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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. You're missing a quotation mark here on the alt attribute: <img src="footer.jpg" alt="footer style="width:100%;height:100px"> The files "footer.jpg" and "images/footer1.jpg" are not on your server, check the filesystem again and upload the files to the right place. File names are case sensitive.
  2. Where is the variable $url being used?
  3. If your application is purely Javascript, there's no reason why you would need more than one page to do everything.
  4. The only way to pass data from one page to another is through the query string. Construct a query string with the format ?var1=value&var2=value and then use the location object to load a URL with that query string appended to it.
  5. That's much too small. I can't read anything on it. What you need to do is to make sure that the "Location" header is getting to the browser. What does your entire PHP code look like? I suspect the header isn't getting sent because you have content before it.
  6. If the encoding is UTF-8 any character will work and it makes no difference whether you use an entity or the actual character. If you're using other encodings such as windows-1252 or ISO-8859-X then you will need entities for characters that aren't included in those character sets.
  7. The response has changed now. It says "success=no" Perhaps your server doesn't have sendmail enabled.
  8. Open your browser developer tools, click on the Network tab and then reload the page to see what shows up. Check the response headers and body.
  9. From the information I'm getting on your website, the file has been modified using a word processor or something similar instead of a proper code editor, which means it's no longer being interpreted as code.
  10. The files are just fine. It's the ones on your server that have been modified. First, can your server execute PHP? Secondly, did you try to modify any of the PHP files before or after uploading them?
  11. I just tested your contact form. Your server is not executing PHP, it's just sending the actual source code back to Flash. The response I'm getting also looks like it was created in a word processor, the angle brackets are escaped and it's using fancy quotation marks. Here's a sample: <?php$contact_name = $_POST[‘name’];$contact_email = $_POST[‘email’];$contact_subject = $_POST[’subject’];$contact_message = $_POST[‘message’];
  12. Make sure errors are displaying by putting this at the top of the documents: ini_set('display_errors', 1);error_reporting(E_ALL); If you try to send a header after any content has been displayed then PHP will show an error "Headers already sent".
  13. Open your developer tools, go to the script tab and put a breakpoint on the line where things are drawn onto the canvas, which would be this line: drawingSurface.drawImage On that breakpoint, watch the values of all the variables that are being used in the function. If the breakpoint is never reached then put breakpoints on the if() statements.
  14. If the files are online and they're both under the same domain name then you can load one of them inside an <iframe> or a popup windows and access its DOM from there.
  15. Have you checked for error messages? Are you sure PHP is being executed?
  16. Ingolme

    :empy question

    You HTML structure is really quite confusing. You should make sure it passes validation first. You're using an XHTML doctype, but then using HTML syntax and some HTML 5 elements. There are also a lot of useless things, like style="display:" on a lot of your elements. I don't see any empty elements that are targeted by your selector. An element is only considered empty if there is nothing between the opening and closing tag, including spaces and line breaks.
  17. I forgot to add line-height: normal to the .inner selector, which is meant to be part of this solution. .inner { line-height: normal; display: inline-block; width: 200px; height: 200px; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; background-color:green;}
  18. There's a reference of every single HTML tag here: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/default.asp The rules to parse HTML are pretty complicated because it allows so many unusual syntaxes. Some tags don't have closing tags, element and attribute names aren't case sensitive, attributes may or may not be wrapped in quotation marks. Building an HTML parser from scratch would require a lot of work.
  19. table-cell will only work for Internet Explorer 8 and above. If you're OK with that then I think this shouldn't be a problem. I can't find it explicitly written anywhere at the moment, but I seem to remember that some browsers required the table-cell to be inside an element with display table-row which is inside another element with display table. A working solution that doesn't require table-cell is this: .outer { width: 500px; height: 500px; line-height: 500px; text-align: center;}.inner { display: inline-block; width: 200px; height: 200px; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle;}
  20. I'm not sure how you're trying, but on this forum, wrapping something in [code] tags will make it appear like this: <!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> </body></html> The post editor has a little button that looks like <> that will also wrap things in a code block.
  21. Instead of line-height use padding for the vertical space.
  22. Ingolme

    insert problem

    Perhaps you just happen to be sending the right data this time. var_dump() does nothing but show information about what's in a variable.
  23. Ingolme

    insert problem

    What value does the variable $edate have? Use var_dump() so you can determine the type as well. var_dump($edate); It's probably best to put it right inside ecal.php so that you can also be sure that the file is being included. If $edate doesn't have a value then perhaps none of the conditions are being met. If that's the case, check the value of $date. This looks like a good place for a swtich-case structure rather than if-elseif
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