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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. http://www.codeproject.com/aspnet/ExportClassLibrary.asp
  2. aalbetski is this written in VB.Net 2.0? According tot he MSDN specification for XslTransform, it is obsolete in 2.0.Am I wrong on this? I don't use XML much so I am unsure.
  3. I am not sure, but it is probably true, although it is not a good programming practice.You should always declare your variables and if you want them to be global declare them globally in the first place.
  4. You're using .Net 2.0 right? XslTransform is obsolete in 2.0. http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/s...ltransform.aspxI believe the new class is XslCompiled Transform. http://www.topxml.com/XmlDocument/re-5322_...-mode-XSLT.aspx
  5. aspnetguy

    CSS Woes

    because it is the only browser installed by default on windows and a lot of users don't care or know any better about how bad it is or don't want or know how to download and install a different browser.
  6. aspnetguy

    CSS Woes

    when you test that in IE6 you'll probably notice it flicker on rollover, hopefully that is fixed IE7
  7. no tutorial sites, except w3schools Resource links like browser links or links to W3C specifications.
  8. aspnetguy


    The PHP tutorial? PHP tutorial is here
  9. aspnetguy

    CSS Woes

    Your welcome. Usually my advice comes from personal experience, so I try and help people avoid the same problems
  10. aspnetguy


    Ok, are you wondering anything else?
  11. aspnetguy

    CSS Woes

    Avoiding absolute positioning is always a good idea. It creates many headaches when you are trying to make your site cross-browser friendly.
  12. var name=confirm("Are you sure you want to come in?","Enter my site?")
  13. aspnetguy


    W3Schools is a collection of Web Development tutorials and a support forum. What else "should" there be?
  14. aspnetguy

    CSS Woes

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html><head> <title>Tableless Layout</title> <style type="text/css"> #wrapper { width: 780px; margin: auto; } #left { float: left; width: 200px; border: 1px solid red; } #right { float: right; width: 576px; border: 1px solid green; } </style></head><body><div id="wrapper"> <div id="left"> LEFT </div> <div id="right"> RIGHT </div> <br style="clear:both"/></div></body></html> NOTE: I used 576px as the width for #right. This is to account for the 4px of border (1px on left and right of both columns) so the math is 200 + 576 + 4 = 780.Keep this in mind. You will always have to account for borders, padding, and margins. Everything must be equal or less then the wrappers width.
  15. please post your full code. I'll have to see it to know what is going on
  16. you have to parse out the html code, use ereg_replace()
  17. you mean asp.net 2.0 and visual studio 2005?
  18. Windows does not have expiration dates on folders. You will have to manually track the date.
  19. are you using .Net??? the event shave to be Uppercase forst lettersDownload Visual Web Developer Express, this makes handling events easy.
  20. conText is a text editor and Firefox is a browser...they are not in competition with w3schools un like some sites like dynamic drive.
  21. this talks a bit about socket programminghttp://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Network/SocketProgDTRP.asp
  22. aspnetguy


    I liked the illustration they used:It would take the USS Enterprise travelling at warp 9.6 10 million years to get to the next closest galaxy..that's prett far
  23. that method is depreciate after HTML4 and is not recommended
  24. yup, look into conditional comments. http://www.javascriptkit.com/howto/cc2.shtml
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