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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. here it is in actionhttp://www.smartwebby.com/DHTML/email_validation.asp
  2. you could do something like this <html><head> <title>GET example</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function sendSearch() { var param1 = document.getElementById('param1'); var param2 = document.getElementById('param2'); var theForm = document.forms[0]; theForm.action += "?param1=" + param1.value + "&param2=" + param2.value; theForm.submit(); } </script></head><body> <form action="search.aspx" method="post"> Param 1: <input type="text" id="param1" name="param1"/> <br/> Param 2: <input type="text" id="param2" name="param2"/> <br/> <input type="button" value="Search" onclick="sendSearch()"/> </form></body></html>
  3. aspnetguy

    switch problem

    I guess PHP doesn't like setting variables that have the same name as the querystring.
  4. You have an IE issues...not really anyway around it. there might be a way to do this with javascript. Set the scrollbar colors to white by default then use javascript to detect when the textarea starts scrolling and then change the scrollbar colors to be visible again but that is a lot of work just for that.
  5. I assume you meant gender of a user (note the ##### in your post). Well I don't...I usually generalize and say he....I hope I don't offend anyone with that...
  6. you would have to use javascript for that, but then you will have the same 2 fields passed as post and get...is this what you are going for?
  7. aspnetguy

    switch problem

    just for kicks try this switch ($_GET['f']) {case "add": addItem(); break;case "remove": removeItem(); break;case "clear": clearItems(); break;default : echo "value fell through"; break;} it might be an issue with the variable and the querystring being the same name?!?
  8. I don't think. Textareas are sort of overflow:auto by default.
  9. aspnetguy

    switch problem

    how are you setting $f? $f = $_GET['f']; //?????
  10. aspnetguy

    switch problem

    so try trimming the whitespace from $f and converting it to lower case just to be sure. It is usually some little thing like that.
  11. aspnetguy


    Who doesn't have 17 million GB of free space
  12. aspnetguy

    variable scope

    you are clearing the array with this line dayArray = {}; is this the one that becomes undefined?
  13. You must be viewing it in IE, right? FirFox hides the scrollbars wutomatically until the content is big enough to need them. In IE it shows regardless. You could set all of the scrollbar attributes in CSS to be the color white but then you would lose the scrollbar all together.
  14. I don't think IE recognizes width:auto and height:auto that is why you get the visible overflow...IE doesn't know the width or height so technically it is not even overflow.I don't know if this article can help you fix this but I didn't find anything elsehttp://www.webcredible.co.uk/user-friendly...ss-tricks.shtml
  15. aspnetguy

    switch problem

    I don't see anything wrong with it but try this. I added a default case to see echo a string when $f doesn't match any of the other cases (which sounds like what is happening) switch ($f) {case "add": addItem(); break;case "remove": removeItem(); break;case "clear": clearItems(); break;default : echo "value fell through"; break;}
  16. aspnetguy

    variable scope

    please post your code.
  17. a couple things. You populate the datareader but never bind it to anything.you are missing the .Net declartion line (or whatever it is called)(.Net shebang )Add this as the first line.<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
  18. I am pretty sure this is not possible because each session variable is an index of the same collection
  19. just set the forms method="get" and it is done automatically.
  20. he did. he juast cut and pasted the last half of his first post. Not sure why.
  21. aspnetguy

    Net Zero

    lol in a couple years that will be outdated....plus autocad doesn't need dual core.that is such a big misunderstanding people have about dual core. It sounds great in theory but when you know the facts it isn't so great for the money you have to pay.It is only good if you run lots of programs at once. Also the programs you run must support multithreading which alot don't but will hopefully in the future.For example I would never by a dual core CPU for my gaming PC because games run on 1 thread and it would only ever use half the CPU...I would by a much faster single core CPU and still save a tonne of money.
  22. I don't believe there is anywhere on the website you can get this. You could try emailing them and requesting that they add that tot he website.I'll move this to the suggestions forum so the admins can see it.
  23. You could use cookies to save the users default city
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