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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. have you tried this??? <body class="print"> or body{ size:landscape}
  2. Nevermind, I figured it out.
  3. Is it possible after a view is created to insert into that view and have it update the related tables??? Or must I update the related tables seperately to have the new records show in the view?
  4. He said he found a link on these forums to W3C specs that said it was. I can see the pont. If you are just going to use inline styles why not go back to <font>. I think they are pushing towards having all cSS defined in stylesheets and just referenceing hte ids or classes.
  5. age: 24PERL/ASP = 4 yearsHTML/CSS/JavaScript = 6+ yearsVisual Basic = 4 yearsASP.Net/C# = 2+ yearsPHP/C++ = 6 months
  6. make the dropdownlist autopostback=true. Then you need to change the abels text in the selectedIndexChanged event function.
  7. Like it was said before...a portfolio of great work samples goes much further than a piece of paper that says you can write HTML.An employer wants to SEE that you can do this stuff.
  8. aspnetguy


    no it is not affiliated in any way.
  9. you could do this YOUR DOCTYPE<html><head>...</head><body><form ...>....your content</form></body></html> By placing the <form> and </form> after the <body> and before the </body> it ensures nothing will get 'nudged' down.
  10. do this <div id="divToc"onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='blue'"onmouseout ="this.style.backgroundColor='red'" style="cursor:e-resize"></div>
  11. haha, thanks, I am a long way from understanding enough to even start it right now. Graphics in C++ are insane!I did a bit of comparision. It takes almost 300 lines of code just to make a 'window' in C++, while it takes 0 lines in C# when using Visual Studio.I have about 600 lines of C++ code I and I now have a multicolor, rotating 3D triangle. lol
  12. I can't say for sure without seeing your code but did you give absolute poistions (in inches or pixels)? Try positioning with percentages. This will takeinto account the size of the screen.
  13. <div style="text-align:center"></div>
  14. Actually any code should go in CODE tags and if it is long code then it should go in CODEBOX tags
  15. Man that is a creepy movie...those strange orange umpa lumpa's give me nightmare...lol...
  16. it is probably your code. Can you post it?
  17. aspnetguy

    my code

    nice code!So are we supposed to guess what you want. Does it return errors? Does it behave in a way you don't want?Do you have a question?BTW, this is a forum for WEB languages...which C++ isn't, so you may find it hard to find help on that subject.I have been learning c++ for a couple months now, so I might be able to help.
  18. Thanks, I forgot about the GROUP BY
  19. Well if it works...all the power to ya!
  20. No object is for loading multimedia objects like flash or videos
  21. If you did it client side then anyone could open the page source and view the passwords.
  22. SELECT COUNT(A.id) AS Num, A.id......
  23. aspnetguy


    type "sql stored procedure" into Google! That will give you a million explanations.
  24. Same boat I could give you an example in PHP, ASP, or ASP.Net, but not CF And CF is very different from the others.Skemcin would know...he is the resident CF expert.
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