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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Geocities is not a good host. Your site will be slow, fuill of ads and very limited.Check out this link to see some good info on hosting.http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3770CSS is a presentation language that cannot do anything without HTML or XHTML.I would say start XHTML and CSS first (HTML is older and 'messier' than XHTML)
  2. okay you need to be more patient and only hit the submit button once
  3. I should have noticed thatchange the js file to look like this function set_focus(page_form,page_element){ document.getElementById(page_element).focus()}
  4. I have not found a way to make an iframe transparent...I have resigned myself that it is not possible
  5. try this instead <script language="javascript" src="/include/check_shewart_page.js"></script><script language="javascript">.........</script>
  6. well, yes it is, iframes will cover selects if you can do what you want with an iframe....I just don't like using iframes unless absolutely necessary, it is just a personal preference.
  7. the only way to over come this is to use display:none to hide it in when the other layer is over top.
  8. okay then can you post the full contents of the external js file and an full html page using this js file (that si not working) so I am can reproduce the situation.
  9. I am using a WinXP Pro/Ubuntu dual boot on my main PC and Windows Server 2003 on my 2 servers.
  10. aspnetguy


    it applies to anyone (in the US) that is collecting information from children under the age of 13. It is the law!
  11. you are including the link to the external js file right?
  12. it will not work if you are placing the first part in the <head> you will either have to place it just before </body>or place this in the <head> instead <script>onload=function(){ set_focus(form1,element1)}</script>
  13. technically span is not made to enclose blocks of content but to only 'span' one line. <div> is used for blocks.That is why span is an inline element and div is a block element.
  14. you should read thishttp://alistapart.com/articles/flashsatay
  15. You can write XHTML in a .html with no problems. Think of XHTML as a newer version of HTML (not entirely true but for arguements sake...).XHTML is more strict that HTML making you close every tag and it has depreicated a lot of needless HTML tags in order to make you use CSS to preform the same tasks.XHTML's goal is to seperate structure from presentation. XHTML provides the structure while CSS takes care of presentationEDIT: oohhohhhh I have been beaten
  16. good to hear...have fun learning .Net!
  17. var orig = true;function swap(obj,img1,img2){ orig = !orig; if(orig) obj.src = img1; else obj.src = img2;}......<img src="img1.gif" alt="" onmouseover="swap(this,'img1.gif','img2.gif')" onmouseout="swap(this,'img1.gif','img2.gif')"/> try something like that. Did you really need preloading of images?
  18. can you post the code you used to display the flash files?
  19. uninstall both and install IIS first then Visual Studio
  20. have you been getting these errors for day 1 or is it something that just started happening?You could always try a repair install of Windows to refresh the system files.
  21. Ah yes that is a big problem :)uninstall both the .Net framework and IIS. Then install IIS then the .Net framework.IIS must be installed first for the framework to configure itself properly.
  22. okay we need some info first.I assume you are using Windows XP Professional???You have installed IIS? You installed the .Net framework (but installed IIS first)?
  23. I would like to point out that I have been using the Express tools and find that I am not limited in anything. The only annoyance is that you have to download 2 different IDE's for WEb and Desktop applications but for being FREE I can live with that.I say this because before I started using the Express tools I was writing my .Net code in Notepad and compiling it with a batch file.So, anything you want to do can be done in notepad and batch files so Express tools should not pose a problem...except unless you want an IDE that will handle all your DB connections for you and toher stuff like that but those are not requirements, only conveniences.<$0.02/>
  24. I knew windows had a lot of holes but I didn't realise MS left so many unpatched!!!Ubuntu 6.06 0% unpatched...whew!
  25. aspnetguy


    You can put the PDF in an iframe but it is still opened with Acrobat Reader....PDF requires a third-party reader to open.No way around it.
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