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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. when using group by very column you select you have to group by as well
  2. I know I asked this before but what games do you play vchris?
  3. aspnetguy

    Port 25

    If you are running your own email server the software should let you choose which port to use. You could always just use your ISP's smtp server
  4. that is true....if that is what you want then go ahead and use it. I would urge you to at least use XHTML Transitional as apposed to HTML Transitional.
  5. it is complaining about this <label for="btnSubmit"> </label><input class="submit" name="btnSubmit" type="submit" value="go!" /> You do not have an id named btnSubmit only name=This will fix it <label for="btnSubmit"> </label><input class="submit" name="btnSubmit" id="btnSubmit" type="submit" value="go!" />
  6. aspnetguy


    should be if(bool.Parse(this.txtEmail.Text == "")) you are assigning "" to txtEmail.Text not comparing (==)also you only need to do this if(this.txtEmail.Text == "") it is the same thing but less code
  7. is this data stored in a datbase or is it hardocded into the control (src="")???post the code of the code of the ad rotater control.
  8. Ok everything seems to be working again (www.aspnetguy.com)port 80 was not blocked.I reset my router and reconfigured and everything is now fine. What I did notice is as soon as the router reset it picked up a different ip from my ISP. The ISP must have changed my IP but for some reason the router didn't pick up on that. Once the router picked that up my dns client updated my domains witht eh correct ip and things are back in business.Thanks for all your help guys.
  9. PHP <textarea...><? echo str_replace("<br/>","\n",$code); ?></textarea>
  10. In that case you need to go back and read all the ASP tutorial, it explains hwo to process forms. You can combine that with the tutorial on sending email and you will get it.Use Response.Form("formfieldname") to get the specified field value. Then put all your field values into a string and send that as the email body
  11. well I am not going to start over completely but it seems the issue is in the router configuration so I am going to reset and reconfigure my router and hope for the best.
  12. what is the extension of the page you are including that code? If it is .html it will not work. You need to use .shtml or some other server side extension like .asp
  13. aspnetguy

    Body background

    it was yellow for a split second while the page loaded, you must be placing something over top with a white background, post your stylesheet code
  14. thanks guys, I'll look at ti tonight. Once and a while I get reminders like this why I don't like Networking
  15. I think you would be better off writing 2 seperate queries and then using a server-side language to determine which wuery to run.
  16. odd, I just pinged my server an hour ago and it was fine....not sure what is going on now
  17. sorry, I don't understand your condition.
  18. take a look here http://www.softplatz.com/software/javascri...ntax-validator/
  19. what??? not more than 1 for loop, that is bogus. What is the exact error? there is no limitation to the number of for loops you can have.
  20. I prefer CSS image maps but I don't know which is better. CSS maps canbe a bit tricky because some browsers read positioning differently.
  21. Maurice,I encourage you to use the search feature of this forum before asking such queastions. This has been answered many, many times.The answer is no because W3Schools remains open and free because of the ad revenue it makes from selling advertising. If they were to offer downloadable or printable versions the amount of traffic to the site would decrease then there ad revenue woudl also decrease and they would have to shut down. So sorry, this is not available and probably never will be.
  22. aspnetguy

    CF login

    boo frames There are so many reasons to smack him for that
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