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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    Suggestions needed

    huh? What do you mean?
  2. did you define the table like this <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> ?Or do you mean you just did this <table> and the MAC (assuming you used Safari, right?) displayed it with no cell spacing but other browser are?Can you post your code?
  3. MySpace.com is for what I would say (sorry if I offend) kids and really lame people.It is for people how know nothing about web design and want a place to talk to friends when they manage to tear themselves away from their IM.
  4. relative means that it is relative to the element it is inside while absolute is really relative to the whole window.
  5. the code not only automatically added samy as your hero and friend it then added itself to your prodfile so it exponntially grew.They deleted accounts that were infected....over 1,000,000
  6. he had 1,000,000 friend requests in just over 20 hours. Amazing and ascary at the same time.
  7. did you here about the guy that brought down MySpace.com? Makes me think twice about allowing ANY html to be written to pages (not that I have any). Much better to use something like BB code.http://namb.la/popular/
  8. so does the script I posted...it just doesn't write out the day or month but prints them as numbers
  9. yeah, don't use it.It is so hard to get things to work with absolute positioning. If I have to play with positioning I always use relative and wrp the element in a container.It takes a bit more planning but it works out much easier.
  10. you need javascript to get the clients pc time.use this <html><head> <title>JavaScript Date and Time</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function writeDateTime() { var dateo = new Date(); var th = document.getElementById('timeHolder'); th.innerHTML = getDateNow(dateo) + " " + getTimeNow(dateo); setTimeout(writeDateTime,1000); } function getDateNow(dateo) { return dateo.getDay() + "/" + dateo.getMonth() + "/" + dateo.getYear(); } function getTimeNow(dateo) { var hr = dateo.getHours(); var min = dateo.getMinutes(); var sec = dateo.getSeconds(); if(hr > 12) hr = hr - 12; if(min < 10) min = "0" + min; if(sec < 10) sec = "0" + sec; return hr + ":" + min + "." + sec; } </script></head><body> <div id="timeHolder"></div> <script> writeDateTime(); </script></body></html>
  11. I would recommend avoid using solutions that only work in one browser. You will be alienating alot of your users if you do not make your site as cross-browser friendly as possible.
  12. you are probable looking for window.open('url','windowName','options');
  13. so really we are talking about 0011 and 0111
  14. One of our computer class assignments was to make a website except we HAD to use the page builder from geocites.com. When my sister was in high school (still same computer teacher) they had upgraded to DW;)...but I hand coded strict XHTML for her....the teacher thought she was a genius...:)Those had to be the sadest looking websites EVER!
  15. aspnetguy

    wow 263

    that's probably what happened
  16. aspnetguy

    wow 263

    mine says 5:26 pm...it depends on what timezone you are in.
  17. I wasn't implying that there was anything wrong with the pic I only mentioned it because you mentioned about your sig image not working so I wanted you to be aware of the limits for images.I have had to send countless PMs to new members for this very reason. That is why I mentioned it.And Welcome to the forums.
  18. Please don't add useless or meaningless content...aka the "post kick" above. This is considered spam.Thanks.
  19. probably not...once you change the extention you can include files like this <!-- #include file="filename.html" -->
  20. if you change the extension from .html to .shtml you can use SSI to include your navigation
  21. aspnetguy

    wow 263

    man were you playing with the F5 key again??? :)Seriously I left exactly 26 minutes before this....do I have hte plague...do people stay away when I am here :)
  22. It might work if you use a MS Access database since it is a file not a DB server.The only problem I can see with that is that every customer will have a different letter assigned to their cd drive.You would need a "intro" form to get the user to input the drive letter of their cd rom.But your best bet is to use this.... http://portablewebap.com/
  23. be sure to read the rules on avatars and signature images before putting them up.15K or less and no animations
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