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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Apache 1.3.x and 2.x are compatible with windowsyou can download them here http://httpd.apache.org/
  2. Maryln Manson...the singer...not Charles Manson the physco killer...can't you tell from his weird avatar?
  3. well I didn't know that...one more reason to not use it, IMO, your giving the attcker some room to work.
  4. That only works if there is no password on the admin account or you know the password. If you can get in apply a password or change the exisiting one so your brother does just change your password again.
  5. *prays for divine intervention*
  6. basically. If you were on a control panel of some sort and values got passed through form post (hidden value that you normally couldn't access) but they used $_REQUEST to get them. If you were to make a querystring with the same name as the hidden field you could set any value you wanted because REQUEST would use the GET value first.Mind you this is not always a threat only in certain situations and the way you write your code has an effect too, but I have just always avoided using REQUEST so I do not have to worry.
  7. looks good, good job, maybe I have just had a really bad experience with this. perhaps I need to simplfy the diesng first???Although it may change once you add content, but hopefully not.
  8. There is $_REQUEST, $_GET, and $_POST$_GET is for getting querystrings from a url and $_POST gets data sent by forms using the post method.Now $_REQUEST checks both so if you had a querystring call x (?x=something) and also a form field submitted called x then $_REQUEST would take the $GET value (i think).but if you used GET and POST you could get both values.$x1 = $_GET['x'];$x2 = $_POST['x'];In some situations using REQUEST can allow attackers to inject attacks through the querystring because REQUEST takes GET first even though you intended it to take POST. All they would have ot do is name a querystirng the same as your form field and could override for intended coding.In some cases this could be very dangerous. I never use request I always use the GET or POST for the exact functionality I want
  9. yes but you will have troubles applying this with valid XHTML and that onle applies to the body and one div.Test it this way. Place 2 divs in your body,one on top of the other, each with a colored border so you can see them. Make the top div width:500px;height:250px. then make the bottom one width:500px and height:100%.The bottom one will not, in FF, take up the remaining space of the screen but will be the total height of the screen + 250px of the top div.
  10. other is the name of the variable but you did not assign a value to it.If you set your link like this. <a href="photo-browser.php?other=somevalue">Click Me</a> On photo-browse.php you would get the value like this. $valueOfOther = $_GET['other']; $valueOfOther would equal "somevalue"
  11. height: 100% continues to be a problem mostly because every browser handles it differently.In this case IE handles, IMO, correctly alllowing it to use all avaible space.In FF, say your browser resolution is 800x600, and you use height:100% (there is a deatiloed method to get ti to work) then FF handles it as though you put 600px (!00% of your resolution is 600px) not just take up the availbel space.Needless to say it is a pain in the neck and I have resorted to using body background images to simulate this style.
  12. have you read the XML/XSLT tutorials? There are examples there
  13. that is their spam filter settings...you cannot control that at all.
  14. do you have a link to this so we can see exactly what is going on?
  15. Word Press is alright, I used it for a while. It does seem to have issues when running with PHP5 and I found the editing the templates complicated.Why does every little piece of the template have to have like 3 files? I spend most of the time trying to find the thing I need to change.
  16. www.w3schools.com try the CSS tutorial
  17. Just do a google search for rich text editor and you will find a ton. Most come with istall instructions so it shouldn't be too hard.
  18. you could read the xml values with a server-side language, you could use JavaScript (AJAX), or you could create an XSLT stylesheet to transform the XML data to XHTML.
  19. Do you not have parents? Why not ask them to restore your account?
  20. Welcome Aygul.LOL, what is your water like? Do it have high mineral content? When I was young we lived in an apartment with high amounts of iron in the water...fish would only live about 3-4 hours after bringing them home.
  21. just post them in the appropriate forums, thanks
  22. the thing google uses to index sites
  23. that thread is only for introductions not any subject you want!
  24. do not post your question in more than one place!
  25. If you have a sound called mysound.mp3 you would upload it and the page to the same folder then use this code on the page. <bgsound src="mysound.mp3" loop="5" That code will play the sound 5 times. you can replace 5 with any number or INFINITE if you want it to loop forever.
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