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Everything posted by Eric

  1. Well, then that's just called being lazy.There are editors that will do a "search and replace" to every document on your website at the same time. There's no excuse.I think it's mainly because some of their links have a "target" attribute and they either didn't want to use JavaScript or didn't know how. Since "target" isn't valid in Strict.If I was the webmaster of W3Schools, it would have been Strict years ago.Also, they have the "AA" icon for accessability, but if you check "Access Level 2" in TIDY you'll see that they don't have a "AA" compliant website. They shouldn't even be using the "AA" icon.
  2. Did you change your default mail client?A mailto link opens up your default mail client to send the email.Have you asked other people to try and see if the link works for them?
  3. Eric

    Firefox bug,

    Odd, what version?I just tried it now and I got http://www.w3schools.com/images/logo_new2.jpg which is what it's supposed to do :)The Alt text didn't get copied too :)I'm using Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and I haven't had a problem since 0.8 when I first started using firefoxAnd you shouldn't leach from people.
  4. When?well for me, I switched from Notepad to an editor with syntax colorization in 2003. I got tired of looking at all black text on a white background
  5. Yep, because lots of people working on them. Someone will most likely notice something some other person left unsecure and patch it up.With non-open source products (like Microsoft Office where only 1 "group" of people are working on it) security holes are left open often.
  6. Open Source rocks!Open Source programs are free to use.And you can help contribute to Open Source projects, adding things on to make them better.
  7. <a name="partA">Part A</a> hasn't been needed since HTML 3Starting in HTML 4 any element could be used as a "jump point", thereby using less code in the source.Also, in XHTML the "name" attribute has been replaced with the "id" attribute.****Here are some examples for the above code that are all valid.<h1 id="partA">Part A</h1><h2 id="partA">Part A</h2><h3 id="partA">Part A</h3><h4 id="partA">Part A</h4><h5 id="partA">Part A</h5><h6 id="partA">Part A</h6><p id="partA">Part A</p><div id="partA">Part A</div>etc.
  8. Maybe it's an IE bug?I tested IE with the smallest res. to the largest though O_o;
  9. What browser are you using?I've checked all these sizesin the following:Internet Explorer 6.0Mozilla Firefox 1.5Opera 8.51And it looks fine in all of the different resolutions I tested it in.The only problem I see is when you go smaller than 640x480, but since there isn't a current offical resolution below that size, there is a very very small chance that someone is going to make their browser smaller than 640x480.So, there is no problem when it comes to resizing your browser based on the tests I have preformed.
  10. True, if you don't like them and you like using IE, then there's a way to un-color them.Just follow this link:http://www.w3.org/Style/Examples/007/scrollbars.htmlThat will prevent IE from using any CSS colored scrollbars someone has on their site.
  11. If they're foolish enough to get a Windows Server, then oh well :)Windows Servers lack the security of an Apache server anyway.(Don't all jump on me, I just heard from other sites it has less security than Apache)
  12. Sure, it's easier to show than explain, so I'll reply back with a sample page to show you after I create one :)Edit: Have a look at this page http://clifford.excelitehost.com/tests/float.htmlAfter you look at it, view the page source for the code.
  13. Here's another "cool" little tid bit of knowledge:You can also use ID when adding "bookmark links" within your page.So ID can be used for more than just CSS styling.Example:<a href="#a">A</a> | <a href="#b">B</a> | <a href="#c">C</a><p id="a">Items with A</a>Apple<br />etc.</p><p id="b">Balloons for sale</p><p id="C">C you get the idea</p>
  14. Styling scrollbars is NOT recommended by the W3C and it a IE properity.So only Internet Explorer would see them anyway.Also, your CSS won't validate with them.However, after knowing all this, if you still want them, here's the code <style type="text/css">body {scrollbar-face-color: green;scrollbar-shadow-color: blue;scrollbar-highlight-color: black;scrollbar-3dlight-color: red;scrollbar-darkshadow-color: brown;scrollbar-track-color: yellow;scrollbar-arrow-color: white;}</style>
  15. Isn't UTF-8 the default encoding, so all browsers should have supported it since Day 1?
  16. Oh I see, ok.One more question just out of curiosity. If you wanted to use the installation to allow multiple IPs access to it forever, you have to buy it from Macromedia?It's not really free like PHP in the long run?So the likelyhood of my host ever getting ColdFusion installed is slim since they'd have to buy it, rather than it being free like PHP?
  17. Eric


    Well whem I first converted my old site from Transitional to Strict about a year ago, and checked validation it came up with something like <br /><br /> not allowed to have something, I forget what it said in this locationWhen I changed "<br /><br />" to "<p></p>" it validated.Maybe they changed it since? I'm not sure, I haven't used Transitional in a long time, not since I started using Strict.If you think I made a mistake in saying that, I'll edit my other post.
  18. Assuming that your server already has ColdFusion installed on it, is there a way to check all the info about the installation.With PHP it's <?php phpinfo(); ?>What would it be for ColdFusion (assuming you can check all the info)
  19. Isn't Cold Fusion dependant on software? Like could you use Notepad or are you dependant on Macromedia ColdFusion?I don't like technologies that are dependant on certain software because it removes options. The only option is leaves is to use the software in question.I like freedom of choice.
  20. Eric

    Graphics Chain

    Looks good. I like the way you edited my Nav bar
  21. Eric


    Strict means you can't use depreciated elements like <font> or depreciated attributed like 'align' in things like <p align='right'> and all text must be within block-level elements.Transitional means you're allowed to have depreciated elements/attributes and you're allowed to have sloppy mark-up (you don't have to contain text in block-level elements).Frameset means when you have frames on your website using <frameset> and <frame> elements.
  22. I'm not a big fan of absolute positioning. I used it about 2 years ago before I learned about floating, and I haven't used it since :)In my opinion, something like this would be better:#left {float: left;other styles here}#right {float: right;other styles here}
  23. Instead of display: none; try this visibility: hidden; that's what I use on my site and it works.
  24. You can use frames in XHTML too. You just need to use the Frameset DTD <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">
  25. have you tried defining the height and width?<table style="hight:200px; width: 200px;">
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