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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Do not repeat answers someone else has already given...this is spam...spamming will get you in trouble
  2. start with the tutorial on Web Services http://www.w3schools.com/webservices/default.asp
  3. That is true but doesn't relate to the question at all.I think the best solution (if it is possible with your design) is to ask the user what there connection is (even just a simple dial-up or high speed question).@justsomeguy...you are probably right but wouldn't the ping time differ enough for you at least to determine dial-up or some form of high speed?
  4. That is relying on the user far too much. You are going to end up with alot of emails complaining that it doesn't work. You really should invest the time and use a server side script to process this.
  5. I understand what you are getting at. In the case of a class that is only used internally in an application there is, IMO, very little difference between the 2 methods (por/con wise).If the class is intended for use in mulitple applications having the factory seperate would be a good idea incase you need to create the object differently you could just have a different factory for the different applications without changing the class.Wow, I hope I wasn't confusing either. I haven't written many classes to be used by multiple applications or to be distributed as a component so I haven't researched the topic much or had to even worry about it.
  6. aspnetguy


    Yes flash should work in all browsers that support flash...which is all modern browsers. The <object> code might be different for different browsers but once it is embedded it will work.
  7. aspnetguy

    Gabbly Chat

    work might block me too...lol...I better get back to work
  8. can you post your full code for that fuinction...is it executing when the page loads? Cuz if it is at the time of page load the scrollbars position is 0
  9. what version of the .Net framework do you have installed? This a feature of 2.0 only.
  10. aspnetguy

    Gabbly Chat

    choco is the project manager...I am not sure when things are going ot offically get started.
  11. aspnetguy

    Gabbly Chat

  12. can you post the XSD code? What language are you planning to use for this or are you hoping to just use SQL at the command line?ASP.Net can do some cool stuff with XSD and Databases.
  13. As was mentioned you need to install the correct software. If you do not want to or cannot install the software there are many free hosts that have php support. I like http://www.awardspace.com
  14. specifically look at Goodle AdSense. You get paid everytime someone clicks on your ads. You sign up for an account and you can use the ads on multiple websites.
  15. aspnetguy

    Gabbly Chat

    awesome...I am going ot use this...whenever I am on I will be on chat too if anyone wants to chat
  16. Completely unacceptable. People are here as volunteers to help you. There is no excuse for treating someone this way regardless of whether their answer helps you or not.You get a Warn for this, nect time it will be something harsher...be respectful of other members...especially when they are taking their time to try and help you.
  17. aspnetguy


    well what is wrong with it??? It works fine in my browser, can you post a screen shot.
  18. you'll have to post your code for us to see
  19. just type into to google the server side lanaguage you want to use and the phrase screen scrape.eg php screen scrapeAll languages can do this. It grabs the html output from the targeted page and you can parse the returned html to pick out the pieces of data you want.
  20. Glad it work although it a bit horrendous . Look into using classes to reuse code it is much cleaner and more effiencent
  21. you will either need to edit the contents of the destination file or update a database and generate the destination file fromt he data in the DB.
  22. ASP.Net does still support SSI but recommends using OO style programming instead. This method requires compiling the class into a .dll file. If you are not using VS or do not want ot mess with batch files to get it compiled, you may be able to use <!-- #include file="external.vb" -->
  23. report to hege@refsnesdata.noalso please post the link to the content in question thanks
  24. aspnetguy


    I uploaded the SpySweeper file to my server and it can be downloaded herehttp://aspnetguy.com/files/default.aspx
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