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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. I have always seen it as Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP lol
  2. First of all you need a database. Our table will be called PagesPageIdPageTitleText1Text2We'll keep it small to keep it simple for now.Then in your website folder we would create a templates folder. Inside the templates folder we would put templates.Templates are just the HTML/CSS that make up the layout except we would have to put in Identity Tags to let our code know where to put the text ...<div class="MainText">{TEXTBOX1}</div>... Then in the Server Side code(SSC) we would open and read the contents of the template file (you can have .txt, .html, or whatever extension you want) in a variable. Then we would search the variable until we found an IDENTITY tag (ie {TEXTBOX1}) and then replace it witht he value of Text1 we had retreived formt he database.Once we have searched the variable for all indentity tags we can then write the varible to the screen.I am not sure if I explained it well but that is the basic idea
  3. Are you using SQL Server???Just go into Enterprise Manager and open the Stored Procedure and copy and paste the text into a new SP
  4. aspnetguy

    Stored Procedure

    Like I said before this is a big arguement in the database world.Some say Stored Procedures are better and faster and Others say building your queries at the code level is faster.I personally think that running a large number of queries as a stored procedure would be faster and when running small queries the code level would be faster.I do not have any proof to back this up but that is what I think.
  5. What does this have to do with the topic at hand???
  6. why not do this <ul class="list"><li>Bigger earthquakes.</li> <li>Deadlier storms.</li> </ul> I think the reason div worked and span didn't is this:UL is displayed block while SPAN is displayed inline. DIV is also displayed blockMy understanding is that you cannot inclose a block level element with an inline element.I could be wrong though
  7. You could use a serverside language to pull in the template and then fill in the content from a databse. That way each page is pulling int he same template so any changes to the template file would be site wide.This would take a bit of planning. I can give you some pointers if you want.
  8. aspnetguy

    Stored Procedure

    I think you are confusing the terminology.A Stored Procedure is a query or group of queries that are 'saved' and run at the database server level.Creating the query at the code level (php,etc) is not a stored procedure.You can execute a stored procedure from your code but a Stored Procedure is on the database.Which is better???? It has been argued both ways for a long time. I do not really have an answer for you. I like to create Stored Procedures for large groups of queries and smaller stuff I build at the code level.
  9. did you try resizable=1 ?It seems to make a difference in some browsers or DOCTYPES
  10. this works <script type="text/javascript">emailDAO='name@' + 'host.' + 'com';emailInfo='name2@' + 'host.' + 'com';document.write( '<a href="mailto:' + emailDAO + '">General Inquiries</a><br />' + '<a href="mailto:' + emailInfo + '">Media Relations</a><br />' + '<a href="mailto:' + emailDAO + '">Sponsor Relationships</a><br />' + '<a href="mailto:' + emailDAO + '">Special Projects</a><br />' );</script>
  11. You cannot change the HTML scrollbars but if you make the section in flash then you can make your own scrollbars.Or in a java applet.But there is no way if you must put the news in the html code
  12. No it wouldn't. The php is rendered then sent to the browser. THe bot only sees the browser so by the time the bot sees it it is already built and viewable.The reason the JavaScript example worked is because it builds the email address after the page is rendered, after the bot has already read the page.
  13. I am not understanding your question. What about the scrollbar do you want to change???Most things you cannot change because they are defined by what OS and browser you are using. AFAIK the only things you can change are color and that is only in IE.
  14. You can change the colors of the scrollbar in IE using CSS but I don't think it works in other browsers.
  15. aspnetguy

    DropDown List

    In order for ht einformation in your second ddl to change you will need a PostBack (refresh), there is no way around it.If you want to do this without a page refresh you should look into AJAX
  16. I don't think what you are trying to do is possible.You might want to look into ASP.Net. Using hte built-in web controls allow you to execute server side functions on client events.
  17. aspnetguy

    Busy Server

    Yup, or buy more bandwidth
  18. <script type="text/javascript">var sonic = 'something';</script>...<input type="button" value=Display onClick="document.getElementById('txt1').value = sonic"/><input type="text" id="txt1" value=""/>
  19. I don't PHP would work the same. PHP is server side so the fully constructed email address would be sent when the page is rendered. Using JavaScript which is client side means that when the page renders the email address is not there but takes a split second for the javascript to build it, thus fooling the bot.
  20. aspnetguy

    SQL Help needed

    They are seperate records. A Select just Selects 1 record at a time. You can't do that....not anyway I know how.
  21. Give this a try document.write('<' + '%call check("' + varJS + '")%' + '>') It may be trying to execute the ASP call at this line, it is a long shot, but might work.
  22. That is odd. I am not sure what to suggest
  23. for images just do this <img src="....." alt="" title="Your tooltip here"/>I don't know if that will work for inputs. YOu may need javascript
  24. Chances are the javascript variable is equal to 'undefined'When javascript has a problem setting the value of a variable it will set it to 'undefined'.Try changing this document.write('<%call check("'&varJS&'")%>') to document.write('<%call check("' + varJS + '")%>')
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