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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. You shouldn't use an HTML editor that behaves like that. Try an editor such as ConTEXT or Notepad++. Inline styles are restricted because they don't use selectors.
  2. Ingolme

    * Selector?

    Just looking at the source code of any HTML document you'll find that the root element is the <html> element. Most tags are inside the body, but some aren't. The <html>, <head>, <meta>, <title> and <link> elements are not permitted in the body. <script> is often in the <head> section rather than the body as well. Styling the <html> element is available all the way back to Internet Explorer 6 and the oldest versions I've seen of Firefox and Chrome.
  3. Ingolme

    * Selector?

    The root element of the entire document is the <html> element. The <!DOCTYPE html> syntax is that way because in the doctype declaration you have to tell the DTD parser which is the root element. If you look at the most basic valid HTML document structure it's like this: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><title></title></head> <body></body> </html>
  4. Ingolme

    * Selector?

    The <html> element is the outermost container of the document. People who don't use the * selector are probably using recommended practises from a few years ago when Internet Explorer 6 (and maybe 7) didn't support the * selector. I don't use the * selector, myself, generally I can do with setting the elements myself, mainly html, body, p, h1-6, ul and ol.
  5. str_split() would cut a string into equally sized pieces: http://es1.php.net/manual/en/function.str-split.php explode() divides a string into pieces given a separator: http://es1.php.net/manual/en/function.explode.php
  6. Inline? You mean by using the style attribute? No, it's not possible, nor is it recommendable. If you can explain why you want it that way maybe we can find an alternative method.
  7. It's a web standard, it should work in any standards-compliant browser, regardless of the operating system. Here's information as to how to change cursors with CSS and what files types are supported.
  8. Your HTML is invalid. When the parser finds a <tr> element it creates its own <tbody> element to contain it. After that, you're adding another <tbody> inside that. So to start off, your <tbody> element should appear right after the <table> tag: <table> <tbody> <tr><td></td></tr> </tbody></table> Or another option: <table> <thead> <tr><td></td></tr> </thead> <tbody id="ROW"></tbody></table> Secondly, you can't have a <div> element inside a table at all, except if it's wrapped with a <td> or <th> element. The last problem if that you have mismatched quotes here: td = tr.insertCell(-1); td.innerHTML = "<input type="TEXT" name="name1" size="50">"; td = tr.insertCell(-1); td.innerHTML = "<span onclick="addRow()">[+]</span>";
  9. You'll have to save it as a PNG or GIF file, and probably find a way to save it in .cur format for older browsers.
  10. On occasion you need to set values on the html element. I believe that in order to use 100% height in an element inside the document, both the html and body elements need to have their height set. Another reason they're both used is in the case that browsers give a default margin or padding to it and it needs to be removed.
  11. Well, how did I miss that?
  12. I can't see which part of the code has the data you want to convert, and I don't see the algorithm I gave you implemented in your code.
  13. This person making the tutorial seems to be a little bit of an amateur, I don't agree with some of the things he's saying. To start off, that's not actually AJAX. You should start your page with <!DOCTYPE html> (the HTML 5 doctype). An incorrect doctype can cause CSS and Javascript problems. The code you've presented here in the thread should work, the only thing that could possibly go wrong is that movies.js was not found. Also, which browser are you testing in?
  14. No, no idea. Maybe there's a transparent HTML element in front of the images. In order to find the solution I'm going to have to be able to see the page myself.
  15. What you need is a web application built with PHP or another server-side language. Javascript may be involved as well, though not required.
  16. It shows that getting the element by its ID is the fastest way. But even if document.myForm.firstName was actually faster, it has many problems, mainly identity conflicts.
  17. Set the height of the <body> and <html> elements to 100%
  18. The <a> element doesn't have a disabled attribute. You're going to have to change the test() function to check whether or not the element should do something when clicked or not.
  19. The URL you would use in the src attribute would be something like this:Windows XP: file:///C:Documents and Settings[username]Desktopfile.jpg Windows Vista / Windows 7: file:///C:Users[username]Desktopfile.jpg
  20. I don't see a point in linking to an image on the desktop. If the HTML file itself is on the desktop just put the name of the image file and it will work. Websites are eventually intended to be put on a web server, so using a local filesystem URI isn't really useful.
  21. You have to build it yourself. PHPMyAdmin is a tool that lets you view databases, but it also lets you edit them and you probably don't want to let your website users alter your databases.
  22. Ingolme

    tag cloud?

    First you need to learn PHP. Once you know PHP you can either try to make the algorithm on your own or use a search engine. A quick search I did found this: http://stevethomas.com.au/php/how-to-make-a-tag-cloud-in-php-mysql-and-css.html
  23. Ingolme

    tag cloud?

    You would need a system set up on the server-side to generate the data for the tag cloud. It counts how many articles there are for each type and calculates a text size based on an average and the largest value it finds. CSS is just used to set the size of the text, but besides that the rest is done with programming on the server.
  24. There's no standard as to how browsers should handle incorrect HTML. It seems Firefox closes the </b> tag when it finds a </td> meanwhile Internet Explorer might just wraps everything with the <b> tag as long as its not closed.
  25. I tested in Internet Explorer versions 7 through 10 without that problem appearing. But it's probably an unclosed tag, scan your code carefully for unclosed <b> tags. Copy the source code of the page when you see the problem and post it here.
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