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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    IE/MAC problem

    is the mac using IE or Safari?IE for Mac is no longer supported by MS...it shouldn't be too longer before it disappears.
  2. I only use Iframes for executeing a server side function through javascript (AJAXish). I alos have a rich text editor that uses an iframe (it is the only way to make a rte cross browser).
  3. aspnetguy

    Blog Project

    you will need to learn a server side language like ASP,PHP, or ASP.Net. You will also need to learn SQL.Once you have a good handle on those come back and ask again.
  4. aspnetguy


    It does look fine but the error message is saying it cannot connect. Check your servers ODBC drivers to make sure you can connect to Oracle...or even better download the latest Oracle ODBC Drivers.
  5. What database are you using? They all do stored procedures a bit different.
  6. aspnetguy


    The error is in your connection string. It is unable to connect to your oracel database.Can you post the connect string please.
  7. aspnetguy


    what does the connection string look like? Try posting hte whole code so we can see what context your snippet is in.also are you doing asp.net or asp, there is a difference.The code you provided is asp not asp.net
  8. aspnetguy

    two Background

    you need to specify the width and height of the columns on each end becuase they have no content.
  9. PERL *cringes with fear*PERL was the first server side language I learned. I don't think there is a slower language available . Don't get me wrong it was a great language in its day but it was one of the first. ASP or PHP run 5x faster while JSP and ASP.Net are even faster.
  10. With frontpage (Microsoft) you can check your code all you want and even change it conform to standards but as soon as you switch to Design view it is reformatted and screwed up again.I hate Frontpage....MS also desided to bring some of that junk over to visual studio 2003....thats why I hate using it so much at work. I write well formed XHTML 1.0 strict and then the program changes it to nasty bloated HTML 4.01.I hear VS 2005 is supposed to be better with this but I don't know yet.I personally hate Editors and avoid them at all costs. I even compile my ASP.Net code manually and use Notepad to write eveything.
  11. You can use the switch statement for anything.for example you are passing a variable to a function and want ot return a value based on the variable you passed in.function doSwitch(myVar){ switch(myVar) { case "yes": return "it said yes"; break; case "no" : return "it said no"; break; case "maybe": return "it's not sure"; break; default: return "something went wrong"; break; }}
  12. I am not sure how to fix your problem but I am surre it has to do with the ID. Everyone is being created with the same id. They can share the same GroupName but the ID has to be unique.
  13. ASP is a language or the concept behind a language. You actually write ASP with JavaScript or VBScript.
  14. You should do a google search for asp forums. You can find many free forums to download and you can look at the code. There are even more for php.The code needed is a ton of pages and you need to know lots about sql and databases and be very comfortabel with asp before trying this.
  15. you could also create the 2 queries as a stored procedure and then in your code execute the stored procedure.
  16. aspnetguy

    Opacity command

    You will have to create the background in its own div...applying opacity...then using relative or absolute positioning place another div over top with the content and 100% opacity.
  17. aspnetguy

    two Background

    you will have to create columns to acheive this. Then create a CSS class for each column with the correct background image you want.That is the only way I no of
  18. I have never seen this either but they seem to be incorporating xml somehow...it is weird they are repeating hte xml declaration line over and over <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> Not sure why? Weird....maybe they used Frontpage....lol that generates lots of useless, bloated code.
  19. what is your question???You shouldn't send XHTML 1.1 as text/html....it violates the w3c specification...use XHTML 1.0 strict instead....IE does not support application/xml
  20. It is gett5ing easier for me but I can do tables with my eyes closed in about 5 minutes while I usually spend 30 minutes to ascheive the same thing with divs...although in the end I am happier and it isi easier to maintain later. :)Keep plugging away...it gets better.
  21. If you are using <frameset> you cannot have <body>
  22. I had this happen to me many times...still gets past me once and a while. It is silly once you know about it but it makes sense. I wasted lots of time trying to solve this when I was starting out. Pain in hte butt.
  23. Passing ht einfo in GET is alright since you say security is not an issue. I use this method often.You can do it with javascript or PHP.You could catch the values of the form when the form is submitted with javascript and then open the new window. (this is probably easiest).Or you could submit the values to a php page which then builds the url then opens the new window by echoing some javascript.I would go with the first one. If you are worried about users that have javascript turned off you could use the target attribute of the form tag (it is depreciated in XHTML) http://www.htmlcodetutorial.com/forms/_FORM_TARGET.html.
  24. you could pass it using $_SESSION variables
  25. I use IE at work (because I have to) and I found it extremely annoying to go to your site and then be shown the message about switching ot FIreFox.Most user would close the browser and say see ya later at that, either out of ignorance or just not wanting to switch or not seeing the link at the bottom to continue without FF.Have fun destroying IE (it still has over 80% browser share) Let me know in 5 years how that went.Let's start a Destroy Windows campaign....sheesh lol I just don't think it will happen anytime soon. Especially with the realise of IE7 later this year. It is going to be CSS2 compliant and many bugs have been fixed. It still won't be perfect...then again NEITHER is FireFox...but it will make things easier for developers.they just have to fix the lack of JavaScript compliance.
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