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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. That file extension is for Quicken accounting software. It is just a exported data file.If that file is on the clients pc when they run your app you could provide <input type="file" id="something"/> for them to browse their harddrive and load the file for the javascript to process.But you cannot compare it to a database with Javascript you will need a server-side scripting lanaguage like asp, php to do that...also if the .qmd file is on the server JavaScript won't be able to access it.
  2. aspnetguy

    Web Templates

    One problem with getting them off ebay is that you have no support. Most professional template sites provide support and assistance when you buy their templates.Then again for $10 I think you could afford to figure it out on your own.
  3. You will have to learn a server side language if you want to talk to a database. PHP works very well and is easy to use with MySql.What database are you currently using??? What are your server setups?What server-sdie languages doe sit support (if any).This may require you to upgrade your hosting plan if server-side scripting is not activated.
  4. That file must not have been created in Notepad. I do the same thing...wordpad catches the breaks.
  5. aspnetguy

    Web Templates

    The average price I have seen is around $50-$55. I don't know who is selling 7gb of temps for $10 but they are on crack! I would like to see that auction. Lets say a template was 1mb (it is usually less) that would be 7000 templates for $10. Something seems wrong with that!If the average time to design a template was 2 hours then that would be 14,000 hours. That is over a year and a half of straight coding without even a bathroom break.So this guy is selling a year and a half of his life for $10??? Seems suspect to me...but then again I am paranoid .Seriously...I want ot know what auction that is...I will buy them for that price.
  6. aspnetguy


    What error messages did it give? Can you post your code so we can see what you have done? Please be specific
  7. aspnetguy

    Best Forum

    I don't really have a reason. I just like phpBB better.
  8. What???? He just didn't have the server configured correctly. Why would he need to format his computer?
  9. lol I love the Water Boy! "You're wrong Colonel Saunders!"
  10. I know someone who uses First Page and cliams it is excellent...I have never used it but I have seen it and it seems like it would be really good...and free too!
  11. Yeah it got off topic when I mentioned MS Frontpage adds extra code...perhaps that is the reason this was added.I know if a Word Doc is saved as an HTML page there is a ton of XML junk added (a 100 times worse than this code) so perhaps it is from another MS product...wouldn't be surprised.
  12. no problem and good luck
  13. read this threadhttp://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...ctive+directoryit was never resolved so I don't know if that article help or not...hopefully it helps you.
  14. There is nothing wrong with using an editor...I just prefer to have complete control over my code. I always suggest that people learn to hand code first though, before they start using an editor.Editors help productivity.
  15. looks like C or C++ to me and it looks like a School Schedule or something
  16. aspnetguy

    IE/MAC problem

    MS has abandon IE for the Mac already and are trying to patch up Ie to release IE7 this year to compete with FireFox.I am annoyed at the junk I have to go through to make a website look good in all browsers but if IE7 can improve on CSS and perhaps standardize some javascript then I would be happy.Not even all standards compliant browsers look the same. Opera still differs from FireFox which differs from Safari.I don't think it will ever be perfect unless there is only one browser and that in itself is bad because that is how IE ended up in such a mess.
  17. I would recommend using a basic text editor (equiv to Notepad) and learn to code by hand before you start using Dreamweaver.I know countless designers who use editors like DW and they couldn't even make the smallest changes in the HTML code.It might be tough at first but you will be glad you did later.
  18. There is only one Admin with access to do that...and he is very busy. The moderators do not have access to do this.Good idea but we are limited to what we can do. If you have a IPB setup and running you should give it a go...it would be a good idea.
  19. echo "<script>window.open('url to flash app')</script>"
  20. There is no need to make fun of where someone is from. That is very inappropriate and I am sure the moderators will have have something to say about it.You should be here to learn not start trouble. Grow up!
  21. You cannot send it to 2 different locations at once and you cannot use the target attribute more than once.You may need to process everything in one php file then open the flash app in a new window once the authentication is complete.
  22. You will have to create a Trigger in your database...this will take care of the rollback if errors occur.
  23. This only catches if the user closed the popup with X in IE...I couldn't get it to work in FireFox. But everything else works in all browsers.parentPage.html <html><head> <title>test</title><script type="text/javascript"> function popUp(url) { var myWin = window.open(url,'newWindow','width=300,height=300'); if(myWin == null) alert('New window blocked by Popup Blocker'); }</script></head><body onload="popUp('popup.html')"> <a href="javascript:popUp('popup.html')">Open Window</a></body></html> popup.html <html><head> <title>test</title><script type="text/javascript"> function doClose(e) { if(!e)var e = window.event; if(e.clientY < 0) alert('User clicked X to close window'); } function closeWindow() { alert('User clicked link to close window'); window.close(); }</script></head><body onbeforeunload="doClose()"> <a href="javascript:closeWindow('popup.html')">Close Window</a></body></html>
  24. Is it 50 lines or 50 rows???You said you have a datagrid with 3 columns and 3 rows, how can the 3rd column then have 50 rows???Please post the code you use to populate the datagrid (both .aspx and codebehind(.aspx.cs))if you ment 50 lines of text in the 3rd column you can use the Substring() function to take only a certain number of characters and cut the rest off.
  25. read thishttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sto...procedures.html
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