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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    Website Help

    do not post the same question twice, it will be deleted.
  2. all modern browsers support XSLT but only IE supports Data Islands.
  3. there is no way to view the source code in the browser. So yes it is safe to store a password in a php file.
  4. Can you send me a copy of the article,please?
  5. if you are going to populate with all states regardless of what options are selected perhaps you should populate this fromt he beginning as well adn just disable it until they get to that step.
  6. your other topic was deleted. Do not post the same question more than once. be patient.
  7. Yes the tabs are much nicer...good job
  8. I am still waiting for my confirmation email so I cannot judge whether this is spam or not but it sounds as though it would be useful to any web developer.has anyone been able to register? I never got the email it has been over 10 minutes.Someone want to let me read their's??? Please.
  9. aspnetguy

    Gabbly Chat

    http://gabbly.com/http://rsbattlehelp.comworks fine
  10. if you are having to recode 2-3 times you are not spending enough time planning.
  11. I doubt it is flash..I get the prompts when I use opacity/filter in CSS, it is just some settings of IE.I thought my suggestion would solve your probelm, sorry, not sure where else to look.
  12. aspnetguy

    Net Zero

    I would guess that the uncompress time would be far less than the uncompress download time since hte uncompressing is taking place on your PC not over the internet/network
  13. aspnetguy

    Gabbly Chat

    I have put a link on my site to use this chat as well. it is cool.http://gabbly.com/http://aspnetguy.com
  14. Look this little kick you are on is getting annoying. You cannot abandon IE when you are desinging something because 83% of all user still use it. That would be shooting yourself in the foot. Either learn to deal with it or stick to designing desktop applications.
  15. aspnetguy

    popup window

    ReportingsJr,That enough with the insults. Yes IE has a lot of problems but stop calling people that use it stupid and blame them for the problems IE has.There will be no other exceptions, next time action will be taken.
  16. I haven't looked very closely at your code but when you float an element it could possible overlap another element partially so you cannot click on it. Not sure if that was the case but it is a possiblity.
  17. this is an IE setting that automattically blocks popups and ActiveX components until you consent to running them.Go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Custom LevelFrom here you can adjust the ActiveX/plug-in options.
  18. there is no min-width attribute in IE, remove this from #login input and see if makes a difference.Just to be sure this is happening with ALL input boxes ONLY in IE, right?
  19. aspnetguy

    Net Zero

    firstly you should check if it is available to you http://my.netzero.net/s/numbersSecondly it is 9.95/month for the first year then it becomes 14.95/monthas far as the quality of service I don't know. Back in the day when I had dial-up there was only 1 ISP in my area so I have never had different dialup comapanies to know if there is a difference in speed.
  20. the first thing I have noticed is that your label for= doesn't match the id of the input boxes. The inoput boxes have Login_ on them while the label for does not.Not sure if this is having any effect on your problem.
  21. this should help http://www.sitepoint.com/article/management-system-php
  22. You will need a server side language (i think) unless you can use XSLT to tranform the xml document when it is loaded.
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