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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. You want to build your own server. Do you mean put the PC and hardware together or write the software like Apache?You won't find full tutorials on how to build these applications. You need to sit down and think about what needs to be done and break it down. You will have no trouble finding tutorials on how to do the individual pieces.
  2. one other thing we will need is some sort of method and vasriable naming scheme that everyone will have to follow.
  3. a tutorial on building a bot woudl be huge since there are so many things to consider.Once you stop and break it down you will realize that you can find tutorials or help on how to do specific pieces, for instance regualr expressions to parse data.
  4. oops thats right it should be 3600000 instead of 3600 in my script to make it every hour
  5. The browser will tell them if they have it or not and prompt them to download it.
  6. SFB, if that were the case what about abnning users? do they get banned from all sites?JR, The project or technologies have nto been decided. This thread is for discussing ideas. All ideas will be considered and put to a vote (poll) after the project is decided then we will decided on the technologies to use, another poll.
  7. I don't know if it will help you but if oyu go to my website -> Downloads and download my spider you can view the source code (DotNetCrawler.cs) and see how I did it. Except in mine I used regexp to get all the <a> href's from each page then add them to the list to be followed.
  8. nope, everything is organized into Objects and classes. Unlike php which has lots of built in functions that are not organized, .net uses namespaces to manage things.eg The Response object has many functionsResponse.Flush();Response.Write();Response.Clear();as well as RequestRequest.Form[]Request.QueryString[]etc,etc,etcI have a demo here
  9. what you saw was amazing...I never finished the admin panel tho...I liked it because it was clean and easy to use....Word Press is getting too clogged with useless features, IMO. Maybe I'll finish it someday soon
  10. hmm I'll have to see if asp.net has something like flush....mine jsut processes then spits everything out at the end...I would like to have it show link by link.EDIT: what do you know Repsonse.Flush(); :)EDIT: We must have been posting at the same time....thanks.
  11. using php to get the database data then convert it to XMl then read the XML with actionscript is a pretty intensive process that certainly isn't the most efficient method.You can pass data directly to flash from PHP and vice versa, why not do that? Or are there limitaions I am unaware of (I have only passed small pieces of data).
  12. your best bet is to "scrape" a whole page at a time then parse the returned html to get out the info you want. Only taking a piece every request then re-running the same request for another piece is going to slow thing s down a lot.
  13. I wasn't sure if it would be there or not...it must only be in IIS6...I don't know what to tell you. I can't think of any other reason why it would not work go into IIS and navigate to Application pools, expand this node and right click and choose Recycle or Start for each app pool you see listed there.
  14. aspnetguy

    string length

    use Len() in MS Access and SQL Server
  15. Open Control Panel -> Administrative Tools - > Internet Information servicesexpand the tree once. You should see options like Websites, Application Pools, etc.Is there one (near the bottom) that says Web Service Extension?If there is click on it. You should see tot he right a list of extension allowed to run on IIS. Is ASp.Net there? Is is Allowed?
  16. You will be able to write search engines, spiders, bots, etc with PHP but they won't be as fast as if you used C++ or C# or even Java
  17. Have the forms in there own iframes. Set the main page to refresh every 10 minutes or something so it reloads the forms int he ifrmaes
  18. what version of the .Net framework did you install?Did you have IIS installed before you installed the .Net framework or di you install it after you installed .Net?Test a regular .html page (localhost/index.html) to see if IIS is functioning correctly.
  19. not sure that you can...the toolbars are part of Acrobat reader
  20. read this http://www.west-wind.com/presentations/loa...Windows2003.asp
  21. add this as the first line of the page<%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="True" %>Any change?
  22. <script>onload=function submitForm(){ document.formName.submit(); setTimeout(submitForm,3600); //submits every hour}</script>
  23. what version of windows are you using? Can you post your code?
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