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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. uninstall IIS and reinstall it. This should get rid of the error when you open up IIS...it might be contributing to not running ASP as well
  2. iframe{scrollbar-face-color:#FFFFFF;scrollbar-shadow-color:#0000FF;scrollbar-highlight-color:#0000FF;scrollbar-3dlight-color:#FFFFFF;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#FFFFFF;scrollbar-track-color:#7777FF;scrollbar-arrow-color:#000000;}
  3. with CSSa:link and a:visited
  4. Actually Kajim visits the forums at least 2 times a month (at least)!
  5. my guess would be in the next version of CSS...check www.w3c.org to find out the latest plans for CSS
  6. Content Management System. Basically a system that loads a template of some sort and fills in information that is stored in a database (the text and images) with interface screens to let you easily change text and so on.
  7. use REPLACE()http://www.sqlteam.com/item.asp?ItemID=7386
  8. aspnetguy

    im new

    why not Intoduce Yourself
  9. You want the image to download when the user clicks it? If the user right clicks they can already choose to download it.You will want to use window.open to get links to open in a new window or for HTML you could use target="_blank" in the <a> tag
  10. There are some html tags not listed (not commonly used or were depreciated long ago) but I think that all the XHTML tags are there (if not most are)
  11. You will not be able to get the scrollbar stuff to work outside of IE...they are IE only attributes not supoorted or recommended by W3C
  12. here is a list of the properties accosiated with LinkButtonhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/s...properties.aspxthere doesn't appear to be anything for alternative text
  13. What you will want to do is have a div as a wrapper. Center the wrapper on the page (margin:auto) and then make all the elements go inside the wrapper and use position:relative
  14. IE has too many security holes to mention. Just to give you some pperspective. I usually run Ad-Aware every 1-2 weeks. When I was using IE all the time I was getting spyware in the range of 100-200 infections.When I switched to FireFox it is only about 40-50 infections (and most of that comes from my wife who still uses IE)
  15. Visual Web Developer (VWD) is a "lite" version of visual studio for only creating web applications...just to be technical :)start here http://www.asp.net/Tutorials/quickstart.aspx
  16. Everything is fine, no worries, I just thought it was funny that you made the statement then backed down when I said something different.Nobody can be right all the time (I prove that everyday) but try being sure of what you are saying befoer you say it.
  17. I think that right there proves that Opera is the "strictest" browser and doesn't let you get away with garbase code like IE, although I am surprised FireFox displayed it correctly.
  18. I was refereing to this statement I was saying regardless of whether you store information about the file in a databse you still have to (with PHP code) edit the files thmeselves. Changing the data in the database is not enough.Sorry if that is not what you meant but that is the way it sounded.
  19. I hate to tell you, but regardless of wether you log it in a database or not in order to edit and rename files, etc you have ot edit the files themselves, so why add the extra step of the database in between?I understand what you are saying but for the most part it is more work thatn is needed. There are times when you'll want a database record of the files like in a CMS or something but for small applications it is needless.
  20. Yes but 3 weeks is not enough time to create a CMS that has enough features to be worth while.
  21. Yup you run it on a server and it produces html to send to the browser, C doesn't (not natively) produce HTML code when compiled.Writeing a webpage in C is like plowing a field with a saxaphone...C was never meant to do it. Yes I am sure you can make it work with a lot of coffee and aspirin but why would you???
  22. Read up on the "samy id my hero" worm. That is a good example of how only IE could screw something like that up. IE has many holes due to poor programming that cannot be exploited in anyother decently developed browser.If you admit you are sure of what you are saying than why are you saying it and arguing with me?
  23. No! Can you run your C application in Internet Explorer or any other browser. A server is just a beefed up PC with a little extra software to server content ot other computers.I doubt you can get your C code to be transfered over HTTP and go to a browser that knows how to render that as HTML.
  24. Well, sorry to step on your toes but that was 30 years ago...nobody in there right mind would code a website in C today. I would like to see an example of how this is done...I am still skeptical.
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