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Everything posted by smiles

  1. smiles

    Frames help

    <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function go() {window.url.location=document.getElementById("menu").value}</script></head><body><form><select id="menu" onchange="go()"> <option>--Select a page--</option> <option value="http://www.w3schools.com">W3Schools</option> <option value="http://www.google.com">Google</option> <option value="http://www.altavista.com">AltaVista</option></select><iframe src="" name="url"></iframe></form></body></html> try this
  2. why not : or :/ or // anyway , thanks
  3. url address is very familiar with all of you but any one know about the sign :// in it ???my friend ask me and I ask you thanks !!!
  4. you mean progressing bar , It 's necessary for big flash filessee some function like getTotalBytes() ...
  5. I think you should have a funny website and forum is one of its component
  6. smiles

    free music

    I would like to have some short .mp3 file for flash , anyone know any site for it ???
  7. I think problem is at server , maybe you must upload some files support Chinese ?
  8. smiles

    FLASH Versus HTML

    why don't you try to view this site ???http://www.innovativedesigns.org.uk/index.php?visitID=3I think flash site is modern , safer but hard to edit and type another language
  9. smiles

    how to resize flash

    CSS just only meets image , don't think that can resize with flash
  10. smiles

    flash and php

    how can flash and php have communication between them ??? I want to create a website by flash , any advices is appreciated thanks !!!
  11. don't see anything show me right way
  12. smiles

    help required

    I think flash 5 allow you to export .swf to .html , do this and view the source code of the .html , take the code from tag <object> ... </object>
  13. smiles

    flash and replay

    don't mind I 'm a free one
  14. smiles


    so that 's very simple , red is the colour of soil , blue is the colour of sea , yellow is the colour of sun , that 's three basic colour that we can easily regconize
  15. smiles

    flash and replay

    tell me about that
  16. smiles

    What is Web2.0?

    I just know that it ' s the upgraded version of World Wide Web
  17. boen-robot , could you help me with this question , that maybe old but I didn't notice it before for example , I have a forum named www.something.ipbfree.com so ... how can i change it to www.something.com , thanks !!!
  18. I tried to publish flash movie into gif image but It looked terrible , I don't think that flash 8 is good at it , maybe we need other software if I am in wrong way , could you tell me about function of Publish and Export ( what is the difference between them ? ) and how can I have a good gif image from flash movie ???thanks !!!
  19. smiles

    flash and replay

    well , let me see , seems that I started with it from last month , because I 'd like to create web by flash but now I 'd like to create a present by flash for my special friend ... you will know this flash when I finish it ... so I don't have any books about flash , maybe i will have it next month , at the moment I use Flash help ... and I think I ' m the best of finding way in the dark :)the person I create is very simple at I say , a round replaces head , lines replace hand , leg , foot ... but my trouble now is , I 'd like to create a string of big texts ( size > 120 ) ... and the texts are moved from right to left ( we only see the head part of the text ), and at last the text becoming small and fill in the flash screen
  20. smiles

    Bending Lines

    choose "selection" , click on line then right click and choose " free transform "
  21. it can be solved by adding a notice in posting part
  22. smiles

    Busy Server

    any chance for free websites
  23. I don't think there is anything like that , and I don't think everything is randomizedit loads from top to bottom with CRT screens and maybe the same with LCD screens
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