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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. you could start be calming down and providing your whole source code.
  2. Just mentioned it because of your original post...you said w3c...
  3. I don't know how to do it with only css, or if you even can.Try this <a href="url" onmouseover="this.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.color='your color'"><span>b</span>lah</a>
  4. the only place I see you setting padding is here #mainnav ol{list-style-type:none;padding:auto;} Where do you need the padding??? Do you have a link to the example page...it would be much easier to solve if we could actualy see what you mean.
  5. it is redirecting to a sony psp review page nad the page is loaded with Google Ads
  6. what is your code? What browsers are ? what browsers aren't? Please give some more details.
  7. Where id you get this idea??? Where does he say he has multiple prices in the same record??? And even if he does they could be for different purposes. There could be diffrent prices for diffrent situations.
  8. Doesn't matter. A simple query like the one being used is the same on all database platforms.
  9. Just to clarify...are you refering to www.w3schools.com or www.w3c.org? They are not the same and are not affiliated in anyway.
  10. What is that??? Please don't spam! Oh...how many times have I been there, lol.
  11. I am going to ask a dumb question! Is the file that you are linking the stylesheet to in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\plastitrade\ as well?EDIT: NM...if it wasn't IE wouldn't pick it up either. Sorry.
  12. you could have written it like this xAddEventListener(_children[i], "click", function(){t("works fine!")}, false)
  13. I am not sure but I thinnk that is what the mysql version does behind the scenes, it just gives you an easy way to request it. I may be wrong tho.Yes I agree...this is not a very good method for large databases, but it is the ONLY method I can find.The only solution I can offer is an alternative is to have a column in your table called rownum...you can increment it with each entry then you can use it in the where condition
  14. do you have a link to that page or some code...I am not sure I understand correctly.
  15. the expression must be enclosed in //
  16. thanks guys...I figured it out /\[\?.*\?\]/
  17. check this outhttp://www.thescripts.com/forum/thread80100.html
  18. Hi,Could someone be kind enough to give me a regular expression for the following situation and a brief explaination. I am having a tough time with this one.I need ot remove anything between [? and ?]sometimes it will be [?text1?] or it could be [?menu1 type="horizontal" showName="false"?]Any help is appreciated
  19. That is a nice piece of code. One question tho...do you really know what autism means?!?My cousin was autistic, he was 13, but only was at the mental level of a 3 year old. It is very understandable that autistic people couldn't understand your code!I realize that some autisitc people can be very gifted, usaully in one specific area (ie music), but I don't know of any autistic programmers . It is beyond them to think logically or with reason.
  20. I think this is a hopeless debate *sigh*...he's entitle to resign himself to a life of heartache and woe at the hands of the worse browser none ot man!
  21. Can I see some of this marvelous code???
  22. or they don't what users inserting malicious code. ....??? Dan your comments aren't making much sense.
  23. I am pretty sure he means one form where all the fields are required.
  24. XHTML is not a programming language...it is a text formating language.lol...you have a natural talent for programming, eh? Give C++ a whirl and then we'll see if you are as good as you say ...C++ can make you want to cry worse than getting kicked in the balls.
  25. Perl makes it more difficult to output html and javascript...infact you cannot mix PERL with HTML like you can with PHP...you must write only PERL and the processing you do will produce the HTML(yes 100% of the page).I did not like doing that....it is like having to echo every html tag of your page.
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