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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. You still need to define the relationships and the subtables will need to be populated first. If you set everything correctly you wil get errors if you try and populate the main table first
  2. oh nevermind I was thinking that sucks was the one not allowed...hehe *hides in shame*
  3. aspnetguy

    Alpha Blending?

    for IE you will need to look at filter:alpha(opactiy=##), for FF you will need to use opacity: 0.#.I think Opera uses somthing different aswell but I am not sure.EXAMPLE .className{ filter:alpha(opacity=50); opacity: .5;} This sets the element's opacity to 50%
  4. ideally you should use a server-sdie language although it can be done with JavaScript but hte user's browser MUST have JS turned on.If you play to store the results of the quizzes you will need a database and you will need to know SQL to talk to the database.EDIT: always one step ahead of you scott
  5. *and Jonas throws one last jab with his mighty mod fist*LOL
  6. If you use hte proper constraints you will only be allowed to insert into the main table data that is defined in the subset tables like jobs and industries.
  7. Must be a pre-loaded filter???That is true.
  8. lol...I started playing guitar when I was 15...one of my friends that was in our band got me started on HTML a few years later.
  9. That is funny since Netscape 8 is based on FireFox 0.9
  10. I have never personally used Safari but I like the look of it and it sounds like a gret browser.I like Opera but I use FF the most. I usually test with IE and FF whne creating a site.
  11. Maybe...in ASP.Net I only need \n
  12. Guys,Please use CODEBOX instead of CODE for large snippets.Thanks,
  13. Doesn't it do that automatically if you don't specify an ORDER BY??? MSSQL does anyways.
  14. I would have a seperate table for job and another one for industry. in the main table just use hte industryId and JobID
  15. I know what you mean. There are many things I want to learn, that usually ends up slowing me down on learning them
  16. try using \n for returns and \t for tabs $Output = "<ul>\n\t<li></li>\n\t<li></li>\n</ul>"; should come out
  17. aspnetguy


    I have heard not so nice thinks about most 'NUKE' products(phpnuke, DNN). I also am Ia member of a site run by postnuke.I have heard and find (postnuke) that the sites are very slow. And don't say it is the server because I am an admin on the site using postnuke and we have very good servers.The site only has 600 members and there is rarely more than 5 users on at a time.What could be the cause of this?? Is it just such a big program or is it just engineered poorly.Are there better products out there to use.
  18. SELECT con.ContactName FROM Contacts conINNER JOIN ContactCategories concatON con.ContactId = concat.ContactIdINNER JOIN Categories catON cat.CategoryId = concat.CategoryIdWHERE concat.CategoryId=2OR concat.CategoryId=3 This should get the first result you want.
  19. MSSQL SELECT TOP 1 * FROM tablename MySQL SELECT * FROM tablename LIMIT 1
  20. AJAX can be stored in external JS files.
  21. That page gives you everything from the CSS2 specification. IE does not fully support CSS2.
  22. does that mean it works in FF and others tho??? Are you sure IE suports the size attribute???I am shooting in the dark here. I do very little 'print view' pages.
  23. I find that margin: auto will not work unless I have a XHTML DOCTYPE. Try including one...it should center.
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