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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. What code...the links are to PNG images
  2. can I see the code or should I keep guessing?
  3. you can easily filter the array that is returned...the contents can't be edited unless you have code that does it. If you keep a list of the folder contents in a databse what is the advantage? It just makes more work writing extra code and maintaining the list.
  4. aspnetguy


    you get malware from browsing websites...that is not doing anything wrong but you still get it.Malware is programs that get onto your computer from code that is executed when you view a webpage, open an email, or things like that.I can write a virus but if nobody ever opens it, it can't infect anybody.
  5. no you didn't You said it was up to your security software to keep malware out...that can only clean up the mess once the malware is already there. IE lets in more malware than any other major browser.
  6. it might be inheriting the centering from a parent element. Just set the text-align of that element to left.
  7. Not to sound rude, because that is their job...they get paid for it (ad revenue).That would do nothing for helping members of the community learn the processes of software development or improve their coding skills.
  8. aspnetguy


    give me an example of how malware gets on your PC without you doing amything (downloading, surfing the net, reading email), aside from your computer being hacked.
  9. That would just be 3 weeks of technical writing...
  10. Actually it is up to your security software to get rid of the junk your browser lets in
  11. I would agree with you as long as we don't end up doing blog or forum software...you can get that anywhere in php. And besides we are not going to create a better forum than IPB or phpBB in 3 weeks.
  12. I think it is written in PERL. Websites are not written in C...C is a desktop application language. You can create COM components in C that can be used by websites tho.
  13. http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/function.scandir.php
  14. It is a bad idea to start mixing languages in an application. Either use PHP or ASP.Net or something else...don't try and mix them.
  15. There is very little open source .Net software out there at all. It would be nice to do something in .Net since any idea we come up with has probably been done a dozen times in PHP already. The software would be in a smaller market and be more relavent if it were in .Net.Please don't choose ASP...I know it is one of the tutorials covered on w3schools but I wouldn't recommend anyone learnign ASP anymore (unless they need to for maintaining older applications). ASP is finished and MS has stopped all development of it. They have moved on to .Net. I say that with all due respect and as a former ASP developer. I recommend either PHP or ASP.Net because PHP is still very popular and is still being developed regularly and ASP.Net is very powerful for reasons I have beaten to death
  16. Doesn't matter what your source is if you place this in <script></script> tags as the last thing before </body> it will work....it filters out and link with the text Register as a label.
  17. C# is not the MS version of C++. It is the MS version of Java (Except much better). It was developed by the same guy who developed Java...I think he left Sun and went to MS...lolYou cannot combine C# and PHP. Dan, because it is MS we shouldn't use it?So what that PHP is open source? Do you expect that the users how use the finish project are goignto need to modify the PHP language?Any project can be made open source regardless of what language was used to develop it.Personally I think that .Net should be used because it can be compiled which makes for a faster runnning app and makes it much easier to port (you do not need to install all source files (.cs files) on the webserver...just drop in the 1 .dll file along with the HTML (.aspx pages).However there are far more PHP programmers in the community...which will most likely out vote me and would make PHP a more practical choice.
  18. that is true...you should give you links ids so you can target a specific one
  19. ok, lol, I just thought that would be a given...common sense.
  20. I don't follow, what do you mean use generalized names for classes?
  21. I don't think anyone outright said it was a bad idea...they ju st raised some possible problems it might cause.But regardless, I don't think Kajim will feel it is a high enough priority to persue the idea.
  22. var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');for(i=0;i<links.length;i++){ if(links[i].innerText == "Register") links[i].style.display = "none";}
  23. try this http://www.hypergurl.com/bookmark.htmlbe sure to make sure it works in all browsers
  24. what do you mean by link button? A regular link? try this a href="theurl" title="your Alt Text Here">Click Me</a>
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