embed. It iwll save you some time.
  19. good question. I know you can usee only object and get Flash to work (with a bit of work) but I haven't really looked into this before so I am not sure.Did you try Google?
  20. aspnetguy

    Error UnSpecified

    did you read the links that were provided in that link?here is a goole search with lots of hitshttp://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=asp+Un...le+Search&meta=
  21. object is not depreciated and embed is.Depending on what you what to insert you may or may not be able to use xhtml strict.
  22. aspnetguy

    Error UnSpecified

    read this and follow the links provided: http://www.attention-to-details.com/newslo...ror-problem.asp
  23. well the editor was making your code more standards friendly. buy setting maring:auto it will center and element if that element has a fixed width. <div style="100%;text-align:center"><table width="400">...</table></div> The above code should also center the table. Be sure you use a DOCTYPE.
  24. try text-align:left on the mis behaving cell. I have had that happen beofer even though I never set it to center. You are using IE remember
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