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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. You could use something like this var i;var j;var is_broken = false;for(i=0i<10;i++){ for(j=0;j<10;j++) { if(some condition) { is_broken = true; break; } } if(is_broken) { break; }}
  2. HTML Ethnicity<br/><input type="radio" id="ethnicity" value="Asian"/> Asian <input type="radio" id="ethnicity" value="African"/> African<input type="radio" id="ethnicity" value="White"/> White<input type="radio" id="ethnicity" value="Hispanic"/> Hispanic ASP Dim ethnicity = Request.Form("ethnicity") PHP $ethnicity = $_POST["ethnicity"];
  3. You will need a server side lanaguage like PHP or ASP and a database.I recommend reading the PHP tutorials. They will show you the basics you will need to know and the basics of wqorking with a database.
  4. HTML 4.01 is the latest version of HTML (still very old) XHTML has taken over. You can still write HTML webpages but W3C (not W3Schools) recommends moving to XHTML as it will eventually replace HTML.XHTML is just stricter version HTML. You must follow the rules to the letter. This helps standardize the internet and make things easier for developers.I would read up on XHTML which shouldn't be too tough for you since you know HTML. Then learn CSS and a bit of JavaScript.After that you can start looking into server side programming languages like ASP and PHP if you want.
  5. First off if you continue down the road you are travelling you are going to realease you've wasted some time and learned some nasty coding habits.You are coding your .net pages as if they were ASP pages. this is exceptable but you will find it will limit you once you get into more complex situations.You should really look into using <script runat="server"> (inline coding) and get away from the scripting style. An even better approach would be to use VWD Express. It is free from Microsoft and will take care of compiling your code and managing your website for you. There is a link to it in my signature..net is meant to take advantage of Object Oriented Programming.It is recommended that you do not us SSI in ASP.Net because it will interfer with your objects and cause other headaches along the way.I am talking from experience here. I started using ASP.Net at work almost 2 years ago. I began coding as you are (I had a strong ASP background) because I didn't know any better. Almost 2 years later, a million headaches, we are still converting some of the code to better coding practices using VS.Net 2003.
  6. aspnetguy


    I was hoping there is someone out there wiht DB2 experience. I need to know what differences in sql there are between DB2 and other leading databases.I know that MySql , SQL Server, Oracle, and MS Access have small variations in SQL syntax...is there any for DB2?Thanks,
  7. <!DOCTYPE htmlPUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html><head></head><body><div style="width:100px;margin:0 auto">hi there</div></body></html> Try it works!!! You have to use a DOCTYPE or it won't. I just assumed everyone knows you should use a doctype.
  8. try using this<frame frameborder="0"....
  9. It is intended to help you read XHTML. It color codes the tags, attributes, comments, etc with different colors so you can easily and quickly pick them out.
  10. aspnetguy

    Parse Error Message!

    I would have to see the full source code in order to know what is causing the error.But just guessing it looks like your codebehind is not being called correctly.
  11. You do not have to SELECT a column to use it in a WHERE condition.The columns you SELECT are what will be returned when the query is run not the columns you can use in the query.
  12. you will need to design it for 800x600 and then it will work fine in both.
  13. this one is pretty goodhttp://javascript-reference.info/
  14. I believe for IE this gives you the document height window.event.clientY + document.scrollTop FireFox is a bit tricky...I'll see if I can find it.
  15. win=window.open('','Chatt','width=800,height=600,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resizable=yes'); This is weird when I submit the post it is placing a & #39; in the code. Replace that with a quote ('). Odd I have never seen that before and connot get it to go away.try that
  16. #container{width:###px;margin:0 auto} Works in IE too, just have to set a fixed width.
  17. aspnetguy


    Do While NOT rs.EOF Str_Scroll = Str_Scroll & " .:::. " & rs.fields(0) & "<br/>" rs.movenext loop
  18. this one works, you can point it to whatever your processing page will be.http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...indpost&p=14526
  19. I am confused Scott. Why did you say it is a piece of cake when you aren't sure how to do it?And what is the benefits of your script over mine? Why is it necessary to use a more complicated script to achieve the same thing?
  20. I played around with the database and could not find a solution. I am pretty sure this can't be done.You are grouping all the plays for each artist together, but there are multiple play dates from each artist...they cannot be displayed in one column.Do you understand what I mean?
  21. You could simple do an authentication check on the newly opened page (just like you would if you had used PHP for the whole thing. You would just do the check on opened page and not the original login page.The original question was how to get a form to submit to a new window. I am sure they took security into account. It really makes no difference the method you use as long as you do your security checks.BTW how would you ge the for to submit to a new window in PHP or ASP??? Wouldn't you just echo some javascript???
  22. How secure does a chat program have to be???
  23. try the example I previously gave. it submits the form to the new window and you can control what toolbars show up. <html><head></head><body><script>function cForm(form){win=window.open('','myWin','toolbars=0'); form.target='myWin';}</script><form action="chatpage.html" method="post"><input type="text" name="q"><p><input name="submitButton" type="submit" value="Send" onclick="cForm(this.form)"> </p></form></body></html>
  24. I see a couple of problems.Checkboxes cannot have the same name and do not group together so you cannot use choices.You did not declare var food as an array var food = new Array() and food would not have the propertie value anyways.you would check a checkbox like this var checkbox = document.form1.checkbox1;var j;var food = new Array();if(checkbox.checked){ food[j] = checkbox.value; j++;} If you have a large number of checkboxes to check then you could make an array of the checkbox objects to loop through to save on code.
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