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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Your opinions on religion are not needed. There is no need to put down someones beliefs. You can PM me if you want to have a discussion on it cuz I will give you one
  2. ok I found and a function to ping a ip and came up with this <?php$startTime = time();$hostip = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx";$result = gethostbyaddr($hostip);$finishTime = time();print ($result); //if prints the ip then ping failed, if prints the hostname it was successful?> You can use $startTime and $finishTime to do some calcualtions to see how long it took to ping the ip and determine what connection speed. you will have to test the cod eon multiple connections to get a good idea of how long each type of connection takes.HTH
  3. No hense this earlier post. I did some searching and found nothing but hte naswer NO. Getting the connection speed would need to access the network which I don't know if PHP does that. I know with C++ and C# you have Sockets which allow you to access the network and other PC...Theoreticaly I suppose you could open a socket and connect to the user PC and measure how long it takes to get a response or maybe ping there ip and measure the response time but there is no cut and dry function AFAIK
  4. here it is http://www.browsrcamp.com/it was in my sig but I removed it whne I changed my sig
  5. JavaScript can do lots of stuff but that doesn't always mean it is better than flash. Had that 3d maze been done in flash it would not have been slow since flash loads everything at the beginning not on the fly like JS.
  6. It means follow the link and insert your location on the map.What do you want help with...you obviously know how to post since you posted this question. what do you want to know?
  7. You can't...javascript (or anything else) cannot detect the users hardware.you might be able to do this with C++ but I have no idea how.
  8. you cannot have an application open and run automatically when some clicks a link. If it were an exe file I believe the browser will ask the user if they would like to run it.If this were possible there would be webpages full of auto install viruses.
  9. Dan, let it go, just because you don't want to continue in a conversion doesn't mean it should be closed. Please stop telling us how to moderate.This has been discussed...Kajim has read it and he will decide...there is no need to keep talking about it.
  10. look at this http://www.thecounter.com/stats/2006/August/res.php it will be a while before you can stop designing for 800x600
  11. ok, I just checked the other forums I posted on...I am told making changes to active directory is not possible with RDP but is possible with VPN.
  12. yes, sorry I wasn't clear. If possible my boss wants an Admin Panel he can modify remote user accounts with.
  13. Yeah that would be more efficient too.
  14. I don't follow what you mean...what is the name in the array? Can you give an example of what you are trying to do?Do you mean like associative arrays in PHP?this should helphttp://persistent.info/archives/2004/08/27...ociative-arrays
  15. Nobody knows? Well I decided to use FTS since it comes with some pretty handy searching functions regardless of the performance (which I have no idea if FTS has bettor or worse performance)
  16. I don't think it is possible to do this in IE but FF lets you define some rules in userContent.css. This file is just regular CSS but it gets applied to all sites you view....so you could force all links on all sites to be the same color, etc.
  17. After doing some research I found an open source C# RDP client that should prove very useful.It is looking more and more like I will have to write my own RDp client (or mod the one I found) to get the results I want.Another question, is it possible to modify Active Directory through an RDP connection (programmatically)?
  18. before you insert the user into the database do a select statement to get a list of all the users in the user table. Then use a for loop to see if the provided username already exists in the return results array.
  19. well the same concept applies to listbox and ddl. he 2 click functions I gave you pass values from one list to the other.I don't understand what you want to "write back" to the database.Is it possible for you to post a screen shot of your form and explain in a bit more detail what the requirements of this form are.
  20. Actually ti si COMPLETELY impossible
  21. This definately not going to be a Web App but a desktop app that can be placed on each technicians laptop. Surely there must be a way to simulate the RDP dialog that popups up when you choose it from the Start menu.Anyway, hopefully I can get some more info fromt he other forums I posted on too and I have a tonne of research to do.I guess I should have said I will be using C#.
  22. I was asked today to write a program that will have a central database that will manage the usernames and passwords of the remote servers our company supports.My boss wants me to create a client app that allows a technician to see a list of our servers (from DB) and to be able to click on the server and have it auto login.This app will have an admin backend that will allow my boss to turn on/off want servers each tech can connect to. the point is to have the passwords remain secret so every tech doesn't have a list of usernames and passwords and we wouldn't have to change all the passwords (hundreds) everytime an employee is fired or quits.Is this possible. Some of the servers use RDP to login and some use VPN. Also some of the servers are 2003 and some are 2000.Any advice and/or guidenece would be much appreciated.
  23. you need to start smaller...get more practice before tackling something this big.
  24. I don't see how one way is better than the other...why mess with the extensions?
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