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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. if you were to modify your design a bit it would be easier.Place the links menu on the page not in an iframe. Then use an iframe on the same page to load the content. Then you can give the iframe a name and in <a href="....you can use target="iframename"Hope that helps
  2. http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_whatis.aspread through the whole tutorial to understand about XML...it can't be explained in a couple sentences.
  3. 1. What is the purpose of XML? (i don't really know ) It is a way to store and structure data2. What do normal progammers (everyday ones) do with Javascript? Do you use it constantly? It depends, I use it alot to make pages more interactive or add effects, look into AJAx3. What browser do you think is the best? (your honest opinion)Opera...4. Will XML affect the future of data transfer? (I know it sounds reallly cheesy )yes it already has, it is the transfer layer between applications (Web Services)5. Do you use XML frequently on a daily basis and what do you usually do with it?I use it to log site hits, store website settings, etc6. What browser do you think has the best web standards?Opera...it is a fact not just my opinion!7. In 2010 or something, what browser do you think will have the most users????8. In 2010, what browser to you think will have the second most users????9. Are WYSIWYG editors good? Or some hand coding thing?No, hand coding is much better10. What do you normally use?Notepad2
  4. aspnetguy

    css paths

    are the 2 sites on the same domainwww.mydomain.com/ andwww.mydomain.com/devsite????if that is the case you could place all the needed images and other stuff in the folders of the live site and still use what I suggested.
  5. it is not he form causing you grief, it is the table, you will find if you modify the classes to look like this table div.header{ ...} it would solve your problem.
  6. There is no reason that the sessions should be interfering or having any effect on your stylesheet.This is happening with ALL pages that use sessions?
  7. post the code to a non-session page and post hte code to your sessioned pageNote: any page that does any work with sessions must contain session_start() at the top
  8. aspnetguy

    CF login

    LOL that would do it. You do not have permission to login until you've logged in!
  9. <?php$db = mysql_connect('server','username','password');if(!$db) die('Could not connect to database server! ' . mysql_error());mysql_select_db('dbname') or die('Could not connect ot database! ' . mysql_error());mysql_query("INSERT INTO........");mysql_close($db);?> does that help?
  10. I have use page-break-after before and it worked well, although it only had to work in IE.Not sure if that attribute works the same across all browsers.
  11. aspnetguy

    css paths

    using a path like this /images/myimage.gif should work for both.starting hte path with / indicates to start looking at the site root.
  12. try thishttp://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?t=276177
  13. INSERT INTO tablname (column1,column2,...)VALUES('value1','value2',...)
  14. When generating the html with php is there a way to count the lines as they are being printed? If so you can do a print preview in your browser and see how many lines fit on a page and adjust your php to insert a CSS page break at the correct position and place the Page 3 of 10 just before the page break.This can be tricky and due some options the browser gives the user it is not 100% fool-proof.
  15. this tutorial, IMO, is easy to understand and explains the concepts very well. I would recommend this as the starting point of all new C++ programmers.http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/If you are going to get into grpahics programming later on, this is great introduction to OpenGL.http://nehe.gamedev.net/default.asp
  16. try this, it appears that what you are trying is taking ht eaverage of those columns for the entire table not on a row by row basis. so giving it another go this should work.SELECT * FROM Reportings WHERE Year = '2006' ORDER BY (WorkspecPoint+ToolboxPoint+NearmissPoint)/3 DESC providing all 3 columns are numeric
  17. works fine for me in IE and FF
  18. aspnetguy


    this may be a dumb question but I have always had a hard time understanding the reason for using pointers. If you wanted to assign 10 to var why not just do it var = 10;I know that was a simple example but could you explain the reason we need pointers and what some good implementations of pointers would be?
  19. I don't understand your question? When a user requests a PHP page it goes throught he complier and is interpreted and gives out the HTML output that gets passwed ot the users browser.Is that what you wanted to know?
  20. aspnetguy

    fetch array

    it is a simple mistake, look at your conditionif($showstat != "pending" || $showstat != "cancelled")think about it for a second...the answer to that condition will ALWAYS be true so that is why it always echos the data.Change || to && and you should be fine.
  21. aspnetguy


    wow, why are you taking the course if you are unwilling to even attempt such a simple question?
  22. change onClick to onclick and please post the entire file.
  23. "Yes this has been asked and answered many times. The answer is no, this site and forums is dedicatged to web languages.If you are looking for some C++ tutorilas I would be happy to reccomend some.
  24. I am not very familiar with network programming. Surely the router you are using has an API you could use. What is the model of the router...please be specific.
  25. which drop down goes behind the flash??? There only seesm to be a drop down on Departments
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