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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. oh sorry...I think you will need more than javascript to do that. You will have...How do you know if a user is an admin (is it stored in the database?).If it is in the database you will have to write some code witht he server side language, so to do this seemlessly you will have to use AJAX.Read the tutorials to learn the basics
  2. ....ahhhh....that is what my code does! Did you even try it?
  3. abyss do not post unrelated code. Your reply has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Next time you will get a warning. Thanks
  4. try this <html><head><script type="text/javascript"> onload= function getCode() { var Code_Id = prompt('Please enter your code',''); var msg, html; var objOutput = document.getElementById('divOutput'); objOutput.innerHTML = ''; if(isValid(Code_Id)) { msg = 'Your code appears to be valid!'; html = 'Thank you for entering your code'; } else { msg = 'Your code is invalid!'; html = 'Your code was invalid. ' + 'Click <a href="javascript:getCode()">here</a> to re-enter your code.'; } alert(msg); objOutput.innerHTML = html; } function isValid(ID) { var parseId = parseInt(ID); if(parseId >= 1 && parseId <= 15) return true; else return false; }</script></head><body><div id="divOutput"></div></body></html>
  5. open the file in notepad or another editor.FireFox and Netscape both don't let you edit the source directly.
  6. uhhhh....so am not crazy...good to know
  7. Wow that is amazing...I was playing street hockey when I was ten and hating every minute of school...lol
  8. try thishttp://www.aspfree.com/c/a/ASP/Getting-Rem...Files-With-ASP/
  9. It is so the browser knows what version/type of HTML/XHTML you are trying to write. Also the W3C validator uses it as well to check your syntax.
  10. if you are using <p> or <table> in your page the body styles will not be applied you will need to set up those in the css seperately
  11. I know what you mean I have a similar problem with one of my sites. I could not find a solution and was told it was just an IE problem. I switched it to JavaScript to make it work.
  12. The only solution I see is to set a fixed width for both the div and table
  13. To bad DW wasn't free...I still like plain text editors
  14. HTML 5??? Did I miss something. Since when has there been HTML 5?I thought the last veriosn of HTML was 4.01 then it went to XHTML
  15. If I were a flash developer I would be very upset because everything I would have created would not longer work right.In some ways it is going to be like when you embed an Active X objec tin your page, IE asks the user if they want to allow the object before it is loaded.I think it will mean the end of flash navigation and flash advertisements. (I wouldn't be sad to see flash websites (whole site done in flash) go.)I am wondering how this will affect Cold Fusion and it's dynamic flash capabilities?
  16. Ultimately what it boils down to in the end, regardless of what anyone says you should do, is the question does it work.If it works (and hopefully validates) and you and your client are happy then that is all that matters.Sometimes at work I need to just make it work...now! So I think about what is involved, how to make it somewhat reusable (if it can be), and balance between maintainability and a reasonable timeframe.I say that loosely because I like to have my i's dotted anf my t's crossed when it comes to standards but sometimes it is just not worth the effort or the timeframe doesn't make sense.
  17. Well if you see no reason to keep up the debate that does not mean we should close it for others who want to debate it. No one is forcing you to read or post to this topic.
  18. aspnetguy


    You need to start by going to www.w3schools.com and reading hte ASP.Net tutorials...it explains the concepts you will need.
  19. well said...again I always enjoy reading your posts, you are clearly 'seasoned' in web dev and have lots of experiences to share.I have been a professional programmer for almost 2 years and feel I have a good grasp on most issues but I still lack the experience that comes from years of working through those issues.Thank you.
  20. After you have gone through some tutorials. Decide which language suits you best and then focus on that until you are an expert .If you feel after you have done lots of self study that you would like to go back to school you can look into it. But be aware that most programming course teach just the basics (which w3schools gives for free). You may want to consider some advanced courses later on.
  21. Have you used the feature that allows you to 'hook-up' a compiler (ie for c++ or java)??If so, was it difficult? I am going to try this after work today. I installed conText and Borland c++ compiler yesterday and got the compiler working but didn't have time to link it to conText.
  22. But the point is if they can beat MS in court they will go after the other browsers too because FireFox and the others work similarly when it comes to plugins.
  23. aspnetguy

    refresh page

    try response.redirect(url)
  24. try this firsthttp://www.stardeveloper.com/articles/disp...01101101&page=1how hard did you look??? Did you use google?http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&safe=off...nG=Search&meta=
  25. save it as index.html
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