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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. download firefox....for some reason IE has problems loading pages sometimes.
  2. Ok then if you are setting an existing column as a foreign key then there will be no visible changes tot he table. It is just creating a relationship between the 2 tables.It will have effects when Updating/inserting and delteing from the 2 tables but nothing you can see.
  3. aspnetguy

    Pseudo classes

    a:alink is a:link and a:vlink should be a:visited
  4. I went to college for 2 years...I learned basic JavaScript, XHTML, CSS,ASP,PERL, SQL,Oracle,VB6,JAVA,JSP.The Javascript and CSS were just the basics which I had taought my self earlier but XHTML was new (just a more strict HMTL syntax) as well as VB,ASP,JAVA,JSP,and PERL.For the most part I feel that learning PERL was a waste of a semester...I would hope no one who is starting out as a programmer would do PERL...it is so much slower than the newer languages like ASP and Php.I am not that big on JAVA stuff but that is just a personal preference. In actuality C# has about 60-70% of the same syntax/concepts as JAVA.I struggle for the first year trying to understand the concepts of programming and what objects and classes were. But it finally clicked. I now work as a Web Developer using XHTML,CSS,JavaScript, C#, and ASP.Net.I taught myself C# and ASP.Net after college becuase I thought it would be more useful than ASP and it got me my job . I am now teaching myself PHP because I have had a few opportunities to get side contracts.So basically you just have ot start somewhere and expand from there as you learn new languages.Good Luck
  5. before you run the ALTER TABLE query is StocklistID already a column in the table? Or are you expecting it to be added when you run the query.
  6. I started making websites with HTML about 6 years ago...I thne learned CSS, JavaSscipt then went to college to learn server side programming.
  7. take a look at thishttp://www.1keydata.com/sql/sql-foreign-key.html
  8. try this for CSS Layoutshttp://www.aspnetguy.com/Entry.aspx?e=9
  9. aspnetguy

    Pseudo classes

    good to know thanks
  10. aspnetguy

    Pseudo classes

    I think you would have ot declare it like this.myClass a:link{}
  11. I recommend you read my blog post about sql arrays. You are going to need to use a similar approach to manually loop through the ids.This is for SQL Server but there should be very little diffences converting ot MySql.http://www.aspnetguy.com/Entry.aspx?e=18Note: In SQL Server if a column is set to auto_increment then it disallows you to edit that column...I don't know if MySql is similar...if it is then you may be out of luck.You may have ot trun auto_increment off anf increment manually when inserting a record.
  12. When using a lot of text editors I find that this method works...example try composing a message in Hotmail...you have ot use SHIFT+ENTER to avoid a new paragraph.It is crazy and it DOES work
  13. aspnetguy

    SPOT the NOT

    what is it doing....or not doing?Do you get any error messages???
  14. I am affraid there isn't. YOu would have ot manually loop through and do it.Can I ask why you need to do this??? If the id are referenced on another page then that page will break....especially if it is referencing id 15 which would no longer exist.
  15. How do you want to 'affect' table 2? Do you want to make sure that when cat.Category is updated that it must exist in table?Please be more specific
  16. it may be. I have IE and FF on my dev server and some websites I try to view in IE load very slow or not at all but work fine in FF.Not sure why but it is very annoying, if you use IE anyway.
  17. if you have a <div> as a 'wrapper' and want to center it do this.HTML ...<body><div class="wrapper">......</div></body>... CSS .wrapper{ width: 780px; margin: auto;} margin:auot will center the div but you must give the div a set width first.
  18. aspnetguy


    You are going ot have to be a lot more specific than that
  19. It is most likely done manually (they probably have 2 menu classes setup in CSS, one for all links and one for the current link.You could probably manage this with javascript because having a different menu on every page is so gross!
  20. ???what does that mean???
  21. declare it like this static ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); This worked for me...for some reason if not declared as static it does not hold its values. I am using v1.1 so I hope this works for v2.0 as well.
  22. or you could do this which is much easierfunction name(){ age();}function age(){} That way you can call age() directly very easily
  23. well as far as mixing forms and tables gostick to inclosing whole tables inside forms as a general rule...if you mix the form tags inside of tables it will affect the cell margins,etc....if you are inclosing a table that is nested in another table (the code I gave above)place the <form> tags inside the <td></td>.
  24. in the code am sure it used this to place the bg image <td background="image.gif"> what you need to do is change it to this <td style="background-image:url(image.gif);background-repeat:no-repeat"> That should do it.
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