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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. We don't know which line is line 21. You forgot a semi-colon on this line: $mbox=imap_open( $authhost, $user, $pass ) So I'll assume that line 21 is this: $emails = imap_search($mbox , "ALL");
  2. This is what arrays are for. $photos[$count] You should try to get $photos_itemrow->photo to be an array, wherever you created it.
  3. Ingolme


    It initializes the variable as an array so that the program doesn't give a warning when writing $files[]
  4. You don't need to create an image resource for this because the data is already there. if ($test == 2) { header('Content-Type: image/png'); echo $data;}
  5. Set the margin property of the elements.
  6. You'll need to code it in Javascript, and I'm not sure what Frontpage considers a "plug-in element" but my experience with frontpage is that it makes pages that only look right in Internet Explorer. I recommend you learn HTML and start writing all the code yourself with a text editor.
  7. The <tr> element may not accept certain styling in some browsers, try setting the bottom border of the <td> elements instead. border-collapse is supported by pretty much all browsers, as far as I can remember.
  8. I'll tell you what I would do if I was going to help you, and the reason that I'm not going to do it is that you can do it just as easily: Go to Google and search for "Berlin Sans Demi" or simply "Berlin Sans"
  9. I'm not sure what you're asking, but there are a variety of CSS selectors, and the class attribute can be applied to almost any element. For example: <h1 class="text1">Value</h1>.text1 { font-family: CustomFont;} Or <header><h1>Value</h1></header> header h1 { font-family: CustomFont;}
  10. It's probably best to ask the person who created the resource you got those letters from.
  11. Ingolme


    Yes, that would work for days and if you multiply by seven it would be weeks, but like I said, better do the calculation yourself and put the result in your code. A day is 86400 seconds.
  12. Do you know CSS? The solution I provided is simple. You can study CSS at the W3Schools tutorial: http://w3schools.com/css/
  13. Adding overflow: hidden to the #general-content selector seems to fix the problem.
  14. Ingolme


    One problem is that $time1, $time_to_subtract and $time_in_DB are all strings. String comparison works much different than number comparison. If you want to do a test that takes less time, just subtract minutes instead of hours. (instead of 60*60, just try 60) Since date() turns your timestamp back into a string, we don't want it. $time_in_DB = strtotime($row['date']); // Database time is now an integer timestamp$time_to_subtract = 1; // No quotation marks because this is a number, not a string$time1 = time() - (60*60*$time_to_subtract); // No need for date() because that would turn your number back into a string, which we don't want. // The rest is just fineif ($time1 > $time_in_DB){$update = 'Hello world';} Just to save some processing time, you can do the calculation yourself rather than make the computer do it: Instead of 60*60, use 3600
  15. Are you sure that selectData.selectList[i].selectLevel is actually referencing an element?
  16. That means that the query failed. We have a thread explaining it in detail here: http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=44106
  17. Ingolme

    mail function

    The cols attribute only limits the writing space, it doesn't actually force line breaks into the resulting string. The mail() part of the manual shows an example of how to break a string onto 70-character lines.
  18. The reason your code didn't work was because you were using the var keyword forcing the variables to be local to the updateVar function.
  19. Those are both suitable methods. There's a third possibility: Create the variables first without a value and then set their values after an onload or a DOMContentLoaded event (getting that to work cross-browser is difficult, but jQuery has it done already with a document.ready() method or something similar)
  20. Because when you set the global variable, the elements you're trying to access haven't loaded yet.
  21. Empty text nodes don't have any use in an HTML document.
  22. Getting backlinks from more popular sites that have the same theme will both drive traffic to your site and improve your place in search engines. It's not easy to do, though. Backlinks are one of the most important ways of getting your website known to people. After a certain point, you're getting outside the field of web development and entering the marketing territory. Perhaps you can hire a marketing agent for your company or team, somebody who has a background in these things.
  23. Ingolme


    What's causing the character limit?
  24. It seems to have restrictions, there's just no way you can get around that.
  25. Ingolme

    * Selector?

    Yes, they're mostly not stylable (the <head> element can actually be given style in modern browsers and versions of Internet Explorer from 8 and up) but I'm just saying that not everything is inside the <body> element. The <html> element is a parent of the <body>.
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