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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. well the best I have come up with so far ishttp://www.fckeditor.net/it does everything except merge rows...I think I can live with that but if anyone knows of a better one please tell me.
  2. I need a good RTE that can be used in PHP. One feature that is crucial is that it be able to allow easy manipulation of table cells (ie: merging, add/delete rows and columns)I currently have one by Kevin Roth that is amazing except it lacks the features I mentioned. I took a stab at writing the code for cell merging myself. It worked ok but it was too buggy to use on a clients website.I do have one I purchased from Telerik but it is only for ASP.Net. I need one for PHP.Anyone know of a RTE with the features I mentioned?Thanks,
  3. Well you need to google for some support and tutorial sites and have them approved. Without having the ability to search for help on the web they are cripiling your ability to learn...since they are taking your money...this is wrong.I can understand the use of blockers in high school or elementary school, but in colleges and universities it is just outrageuos. The admins need to do there jobs and monitor the system (or just log all urls of visited sites) and review the logs every couple days...not block out the greatest resource their students have to learn.That is what the college I went to did. They just browsed the logs to see if any inapropreiate sites were veiwed. If you you got caught then you lost your access for a period of time (increased each time you got caught until you were banned permently, which basically ment you would fail without access to the network). This method was very effective. Not a single computer related student got caught, the only ones that did were in non computer related courses and they didn't care if they got banned.
  4. aspnetguy

    Time to Design

    Sure you can make a decent looking site with an editor but have you looked at the HMTL it generated???? gross!
  5. why are you doing this stuff at school??? They let you install a 3d character program at school???If you can't view other sites you will probably have to wait until you go home.If you are not at school where are you that has a site blocker???
  6. You could read a text file (would be cross browser) if you set the src of a hidden iframe to the path of the text file then read the ocontents of the frame.As far as writeing ot a file you would need ActiveX which as was said is not cross browser.
  7. There you go...wrong again ... keeps me humble, lol
  8. aspnetguy

    publish my project

    Do you have your own server or is it hosted by some hosting company??? If it is hosted elsewhere you will have to contact your hosting company and request these settings if they are not done already.
  9. try thishttp://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/070704-1.aspx
  10. What thing is not happening? Are the radio buttons not showing up? do you get an error message???You need to be more specific about what your problem is....and post your full code
  11. This error is happening because the folder you are placing your application in is not configured as an Application just as the error says.The reason your other example worked is becuase you were doing inline coding, but this one is using compiled code which requires application status.If this is a hosting account you will need to contact your hosting company and ask them to fix it or if it is your server you need to go into IIS and do the configuration.If your host cannot help you (they are no good if they can't) then you could try opening the web.config file and changing the authentication mode. If you did this app in visual studio then the other authenication modes available will be written in hte comments.Hope this helps
  12. No you are right that is a .Net error...and ASP and ASp.Net do not mix AT ALL. They are different languages even though they have similar names. It is like trying to mix PHP and ASP...it just doesn't work.
  13. Are you trying to use code from the tutorials??? Those are in VBScript and cannot be used if you are choosing JavaScript as your ASP language...I would recommend you switch to VBScript because 99% of the material available about ASP is in VBScript.NOTE: Only use VBScript for ASP...not as a client scripting language because only IE knows VBSCript.
  14. JS can read and write text files (pretty sure) but ti is client side. It wouls be trying to read or write tot he clients pc not hte server.
  15. aspnetguy

    Opacity command

    filter:alpha(opacity:50%); /*IE*/opacity: .5; /*FF*/
  16. www.brinkster.com offers a free (Educational) web hosting package that gives you ASP and ASP.Net...There is a ad at the top of the page though....it is easily hidden if you are good with CSS or JavaScript.
  17. You can easily display a text file in a frame you just need to set the frame src to the path of the text file.
  18. They are just too busy trying to band-aid IE for Windows to worry about IE for MAC...lol
  19. lol they are lame...although my school didn't have them back in the good old days, ...I did help my sister bypass hers...it was a simple solution (Net Sweeper I think) she just had to type the IP Address of the site she wanted because the filter only blocked based on domina names not IP.But yeah she could have got in a lot of trouble...
  20. The term I have heard most meaning both is developer but everybody has a different definition for them...I have never heard the term builder before either.The course I took in college was called Web Developemnt and handlked many areas, graphic design, web design (HTML/CSS/javascript) Programming (VB/ASP/JAVA) and netowrking/sys admin.
  21. Me too, the extra cash is nice...but I just like designing so much...I have only been doing development as a professional for 1.5 years but I have been doing it as a hobby for over 6 years.
  22. This site is primary for teaching web technologies that have been standardized by W3C. C++ is not a web technology
  23. hereus a thread about connecting to Active Directoryhttp://forums.asp.net/1180678/ShowPost.aspxthis is an API created to work with Active Directoryhttp://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/Wrapper_API.asp
  24. aspnetguy

    Linking PHP?

    try googleing php reading text filesyou will get lots of results
  25. I have made layouts for phpBB, IPB, and I make layouts for my company's CMS (internally built).I enjoy it very much. In all the programs I have designed for use tags like this layout for my IPB message board<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" alink="#000000" vlink="#000000"><body text="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#000000" leftmargin="2" topmargin="0" marginwidth="2" marginheight="0"><table width="720" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" height="378" bordercolor="#FFFFFF"><tr> <td width="90%" height="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><% BOARD HEADER %><% NAVIGATION %><% BOARD %><% STATS %> while the Joomla templates had alot of php coding directly in them (if, for, while statements) and other alot of function calls. That is just not a use friendly template system.Like I said and apply to my software...templates should be primarily HTML and CSS with easy code tags placed for dynamic content.
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