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Everything posted by Eric

  1. Eric

    Rounded corners

    W3 html validator asks for it for the character setExample:<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />The part in red is what is really read when going thru the validator.If you use .htaccess or PHP to set the character set, then the <meta> tag isn't needed at all.If you'd like, I can show you a webpage with no <meta> tag at all, and still 100% valid by the validator.
  2. Eric

    Rounded corners

    Glad I could help
  3. Eric

    Rounded corners

    The advantage is it's correct.The disadvantage is that W3C said in the XHTML 1.1 Specification that you're not allowed to use text/html. Using text/html is in violation of the specification.The validator has limitations (as noted by the W3C) so it will say your page is valid, but it truely isn't if sent in text/html
  4. Eric

    Rounded corners

    Please don't tell me you're THAT (I won't say it)META DOES NOT DETERMAND THE CONTENT TYPE. THE SERVER HEADER DOES, BUT YOU CAN CHANGE THIS IN .HTACCESS OR PHPThat reply just made me lose respect points for you Jonas http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&ur...%2Fsnowman.htmlLook there, that is what the server header is putting out.The site is being sent as text/htmlOMGWTF NOOB!!!!Please Note: Anything I said in this post in just in joke. I'm supprised you didn't know that about <meta> actually NOT determanding content type, but I didn't mean the "noob" or "respect" comments. I still like you
  5. Eric


    Spelling doesn't count
  6. Eric

    Rounded corners

    At least I don't send XHTML 1.1 as text/html :)Also, I HAVE made a better site to learn advanced CSS skills, I just don't go around advertising my successes like some other people on here...... :(Quite a number of different professional-level CSS layouts, and other things.
  7. Eric


    I thought the "offical" term was cookies and cache
  8. Eric

    A way to edit...

    I found this on google.It seems to be a chart of various free hosts that allow phphttp://www.0php.com/free_PHP_hosting.php
  9. Eric

    A way to edit...

    Depends on if you want a free webhost or one you have to pay for?(so I know what to search for)There is also a topic I think, pinned I believe, of free hosts that offer PHP
  10. The page looks odd though, you have a group of "hello" on the left, then a blank area, then more "hello".There's nothing on the right, is that how you wanted it?Look at these screen shots
  11. You could probably google for "phpbb skins that look like IPB" and see what turns up.I know there are IPB skins that are modeled after the VBulliten default skin, so there are probably some PhpBB skins that are modeled after IPB default.
  12. Eric

    HTML Dom

    Exactly :)I have a nav menu that displays extra text when you hover over the hyperlinks. But I'd never call that "DHTML" because it's not "Dynamic HTML", since HTML can only be Static.I do however say what it really is "I have some JavaScript that triggers text to apear when you hover over the links, CSS to position the text and also hide it when not triggered, and HTML <div> elements to contain the text"But I'd never ever say "I'm using DHTML to make this happen" because, in my opinion, that's just wrong.
  13. Eric

    A way to edit...

    odd, it looks correct.Are you making sure to use the .php extension on that page?
  14. Eric

    A way to edit...

    Oh, so that's the file you want to include into other pages?Well I'll highlight in red what to remove<html><body>The server is Currently: OFFLINE</body></html>If you put those tags in the file, then they'll be included in the other pages and you'll have 2 sets of the game tags.Put that in somefile.extension and then use include("somefile.extension"); in the other pages.If it still doesn't work, then can I see how you included it in the other pages?
  15. Eric

    A way to edit...

    What is the entire code? (with the php bits included, not just the html stuff)
  16. I tried that and it still seems to be escaping the quotes.Not sure why.
  17. I was making a page in which you type of some code in one frame and it is displayed in the other frame.The problem is, if quotes are added, either single or double, then they are escaped.If I put <h1 style="color:red;">Hello World</h1> or <h1 style='color:red;'>Hello World</h1> then it just displays as black text because the source comes out like this:<h1 style=\"color:red;\">Hello World</h1> or <h1 style=\'color:red;\'>Hello World</h1>The only time it works is if I write it like this:<h1 style=color;red>Hello World</h1> (with no quotes)Can someone please fix this for me?This is what I have in left.php <?phpecho <<<HTML<table cellpadding="10" class="center"> <tr> <td style='background-color: #f8dcc8; color:#000000; width: 200px;'> <span style="font-family:arial, serif; font-size:15px;"> Type in the HTML code you would like to see, then submit </span><hr/><form action='right.php' method='post' target='right'><table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' border='0'><tr> <td> <span style='font-size: 15px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;'> <strong>Your HTML:</strong> </span> </td> <td> <textarea cols='40' rows='12' name='htmldata'>$htmldata</textarea> </td></tr><tr><td align='center'><input type='submit' value='Submit' /></td></tr></table></form></td></tr></table>HTML;?> This is what I have in right.php <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>View Your HTML</title></head><frameset rows="75,*"><frame src="top.php" name="top" /><frameset cols="500,*"><frame src="left.php" name="left" /><frame src="right.php" name="right" /><noframes><body><p><a href="noframes.php">This explains why you can't see this page</a></p><p><a href='java script:history.go(-1)'>Or you can go back to the page you left</a></p></body></noframes></frameset></frameset></html> Here's the page http://www.clifford.excelitehost.com/tests/showcode/frames/
  18. It wouldn't, but then I'd have something to do :(I just meant "too bad I got here late, no point in answering the question twice, so I can't answer it, too bad for me" :)I think you were reading my post a little too seriously
  19. Skemcin beat me too it :)There was a time when Microsoft could only handle 3 letter extensionsOh well, too bad I didn't get to this topic sooner. My darn Internet was down for like an hour or two.
  20. You can also do it from the system tray (the group of icons in the far right on the taskbar)Right-click on the network icon and click repair.
  21. Eric

    A way to edit...

    Either include() or require()The difference:If the file fails to load, it will just issue warnigns with include() and the rest of the page will still load.With require() if the file fails to load, the whole page won't load.<?phpinclude("the_file_to_include.extension");?>
  22. So far, the chatrooms I've come accross and have used in the past have been: Java PHP Flash ~My Opinion~ Out of the 3, I prefer Flash. PHP requires it to refresh the page every few of seconds (unless you set it to refresh every 1 second but that can sometimes be annoying). Java doesn't need to refresh, but is slow to load and some older browsers can't use it. Flash is good because it doesn't need to refresh and it is fast. You can create a MySQL database and trigger the chat to save to it in PHP, and have it lnk to the Flash chatroom.
  23. That's a lot of cable. How come your company doesn't use wireless cameras?There are some that can wirelessly transmit up to 200 feet, a little expensive though. You could probably find some good ones that can transmit up to 100 feet though within a good price range.
  24. Eric

    HTML Dom

    Exactly "stupid terms" "stupid buzz words" same thing I wish they were never thought-up, keep it simple.Call it what it is, if you're using JS don't call it DOM just because it can interact in a certain way, JS was made to interact a certain way, it has for years before the word "DOM" was around.
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