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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. true but if there are extra body tags it will not validate.
  2. if you read the results of your query into a DataReader you can do thisC# while(myDataReader.Read()){ //do something} This will read through all the records in the datareader
  3. SELECT column5,column4,.... FROM tablename The order in which you slect it fromt he table is te order it will display.
  4. aspnetguy

    Combobox values

    I don't think...values can't have spaces.
  5. aspnetguy

    Table type

    you can find everything you needed to know about php and mysql here.http://www.php.net/manual/en/
  6. aspnetguy

    Syntax help

    It looks like you found one by your latest post
  7. change mysql_select_db("BusFile"); to @mysql_select_db("BusFile") or die("Unable to select database"); Chances are this is the line causing the problem.
  8. you can't declare functions inside another function
  9. I don't work with the dateobject much but the samples you have there seem wrong. Is this from the w3schools tutorials???
  10. var arr = new Array();arr[0] = "word1";arr[1] = "word2";arr[2] = "word3";arr[3] = "word4";arr[4] = "word5";var userword = document.getElementById('textboxId').value;var i;for(i=0;i<arr.length;i++){ if(userword == arr[i]) { alert('match found'); //do something }}
  11. are you talking about something like the formatting buttons in hte editor (reply box)?
  12. aspnetguy


    please post your code and the error message FF is giving you (JavaScript Console)
  13. in your CSS .navbar a:link { color:#EEF3E5; display: block; line-height: 30px;} try playing with the margin-bottom, since it is what you want in IE we can apply a hack to get it to be hte same in other browsers. .navbar a:link { color:#EEF3E5; display: block; line-height: 30px; margin-bottom: 10px; /*FF*/ -margin-bottom:0px; /*IE*/} Do you undersatand what I did? By placing a (-) in front of an attribute IE will only read this line and FF will ignore it. so you can set 2 different values for different browsers
  14. post your code and we can give you some better advice than just guessing
  15. it will not be valid HTML...whether or not it renders differently is a browser to browser issue...it depends on how standards compliant they are....IE would probably have little or no difference and FF would probably give your code 40 lashings for such a thing :)When using includes pretend that the code in the include file was actually being written in the spot you are includeing it (because basically that is what includes are).Hope this helps
  16. The reason for this is probably the computer you transfer it too does not have the font you want to use. If you are not using a common font this will be the case for most of the users that view your website.If the font is for headers ofr something you could make small graphics for this but if it is for the bulk of your content you will have to either use a more common font or look into some methods to embed fonts.
  17. it is the core of the browser...it is what reads the HTML,CSS, and JavaScript you write and then 'renders' it into a webpage the user can view.
  18. you won't get a free domain name with a free account but brinkster.com has decent ASP/.Net hosting with a subdomain (ie www32.brinkster.com/yourname)
  19. I have read the specs on what IE7 is supposed to be. Even tho the betas don't provide the promised functionality hopefully the final release will.All the css bus are supposed ot be fixed, xml support, etc
  20. That seems ot be the best approach anyway...arrays are much easier to manage.Good job.
  21. nevermind again...I fixed it.I didn't have session_start() at the top of my logout.php so it wasn't accessing the global session variables.
  22. aspnetguy

    PHP login script

    I am looking ofr a login script.Mine just won't workI can get the user logged in fine but I can't get it to logout.Anybody who will share theirs with me?
  23. I don't know of any good sites but I am just using $_SESSION to store security info...I am having trouble with my logout script tho...the sessions just won't die!
  24. They can do the exact same thing.The advantages of ASP.Net is that you can compile your code into .dll so when you distribute your software you do not have to give out the source code.Also .Net has advanced methods of dealing with security that PHP does not have.Also since .Net is compiled it runs a bit faster than PHP as well.
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