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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. I have never used WEbparts...I probably couldn't help you then, sorry
  2. The box...it is not in the option buttons but if you inclose your code in [*codebox*][*/codebox*] it will do that. minus the * of course
  3. aspnetguy


    firstly you cannot give both divs the same id...id is unique.You are using absolute positioning which acts as layers. You set the top and left to very similar of the first div so of course they will overlap.Avoid using absolute postioing unless completely necesaary.
  4. can you post the full erro and the full code.It is trying to process an object that is null or doesn't exist
  5. I personally don't like datagrids unless it is for a very simple output.I like to use the SQLDataReader and cycle through the records and process the output. It gives you total control. Datagrids I find are hard to manipulate.
  6. you may have to use the control name and not just e.If this code is in the footer button click function e is the EventArgs so it probably is relating to the footer.
  7. so if you use this code it should work protected override void CreateChildControls(){ if(!IsPostBack) { DDL = new DropDownList(); DDL.Load += new EventHandler(DDLLoad); DDL.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(DDLItemChanged); Controls.Add(DDL); }}
  8. why not just use Page.FindControl("txtName"); If it exists on the page it will be found. That way you don't have to worry about searching the correct celss, etc.
  9. actually an easier way is this x=document.getElementById(id);x.options.length = 0; I am pretty sure that works.
  10. This can happen! When you first installl SP2 it can either go 100% smooth without a problem or it can crash your whole system and every other possiblity in between. That's why the other system, even though it is the same, can be running it fine when yours won't.It depends on what software you have installed before installing SP2. A messy registry can also cause many problems.It may have caused problems that weren't apparent...until now, affecting your IIS.I recoomend uninstalling IIS (and ASP.Net if you are using it) and re-installing it. It will only take 20-30 minutes (or less) and you can backup your websites so you don't lose anything.
  11. aspnetguy


    I wish I could be so lucky. I wish I had never heard of it either I have been playing with it and sort of created some pages....the thing is a piece of junk. It might be good if you were creating a portal or something or if you actually liked DNN or PHPNuke.I hate portal software...they are useless for creating a normal website unless you want a layout of modules held together with duct tape! Anyways I will just have to bear through this contract and chuck it the second it is over.In all fairness, as I was reading about it at joomla.org it sounded great and was even thinking I might be able to abandon my newly started CMS project and use Joomla....what a let down!
  12. Yeah I got into this later in life (18ish ). I wish I had started earlier too. Then again there ae many things in my life I wish I had started earlier. :(I made two attempts (got bored) to clone IPB and never could bring myself to finish.I am considering a third try except using ASP.Net. There are very few good, free, boards out there for ASP, and .Net. That is if my contract work slows down (not that I can complain).
  13. what is your situation?If you post your code we can help you.
  14. A postback is basically a page refresh.When you press your button the page refreshes doesn't it?
  15. not really.Ids have to be unique so if you use alot of id selectors you are un able to use the CSS code again. But if you assign classes you can reuse the class over and over.Since when has MS ever done anything the easy way?
  16. The code you provided is ASP not ASP.Net.But read this.http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default....net09102002.asp
  17. aspnetguy

    Menu in asp.net

    How do you want your menu to be interactive???You can use the Hyperlink Control. I always build my menus in XHTML/CSS/JavaScript.There is not much functionality to worry about that asp.net can do.
  18. The default is 20 minutes.Have you set a duration anywhere in your code???This seems to be an ongoing problem with .net.For login info I would look into Forms Authentication...it is more secure anyways.
  19. Are you getting an erro or just nothing??You forgot to add a (.) TextBox t=(TextBox).DetailsGrid.FindControl("txtName");
  20. You do not need to add the header stuff on your include. They will inherit the ones from the page you are including them in.What they mean by validator is the ones fro W3CHTML - http://validator.w3.org/CSS - http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
  21. aspnetguy


    So, A while back I looked at Joomla as a possible CMS. I didn't like it then and gave that opinion on this forum.Well now, I am being forced to use it. A company I have a contract with uses it and I need to use it. I have been playing with it a bit and absolutely hate it. Maybe I am not understanding the point of Joomla. Is it CMS to create a website or is to create a portal.I cannot seem to understand all the terminology and how to setup stuff.Does anyone here use Joomla??? Can you tell me how to setup new pages, insert content etc. Much appreciated. Thanks,
  22. aspnetguy

    newbie question

    perhaps it was to accomidate an older browser?!? That's all I can think of.
  23. When you select an item in the DDL does it postback?If it does it is reloading before catching the value, that is why you always get the first value.Try this protected override void CreateChildControls(){ if(!IsPostBack) { DDL = new DropDownList(); DDL.Load += new EventHandler(DDLLoad); DDL.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(DDLItemChanged); Controls.Add(DDL); }}
  24. LinkButton1.Attributes["OnClick"] = "return false;";
  25. change this dbread.Close()dbread.Close() to dbread.Close()dbconn.Close() and you do not have dictionary declared. Is it a datagrid?if is do this <html><body><form id="Form1" runat="server"><asp:TextBox id="txtSearch" runat="server" /><asp:Label ID="txtOutPut" runat="server" /><asp:Button ID="Button1" text="Search" OnClick="Search" runat="server" /><br/><br/><h1>Results</h1><asp:DataGrid id="dictionary" runat="server"/></body></html>
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