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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy


    sorry for bring up the discussion, I just don't like when generalized stereotypes are thrown out there.
  2. aspnetguy


    That is not accurate. The Bible teaches that God created the heavens and the earth. I am not sure where but it also talks about 3 "heavens" when refereing to creation, 1st heaven: the sky where birds fly, 2nd heaven: the atmoshpere, 3rd heaven: space.Perhaps you are speaking of other religions besides Chrisitanity or very narrow sects of Christianity. I would argue that the general belief is what I explained.I would fall into the category of "very religious" to most but I would argue that I am not and that religion is just a worthless man-made tradition and has nothing to do with knowing God...but that is another issue.
  3. http://www.visakopu.net/misc/table-border-css/try this
  4. Thanks,It seems odd that they would stop using sizeof() in favor of count() when PHP is so much like C. Probably got requests for sizeof() or questions about so they desided to alias it.
  5. did they just make sizeof() to be an alias of count() because programmers are used to using sizeof() in C? Or is there a more indepth reason?
  6. I don't know what you are asking. Show it to the next page? What do you mean?
  7. could you at least post the error message?Have you tried contacting FCKEditor support? They did write the program so probably woudl be the best ones to fix it!
  8. I personally like to charge a flat fee for the whole job. I find that clients are also happier with this method.It may take some time to accurately estimate how much time it will take you and then come up with a price.For example if a job was going to take me approx 25 hours and I charge them $45/hour I would quote them a price of $1150.The amount you charge should also reflect the amount of experience you have. Early on in your career you may need to charge less to get some jobs under your belt.
  9. aspnetguy


    Are you using any form of server side scripting?My guess is you only want to have 1 menu file so it is easy to maintain right?Well if you use PHP you can keep you 1 file and whereever you want ot plae your menu code you can use<?php include('menu.html');?>
  10. aspnetguy


    I don't think there is anyway to do that
  11. Not aslong as IE is still around.
  12. aspnetguy

    Help Me...

    Please do not double post the same question!http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7980
  13. You are in University...so what...if they have policies and rules you still have to follow them. If this site is so important to you then talk to the sysadmin about opening it up again.If they still refuse then you have to accept it...bypassing their security can get you exspelled....how is that for a little enjoyment
  14. perhaps showing less of an attitude would get you a more helpful reply!
  15. You could probably make a good run at IE though
  16. Well, I am not going to tell you how to override your colleges security. they have it in place for a reason.If you want to use that site go to the administrator and explain to him why you need this site.
  17. do you know someone with a PDA? See if you can find someone to let you view your pages. Standard PDA resolution is 320x240.
  18. yes if you want to create an application for PDA then you should probably use mobile.But, check first if PDA browsers support XHTML. If they do you can just use regular .Net and just design the pages for PDA resolution
  19. The reason you would write an application for a mobile device is if you have a product or service to offer to mobile devices, like say ringtones that you want users to be able to download right from their phone. I have never used .Net mobile so I do not know what it is like.
  20. I like those colors much better
  21. this discussion is over...nobody else reply to this! Offical warnings will be handed to anyone who does so.Feel free to continues discussing books though
  22. I'd just like to point out that what you are saying makes absolutely no sense. Nobody said you can't talk about C++. It's a hackers tool??? Okay I guess you can't talk about Windows, or Linux, or any operating system because those are hacker tools too...get real!You asked members to suggest sites to you that teach how to be hackers...That is what I said you cannot talk about!If we use your logic we should shut down the forum since you can use any language to hack with...so we can't talk about any of them...There are reasons that hacking site get shut down...they break into other peoples property and do illegal stuff (don't give me the white vs black hacker crap...it is still illegal). That is why these sites get shut down.
  23. use [ img]the url[ /img] - minus the spaces
  24. *sigh* you could have found this if you did a search, been asked a thousand times *sigh* document.body.oncontextmenu = function(){return false} or <body oncontextmenu="return false">
  25. I would recommend using conditional comments so you can use application/xhtml+xml for everything except IE
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