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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Something seems to be wrong with this syntax: this.draw{ this.Circle(); this.Square(); }
  2. I'm not sure what you want. Here's the syntax for the iframe:http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_iframe.asp <iframe src="file.html"></iframe>
  3. Your HTML editor should save the file itself as UTF-8. The <meta> tag is just there to tell the browser what encoding was used to save the file.
  4. You can never tell, from the server side, if Javascript was enabled, so server-side validation must always be performed. Javascript validation is just for the user's convenience. People can also find ways to get around Javascript validation if they want to.
  5. If you want to display an element to users who don't have Flash enabled, put it inside the <object> tag. No Javascript required. Your code doesn't look like it would work in any browser, actually. You should validate your HTML: http://validator.w3.org/You have <param> tags outside of <object> elements which isn't valid and won't actually do anything. The proper way to embed a Flash document is the following: <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="file.swf" width="500" height ="440"> <!-- Param necessary for Internet Explorer --> <param name="movie" value="file.swf"> <!-- From here on browsers that don't have Flash will display the following code --> <p>Your browser does not support Flash.</p> </object>
  6. This doesn't look like a CSS problem. The menu is using Javascript. It seems kind of complicated to fix.
  7. You're using an assignment operator. ($login='user1') sets the value of $login to "user1" You should use the comparison operator, ==.
  8. Probably looking at the User-Agent header and comparing it to a list of mobile devices. You can read the user agent with PHP $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] I'd search on Google for a list of the user agent strings of mobile devices.
  9. The <link> tag is there to tell certain HTML readers which page of your website is used to search for things on the other pages. Most browsers don't pay attention to navigation <link> tags.
  10. URL encoding is used when you want to send an ampersand as data, for example:example.com?a=5&str=%26 --> a = 5 and str = "&"If you substitute all & for %26 the data that is sent is incorrect:example.com?a=5%26str=%26 --> a = "1&str=&" & is supposed to be interpretted and substituted for & by the XML parser before the data is provided to the program that's reading it so it shouldn't be causing any trouble.
  11. I can't think of anything that would cause it to behave like that.What version of PHP are you using?
  12. I copied your code and tested it and it's giving me the correct result.
  13. Ingolme

    if statement

    Return false returns the boolean "false" when the function is executed. Since this is a click event, that means that the default actions that clicking causes shouldn't occur. It's the same as in PHP.
  14. URLencoding would stop the link from working. The entity should behave exactly as the character itself.
  15. All the & need to be substituted with the entity &
  16. Is this a CSS or a Javascript question? CSS can't do it. Javascript can manipulate elements and do mathematical calculations, but people who have Javascript disabled can't see it. I think you can probably do what you want without having to add in mathematical expressions by setting paddings, margins and borders. You'll have to explain the goal you want to achieve more clearly.
  17. SWF files are able to load other SWF files into them, but aside from that you still need to program the host document. Javascript could do something similar, but the nature of Flash documents is to always be in front of every other element so you can't slide them behind other HTML elements.
  18. That's not a Javascript image slider on Blizzard's website. The slider itself is part of the SWF document.
  19. opacity applies to the element and everything that's inside it. If you don't want the opacity to affect the topbar element, take the topbar element out of the headerwrap element.
  20. In order to be valid, the <ul> tag has to be inside one of the <li> tags of the other list <ol> <li> <ul> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> </li> <li></li> <li></li></ol> To my knowledge, automatic numbering as 1.2, 1.3, 2.1... is not possible with HTML and CSS.
  21. The <iframe> element should have a closing tag. There's no difference in this respect between HTML 4.01 and HTML 5.
  22. You need a server-side language, such as PHP or ASP.NET.
  23. I'm not certain, but maybe the <length> restriction would work: http://www.w3schools.com/schema/schema_facets.asp If you had a set of <col> elements inside the <row> element, you could use the minOccurs and maxOccurs attributes to restrict the amount of columns you're allowed to add to the matrix. Schema doesn't "read" XML files, it's just there for validation so a user can know if they wrote the document properly.
  24. Ingolme

    Untidy form

    <label> is preferable, it has a semantic meaning.
  25. Yes, that's Flash. Doing it in Javascript would require a whole lot of <audio> elements to be created, each with a different sound file. Then you'd need a system of timing and events. It's pretty complicated to build.
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