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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. You can use an RGBA background color. If you use RGBA, be sure to also specify an ordinary RGB color for browsers that don't support RGBA, like this: background-color: #FFF; /* for older browsers */background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
  2. It was the space. I've never known quotation marks to be a problem in CSS. Like I said, they're optional, but valid.
  3. It's a CSS syntax error. I think it probably is because of the space between "url" and "(" Just so you know, you don't need to wrap URLs in quotation marks, but either way is allowed in CSS.
  4. I will look. I can tell you what I'm going to do so you can try yourself when you encounter problems: 1. Open developer tools, in most browsers it's by pressing F12 though you can find it in the menus as well. 2. Check the styles of the columns element. If the background declaration isn't there then the problem is the CSS syntax. 3. If the background declaration is there I'll check to see if the file had a 404. If there was a 404 error then the file name or path were wrong. 4. If both the background declaration is there and the image is loaded then I would check to see other styles that might make the element not visible.
  5. I can't think of much else. If I could see the page I could figure it out. File names are case sensitive, if your file is background.JPG then make sure you use ".JPG" in the stylesheet as well. While you're at that, check whether the file extension is jpg or if it's png or gif.
  6. Make sure the link to the image in your stylesheet is relative to the location of the stylesheet. For example, if the images directory is not inside the css directory then you'll need to move up one directory to get to it: background: url("../images/background.jpg");
  7. Are those paragraphs floated or have absolute positioning? If that's the case then the problem is that the .columns div has no height. Since that's a menu I would not recommend using a paragraph tag. Those aren't paragraphs, they contain just one or two words.
  8. Resize your window. If the site causes a horizontal scrollbar to appear it's not responsive. In order to make a site responsive it needs to be well structured. The HTML needs to be divided into sections, each wrapped in a tag. You cannot use absolute or relative positioning and you cannot use tables. You can't set a specific width for the elements, you can set a max-width. When you want columns you have to use percentage widths. Margin and padding have to be percentages as well on the columns. You should use media queries to remove the column layout for screens that are too small to show two or more columns in the screen width. You must be very familiar with HTML and CSS. If you're working with dreamweaver, work always in code view, not design view. Always preview the page in real browsers.
  9. What does the rest of your code look like? Do you have CSS affecting the images? I suspect you set their position using CSS.
  10. Your initial "If" has a capital I. In PHP commands are case sensitive. Are you sure you want to use an assignment operator in this condition? If (!$_POST['file']='example.pdf') { What you're doing is setting the value of $_POST['file'] to "example.pdf" and then essentially passing false to the if statement so that the code inside of it will never execute. Your code seems incomplete, you have an SQL string but you're not actually sending it to the MySQL engine, it's just stored in a variable. I'd also check to make sure that the $sql string has what you expected it to. I'm not sure if associative array value can be accessed that way inside a string. The echo statement at the end of your code will only print out the first line. The rest of them are just strings that you're not operating with. You need an echo on each of the lines. Finally, I would suggest moving on from mysql and using either mysqli or PDO. The mysql library is deprecated because it is insecure.
  11. I want to know what code you used to get the values from the form inputs. The one that's not working. I can't debug code that already works.
  12. multiply() is a method of an SVGMatrix object. First you need an SVGMatrix object, then you need a second SVGMatrix object to multiply it with. I don't know where the function to create SVGMatrix objects is, so I can't show you a proper example of how to work with it. It looks like the browser compatibility is not very good either.
  13. Ingolme


    I don't believe your response has anything to do with error logging, which is what is being discussed.
  14. A table is a bad idea. Back in the 90s when CSS didn't exist, tables were the only way to properly position content. But now we have much better ways to organize the page.
  15. Please only make one thread for your question. I'm locking this one. You can continue discussion in your other thread: http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=52749
  16. I'm moving this topic to the VBscript forum. It's not Javascript related.
  17. Ingolme


    The interpreter is software that is being executed by the CPU. It translates instructions to machine language and passes them to the CPU. The CPU is the chip. It is the actual computer. The CPU does absolutely everything except whatever tasks are delegated to the graphics chip.
  18. E-mails are very limited. You can make it open a new tab using the target attribute on your links, but to make a popup window you would need Javascript, which e-mail clients don't support.
  19. I would test to make sure and not just assume it will work. I would also make sure that the program is prepared for that situation.
  20. Ingolme

    Php uploader

    If you understand what the script is doing, then you will know which part to change so that it will work for files other than images. This line is the one that checks if the file is an image: $check = getimagesize($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["tmp_name"]); From the PHP manual: http://ca1.php.net/getimagesize
  21. You can either use Javascript or PHP. If you haven't learned any of them, check the W3Schools tutorials.
  22. Ingolme


    The difference between compiled languages and interpreted languages is that compiled languages are translated to machine language as soon as you compile it, interpreted languages are translated to machine language as the program is running. This means interpreted languages are slower.
  23. The width and height attributes use pixels as units, but you can use CSS to style it with percentages.
  24. Start by reading the Javascript tutorial.
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