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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. It doesn't look like the outline can have a radius. I looked it up and found this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5394116/outline-radius You could hide the outline and show a border instead.
  2. Ingolme

    Anchor Question

    It would require programming in Javascript.
  3. Why are you passing the file handler to a mysql_query() function? mysql_query() is going to fail because you haven't opened a connection and $file is not a valid SQL string.
  4. The execute() method returns true on success or false on failure. Checking the error number also works, use whichever method you prefer: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli-stmt.execute.php It's not required to manually close the connection, it closes automatically when the script is done running. If you plan on preparing a lot of statements it would be a bit better to close one before opening the next one. You would call the close() function after the foreach() loop is finished.
  5. The while loop would go inside the other loop. Each statement has its own set of results to go through: $stmt = $connection->prepare('SELECT serviceID from services_list,appoint_servi_chosen WHERE services_list.serviceID=appoint_servi_chosen.service_ID and appoint_servi_chosen.app_ID=?'); foreach($appdata as $d) { $stmt->bind_param('s', $d['apID']); $result = $stmt->execute(); if($result) { // The query was successful // Make a variable $serviceID for the result $stmt->bind_result($serviceID); // Go through all the retrieved rows while($stmt->fetch()) { echo $serviceID; } } else { echo 'Error: ' . $stmt->error . '<br>'; }}
  6. Ingolme

    php string bold

    <strong> also works in email, but I use <b> because it's not clear whether the words are meant to have emphasis on them or not. Screen readers ignore <b> tags while pronouncing <strong> elements with a change in tone of voice.
  7. If you name it "mydropdown1[]" then PHP will interpret it as an array and you will be able to access the values as $_GET['mydropdown1'][0], $_GET['mydropdown1'][1] and so on.
  8. Ingolme


    Try feeding this data to your program: var matrix= [ [1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1],];var matrix1= [ [1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1],]; What procedure are you following to determine whether a matrix is symmetrical or not?
  9. Ingolme


    It doesn't work, you can test that by feeding it a few different matrices, symmetrical and not, to see how it reacts. The most basic problem is that I only should see one message, but I'm getting as many messages as there are rows in the matrix. Your code also makes the mistake of always telling me that the matrix is symmetrical even when it isn't. I suggest you keep trying until you finally have a solution that works when you test it with one symmetrical matrix and one asymmetrical matrix. Learning to solve problems is the most important part of programming.
  10. Ingolme

    php string bold

    You can just add <b> tags to the content if you want part of it bold. $mailtext .= '<b>' . $name . '</b>' . $trenner . $einzelwert . $trenner2; The mail client will interpret it properly if the Content-type header is set to text/html
  11. Then you don't need the LIMIT clause at all. There's no point in doing two queries when all the data can be obtained with one. Just select all the rows that you plan on using in the page. When you fetch the rows, do one thing with the first row and another thing with all the rest. Here's how the program structure would look: if($row = fetch()) { // First row}while($row = fetch()) { // All the rest of the rows}
  12. Hmm, maybe Windows has its own idea of how many points are to a pixel. I'd have to research and see why people suggest that number.
  13. Ingolme


    Can you explain what your code does to somebody who understands math but not Javascript?
  14. pt is an absolute unit, while pixels are relative to the size of the screen. To transform from pt to px you need to know exactly how large a pixel on the user's monitor in real life. The information isn't available or if it is it's usually wrong. I tested using CSS's centimeter unit on a box and measured the screen with a ruler, the result turned out to be 9 millimeters, or 0.9 centimeters. So there's no real way to know for sure how many pt is a px. Using 1.33 might work on your screen, but on somebody else's screen it might not. If you can get the desktop program to use pixels instead that would work better. Either that, or use a different framework than jCanvas. As far as I know, the <canvas> element allows other units for its fonts including pt.
  15. Ingolme


    Sass is a CSS preprocessor. You write in the Sass language, but before it gets shown on the website it has to go through a compiler or interpreter to transform it into real CSS. We don't need a forum category for it, you can ask Sass questions in the CSS forum, just like jQuery questions are asked in the Javascript forum. This forum only works if there are people who know the language, if questions about Sass (and its competitor, LESS) aren't answered it's not because a forum with the name on it doesn't exist but because people don't have experience with it.
  16. Since you're constructing the query dynamically you can only use mysqli_real_escape_string(), but normally you would use a prepared statement. addslashes() and stripslashes() are not safe.
  17. You could construct the query using a loop. Be very sure that you don't allow any way for people to hack your database using SQL injection.
  18. For each word you have to add a new condition to the query. SELECT * FROM `database`.`forumCategories`WHERE description LIKE '%keyword1%' AND description LIKE '%keyword2%' AND description LIKE '%keyword3%' The mysql extension of PHP is deprecated for security reasons, the warnings in the PHP manual are clear:
  19. When you echo $page what do you see? fwrite() shouldn't show a 403 page when it fails, it should just show a PHP error.
  20. Ingolme


    It does, but perhaps you should find a good reason to have nested loops. For example when working with matrices. Let's say we have this structure: var matrix = [ [1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 3, 0], [0, 0, 0, 4]]; Try using loops to figure out if it is symmetrical along the diagonal. You will need to use a loop inside a loop for that.
  21. You can find out which page you're on using the location object. When the random number shows up, check whether the page associated with it is the same as the page you're currently on. If so, then choose another random number.
  22. Ingolme


    You could simplify that to: for(var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { document.write(i*4); document.write("<br>");}
  23. In the article, offset refers to which row you start retrieving data from, count refers to how many rows you want to retrieve.
  24. Use SQL. You can order the rows by their id, then use the LIMIT clause to only show one row
  25. Ingolme

    Array in Objects

    What language are you programming in?
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