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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. The site doesn't show anything in Firefox.
  2. I think the pages should probably be generated by the application that's reading the XML and it should fit the paragraphs how it can.
  3. What I would do, if I had your page available, would be to use a DOM inspector to see what CSS is changing your element's behavior. Internet Explorer has it in developer tools by pressing F12. Select "Inspect Element" and click on the text that is being cut off.
  4. Personally, I have one single stylesheet. I usually give static max-width and min-width values to my content wrapper, no ems or percentage.
  5. As for CSS, you can remove all your margin, float and width declarations. They're not necessary and may even cause some trouble. To ensure it takes the full width of the page put it right under the <body> element. HTML <body> <div class="headerwrap">Header</div> CSS .headerwrap {height: 50px;background-color: red;} Be sure that the <body> and <html> elements don't have any default margin or padding.
  6. It's possible that when you added the text-shadow rule a syntax error caused subsequent rules to be ignored.
  7. This is not an effect of the text-shadow property. There's something else. If I could see the page I could look at what is actually causing the problem. You should use integer numbers for the text shadow. Rather than 1.00px, just put 1px.
  8. Ingolme

    XML editor

    I don't know a text editor that would show the character code by selecting it. What's the program supposed to do if you select multiple characters? The code used for the character depends on the encoding of the document as well.
  9. There's no such thing as XML 1.1. There's XHTML 1.1 which isn't really used much anymore. The XML declration is required in an XML document. It can also include the character set that the document uses. It need both an opening <? and closing ?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  10. session_start() has to be called before any content is printed out.
  11. Why are you making $extensionList a string instead of an array?
  12. There's no real threat to allowing people to add their own HTML into the iframe. I wouldn't really call it XSS any more than the Try-It editor.
  13. It's possible, as long as you give the CSS file a .php extension. It won't affect the validity of your HTML.
  14. The |= operator assigns the logical OR operation between the left and right operands to the left variable. if lieCheck is 0 then 0 | 1 is 1 which is equivalent to a boolean True. Anything operated with 1 will return a truth value because the 1 will always ensure that the last bit is set to 1. Maybe you wanted to use the & operator instead.
  15. No, Javascript is weakly typed. The assignment itself gives the data type to the variable.
  16. That's caused by the forum software which alwats turns b) to B)Scroll up and look at your own code.
  17. The start() function should be called in the <body> section of the document, content in the head isn't meant to be rendered (thought browsers do it anyways since they're designed to save bad coders from themselves). But even then, document.write() will probably cause trouble, it's a good idea to never use it. If you want to display some text on the page, manipulate the innerHTML or create a text node and append it to the body element. function doFirst() { document.body.innerHTML += "one two three";}
  18. Either it's older websites or they haven't wanted to move on to HTML 5.
  19. Filter is still required, though, if you want it to work in older versions of Internet Explorer. It just won't validate as proper CSS. Don't worry about the validator.
  20. I think the problem is with the "filter:alpha(opacity:53)"First of all, "filter" is exclusively a Microsoft thing so it wouldn't validate, the second thing is that the syntax for Microsoft's opacity is alpha(opacity=53) The actual W3C opacity property takes values between 0.0 and 1.0 so 53 would definitely be out of range.
  21. Ingolme

    XML editor

    You mean the unicode value of the character?
  22. If any of the arguments you're receiving could possibly strings you should ensure they're numbers.For example: db = Number(db);
  23. THe mail() function relies on sendmail, if sendmail isn't available it won't do anything.
  24. I don't believe it's excessive but if you're worried, you can subdivide the language files into one for each page and then load the file based on language and website section.
  25. You probably shouldn't be returning an entire HTML document from search.php. But I can't tell what the real problem is until I see what the handleHttpResponse() function looks like.
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