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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. yes that is true I thought you were refering to <img> and such, also font tags are not depreciated in HTML only XHTML.Technically I don't thing you have to close the font tags (you will not get what you expect but it will still validate).
  2. He may be I haven't been following this topic but just thought it would be good to mention this.Even if you are selling it, having the ability to host multiple sites on one DB and set of code will make your application more attractive.Where I work we developed a CMS for our internal websites then decided to market it. We don't sell the source code but sell it as a service. We host it for a monthly fee. Everything runs off one SQL Server database and one set of C# code.
  3. I think the function you are refering to is parseInt()
  4. aspnetguy


    do not double post your questions please
  5. aspnetguy


    This question is answered on the w3schools site. They receive money for advertising so it is not possible to allow users to download content since they would lose traffic and money.Before posting please use the search function as this question has already been asked many times.
  6. Sorry I forgot that it was your original idea
  7. His code is valid! Not everyone wants to write XHTML (although that is always a good idea) his code looks like valid HTML 4 to me.
  8. Something to consider (especially if this is only for your personal use) is designing your CMS to have multiple sites in only one database and to run on the same code. Once you start creating databases and copy and pasting hte code to a new folder for each new site it becomes hard to manage.Lets imagine you at some point to have 10 sites running off this application you create. You then have 10 databases and 10 sets of the same code. Now you find some bugs or want to add a new feature...you have to modify 10 databases and 10 sets of code.Lets say your application becomes popular and you start your own company and have 50 sites running, etc, etc....do you really want to be modifing multiple databases and sets of code???
  9. originally the whole point that they developed this list (my understanding anyways) was because there is no good documentation on all the depreciated tags and their replacements.Adding all html tags is kind of a waste of time...there are so many lists of html tags out there...unless Dan wants to add them so he has a full centralized list.
  10. if you place the code that loads ddl1 in If Not Page.IsPostBack Then ... this will keep the ddl from reloading each postback.
  11. aspnetguy


    I view is just that a view. You cannot update or insert into a view (well you can but it breaks the view). You have to insert into or update the original tables.
  12. theoreticall you can use psuedo classes on any element but IE only reconginzes link puesdo class on <a>
  13. Those will not work for FireFox or Opera you will have to add margin:auto tot he inner div to get ti to center....it would be easier to just have one div and use margin:auto in the first place.
  14. aspnetguy

    XHTML vs XML

    RSS feeds is one use. XML is used to store data in a defined format.
  15. aspnetguy

    Net Zero

    Why did they get a dual core then...why waste the money?
  16. or hopefully they have this data in a database and you can connect to it remotely. You will need the database user and password and hte ip of hte server for that.
  17. aspnetguy

    Net Zero

    lol pretty sweet. You don't have to worry about your cpu
  18. Ok, thank you little goat for sending me the PDF. I read the whole thing and it is very interesting. The information on how Google AdSense has changed on Nov 22 2005 makes me realize he is right...making AdSense money is not so easy anymore.Then at the end of the 18 page report he says he is releasing the 2nd part of this report on Sept 21 (the part that actually tells you how he is making his claimed $50000/mth).I will interested to see what he says but I am not holding my breath
  19. If you leave your webserver that open you should not be hosting sensitive information or if your host is that pathetic you need to switch.
  20. the layout is a bit messed up in Firefox too.
  21. checked my spam folder not there either. It is a hotmail account. they may have blocked it completely.
  22. I doubt there were many web enabled hand held devices are the time of HTML 3 (just a guess)
  23. Yahoo has a program in beta stage know available to US residents called Yahoo! Publishers Network...it is just basicall their spin on AdSense, from what I understand.
  24. depreciated...you can simulate it with javascript. I personally hate marquees
  25. up to 15 emoticons is socially acceptable but anymore beyond that is considered obscene (or at least very irritating). JK (I couldn't add any more emoticons cuz there are 15 in the quote LOL)
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