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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. It seems like Date.parse() returns the timestamp in GMT and so does the Date() constructor, which results in it selecting the previous day. Specifying hours seems to solve the issue. You can omit Date.parse() and just use the date objects themselves for comparison. var chosenDate = new Date(this.val() + " 00:00:00"); var minDate = new Date(); minDate.setHours(minDate.getHours()+36); if(chosenDate < minDate) {
  2. Yes, you can open an HTML file from the command line, but you cannot run commands from an HTML file.
  3. You forgot a closing </div> tag for the <div class="w3-top"> element, so the entire site is inside the nav bar which is attached to the top of the window and does not scroll.
  4. You cannot run commands from an HTML file.
  5. The <img> tag is self-closing, so it does not need a closing tag. Ending the tag with " />" is only necessary in XML, not in HTML.
  6. jQuery is being replaced by native Javascript features. It's probably for the best not to encourage its use. See section "JS vs jQuery" section of the W3Schools Javascript tutorial: https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_jquery_selectors.asp
  7. Please do not reply to old topics.
  8. Ingolme


    Where was $xml initialized? I can't say where the error is if I don't know what library you're using to read the XML.
  9. I would recommend getting very familiar with Javascript syntax and data structures before moving on to Node.js, but that's just my recommended approach. Some other people might recommend learning Javascript while using Node.js as a platform to learn it and I wouldn't say it's an invalid approach.
  10. It has to be in a <script> tag below the HTML that contains the active button, just as in the W3Schools example.
  11. Float does not work with absolute positioning, you should use the top, right, bottom and left rules to move an element with absolute position. Instead of left:16px, you would use right:16px to move it 16px from the right of the container.
  12. The code works OK for me, but you have to put the "defaultOpen" line of Javascript further down in your code than the element you are trying open. It can't be in the external Javascript file if that file is being loaded in the head of the document.
  13. The link you're looking for is actually a small unremarkable one labeled "MySQL Community (GPL) downloads." They just try to make it difficult to find to encourage people to buy the enterprise version.
  14. Please do not reply to old topics.
  15. Browsers transform colors from the style attribute. I think Firefox tends to represent them in rgb() format. You also will have to use backgroundColor instead of just background because that's the property being used by the element. For the purpose of debugging, try printing out the value to see what it has: alert(tbl.rows[1].cells[1].style.backgroundColor);
  16. On which page is the example? If there is a mistake on the site, click on the "REPORT ERROR" link at the bottom of the page that has the mistake so that the W3Schools staff will see it.
  17. Ingolme

    form in html

    This is not HTML. You will have to find the documentation for whichever template language this belongs to.
  18. AJAX requests, which these includes use, do not work on the local environment due to browser security restrictions. You could set up a server on your computer by downloading XAMPP or similar server software.
  19. The <center> tag is obsolete and not permitted in HTML 5.
  20. Please do not reply to old topics.
  21. What code have you used? Setting the opacity of an element will change the opacity of the entire element, including its text. If you just want the background to be transparent, use an rgba() color as the background color.
  22. You should read carefully through the CSS tutorial: https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp If you don't understand CSS you basically can't build a proper website.
  23. You should call exit or die any time you're redirecting a user to prevent the code from executing any of the instructions that are further down. Nothing about the header() function tells the code to stop executing. header('Location: /Logon/Logon.php?From=Home'); exit;
  24. You should check that the index exists before trying to use it: if(isset($_SESSION['User'])) { echo "User: ".$_SESSION['User']; } else { echo "No user"; } If your previous server was not showing a warning at this line then you probably were suppressing warnings.
  25. If there is nothing in the entirety of the cascade then it means that it is using the browser's default. In Firefox, you can find a "Computed" tab near the "Rules" tab which will have a font-size property in pixels. If you don't see it there then click the "Browser styles" checkbox.
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