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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    class change

    no problem...glad it works for you!
  2. use this deleteButton.Attributes.Add("onclick","if(checkbox is checked){return confirm('Are you sure?','')}else{return false}"); If they click okay it will continue an dfire your delete button on click function and if they click cancel nothing will happen
  3. aspnetguy

    class change

    <div onmouseover="this.className='mouseOverClass'" onmouseout="this.className='mouseOutClass'"></div>
  4. I highly doubt the user can effect the meta settings of your page and even if they can they can shut down javascript far more easily.
  5. ajax is a coined acroynm (look it up in wiki)(im too lazy ) but the idea and methods have been around for a long time, it has just become very popular now.I am not sure who first suggested the specification for ajax but anyone can develop a proposal and submit it to W3C for review.
  6. hmmm...I haven't created dynamic tabkes while using AJAX before. I am not sure how to solve it. Sorry
  7. you will want to look into XHTML/CSS and maybe JavaScript. Also in order to interact with the database you will need a server side language like PHP or ASP.Net
  8. oh, I have no idea how to do that in command line.I think VARCHAR is your best bet even though it truncates. Are you just testing or is the this going to be a program that makes users use command line?
  9. actually it is INT(4) by default. That doesn't limit it to 4 characters (actually I do not know the limit of INT but the best way is to limit the user input on the application interface.
  10. are both form's elements available in the POST array? I can see the need for more than one form on a page but what is the point of submitting 2 forms at once? Why not make it one form?
  11. Google will not index your include files unless you make direct links to them on your webpages. Also you could disallow bots access to your includes folder with the robots.txt file.
  12. or you could make a wrppare element <body><div id="wrapper"></div></body> Then you could work with the wrapper.innerHTML
  13. what browsers do not support document.body.innerHTML?I tested this in IE,FF, and Opera and it worked fine. onload= function() { var contents = document.body; contents.innerHTML = "I changed the contents! :P"; }
  14. aspnetguy


    I am pretty sure we ran scripts 2 ways, -c and -w (c for testing) I don't know if they were capital or not.I'll check my PERL book when I get home. It has been so long.
  15. aspnetguy


    I assume this is a custom component you have downloaded/bought and not part of the .Net framework?If that is the case you should contact the developers and ask them to resolve your issues.
  16. when using include you do not need to use <html> and <head>, etc tags in the include file.Here is an exampleindex.php <html><head><title>...</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="url"/></head><body><!--navigation--><div><?php include('include_file.php');?></div><div>some content.....</div></body></html> include_file.php <table> <tr> <td><a href="index.php?action=page1">Page 1</a></td> <td><a href="index.php?action=page2">Page 2</a></td> <td><a href="index.php?action=page3">Page 3</a></td> </tr></table>
  17. ok I think I see the trouble .If you saved this text file to c:\filename.txt the in the mysql command line you need to do this. mysql> load data local infile "C:\filename.txt" into table test_one; give this a try and see if it works.
  18. aspnetguy


    try unistalling the CAB and then reinstalling it. Is there anything different about the 1 pocket pc that gets this error and hte 2 that run fine? different OS version? different software installed?
  19. mysql doesn't run on a 'drive' it is a stand alone server runnin gon your PC.You need to save the text file where you have the code to process it.Can oyu post your code and I will try and fix it. It is most likely just a path error.
  20. you will have to set all parent elements to 100% as well. Even after this FF and IE will act and look diffrerent.I have found using background images to give the illusion of 100% height is the best cross browser method.
  21. elementObject.className = 'newClass'; This is the basic syntax for changing a class name.
  22. Try this, you were continually overwriting row 0. var xmlHttpfunction getBlog(){ var i for (i=0;i<2;i++) { var archiveRow=document.getElementById("archiveBlogTable").insertRow(i) var archiveCell=archiveRow.insertCell(0) var url=i + "_archive.js" xmlHttp=GetXmlHttpObject(function(){stateChanged(i)}) xmlHttp.open("GET", url , true) xmlHttp.send(null) }} function stateChanged(row) { if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete") { var archiveBlog=document.getElementById("archiveBlogTable").rows[row].cells archiveBlog[0].innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText } }
  23. I have been using np2 and like its simplicity (still like notepad) but has the added text highlighting.
  24. aspnetguy

    IE7's bug

    Thanks arnold, can you post some screenshots. That would be a big help
  25. This has been discussed many, many times and the owners of the site have said this will not be happening because the survival of the site depends on ad revenue and if the tuts could be downloaded then users would stop coming to the site.
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