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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Ingolme

    session cookie

    The "session" used by session_start() is not the same as a user's login session. The session is simply a way to have the same variables available on multiple pages, whether they're logged in or not, you need a session to remember things.
  2. Have you checked the source code to verify that the checked attribute is actually being applied?
  3. Ingolme

    web index

    The <meta> tag needs to be on the index page of the live website.
  4. Ingolme

    web index

    Can you see that in the source code when you view your own website?
  5. Why are there parentheses around the placeholders? It probably isn't the cause of the problem, but it's something unnecessary. Have you checked that $hash and $email have the correct values?
  6. If you use position: absolute, you need to wrap the element inside a parent with position: relative and then set the top, left, width and height properties to put the box where you want it to go.
  7. Ingolme

    web index

    To put a website online you have to buy hosting from a web hosting service. There are many hosting services out there with different pricing and features. https://www.google.com/search?q=web+hosting
  8. Ingolme


    Yes, you may ask or answer any questions related to web development here.
  9. The z-index only decides whether an element goes above or below another. Since the span is still within the page flow, it is still affected by the <img> element. To remove the span from the page flow you would need to set its position to absolute rather than relative. Floating the span left or right would also prevent the <img> from affecting it.
  10. I think what you want is to put the box shadow on the image, not on the link.
  11. I'd just press F12. It opens the developer tools in which you can just click on an element to see a list of styles applied to it and styles it has inherited.
  12. What I'm asking is if you're still getting errors and what errors you are getting.
  13. What you do in Notepad++ is write an HTML file. Save the file somewhere, then double-click on that file to see it in the browser. If you're programming in PHP you can install a server package called XAMPP on your computer to test it.
  14. That is something you must figure out on your own. Break down your problem into its components. Decide what database tables you will need and what the program needs to do to interact with the database. If you understand PHP and MySQL this should be a simple task. If you don't know PHP and MySQL yet, W3Schools.com has tutorials for them. XML is probably not a good choice for a data interchange format.
  15. First, you called a function without passing in the argument. Secondly, you tried to send a header after having printed out content. All headers must be sent before any HTML or any echo statements. .htaccess isn't related to the error messages you are getting.
  16. Well, it's not null anymore, what happens when you call prepare() on it?
  17. Try comparing the value of $database before and after including the file.
  18. Are you getting a "Connection failed" message on your page? That would explain $database being null. SQL injection happens when you put user data in a query, it doesn't have to do with how long you keep a connection open.
  19. At the 0% mark of the keyframes it needs to start at 1200px, not 100%. 100% is the width of the entire text, what you really want is the width of the parent element. So the code should be like this: /* Move it (define the animation) */@-moz-keyframes scroll-left { 0% { -moz-transform: translateX(1200px); } 100% { -moz-transform: translateX(-100%); }}@-webkit-keyframes scroll-left { 0% { -webkit-transform: translateX(1200px); } 100% { -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%); }}@keyframes scroll-left { 0% { -moz-transform: translateX(1200px); /* Browser bug fix */ -webkit-transform: translateX(1200px); /* Browser bug fix */ transform: translateX(1200px); } 100% { -moz-transform: translateX(-100%); /* Browser bug fix */ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%); /* Browser bug fix */ transform: translateX(-100%); }}
  20. You need to start your URLs with either http, https or // Such as <a href="http://www.facebook.com/page/thebanditshop" target="_blank" class="social_media">or<a href="https://www.facebook.com/page/thebanditshop" target="_blank" class="social_media">or<a href="//www.facebook.com/page/thebanditshop" target="_blank" class="social_media">
  21. It should work that way, yes, but I'm not sure what your database.php file looks like. There might be something in there causing the problem. Ideally, you should open the connection just once for the entire page. There's no need to manually close the connection, it closes automatically when the script stops running.
  22. It means the database connection is null. It seems you're setting it to null right on this line: // done with the database, destroy any pdostatment resource and close connection$stmt = null;$database = null;
  23. Check to see if $database has what you think it does by checking its value //Prepare our SELECT statement.var_dump($database);$statement = $database->prepare($sql);
  24. You would if the page is interactive and the content changes based on user input. For example, making an error message show up on the page if a form field has invalid information.
  25. The names of the files don't matter. Here is how to link CSS files: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_howto.asp And is you scroll down on this page it shows how to link Javascript files: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_whereto.asp What matters is the location of the files relative to the HTML file.
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