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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. Hello,Like Scott said, W3S is not to be confused with the world wide web consortium. But I assure you, even the easy topics are not answered within a day. I suggest you keep an eye on this topic, and if it doesn't act up within 2 days, THEN bump it, once. Thanks.Choco

  2. Hello,Welcome to the headaches of web building. :)For my host, i use webhostingbuzz: http://www.webhostingbuzz.com/Their plan includes unlimited email, 5gb of disk space, and 1.2tb of yearly bandwidth (that's 100gb of bandwidth monthly), and finally, CPanel hosting. It allows you to use PHP and MySQL, comes with phpmyadmin, gives you all FTP info and allows you to add more in the cpanel, and runs on a *nix server (can't remember what nix it is: unix, a distro of linux...)I think it's all pretty nifty for ($)3 bucks a month. :)Grand total: 36 dollars per year, and also, if you buy a domain through yahoo right now, it's only 2.99 a year. For a total of 39 dollars, you can run 5+ proffessional sites on the same account without running out of any type of feature. :)Hope that helps.Choco

  3. This little icon is called a favicon. To use it, just put this code into the head of your page: <LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="icon URL">Where you see "icon URL" put the URL of the picture that you want to use. This picture must be 16x16, and has to be in the .ico format. Use this excellent tool to make any image into a usable favicon:http://tools.dynamicdrive.com/favicon/That page also tells you how to add a favicon, with a bit of extra info.Hope that helps!Chocolate570

  4. Hey,Thanks for that. I changed a couple of things in your script (like the document.body) and it still doesn't work. :S

    //Start Replacement Scripts.//bodyHlder=document.getElementById("page");imgRepfir='<img src="http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/happy/happy0069.gif" />'finRepf=bodyHlder.innerHTML.replace(/\:\)/g,imgRepfir);bodyHlder.innerHTML=finRepf;imgRepsec='<img src="http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/confused/confused0069.gif" />'finRepg=bodyHlder.innerHTML.replace(/\:S/g,imgRepsec);bodyHlder.innerHTML=finRepg;imgRepthi='<img src="http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/sad/sad0119.gif" />'finReph=bodyHlder.innerHTML.replace(/\:\(/g,imgRepthi);bodyHlder.innerHTML=finReph;imgRepfo='<img src="http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/tongue/tongue0021.gif" />'finRepj=bodyHlder.innerHTML.replace(/\:P/g,imgRepfo);bodyHlder.innerHTML=finRepj;imgRepfi='<img src="http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/winking/winking0001.gif" />'finRepk=bodyHlder.innerHTML.replace(/\;\)/g,imgRepfi);bodyHlder.innerHTML=finRepk;///End Replacement Scripts///

  5. Ok, again. What's wrong with this code?

    //Start Replacement Scripts.//bodyHlder=document.body;imgRepfir='<img src="http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/happy/happy0069.gif" />'finRepf=bodyHlder.innerHTML.replace(/\:\)/g,imgRepfir);bodyHlder.innerHTML=finRepf;imgRepsec='<img src="http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/confused/confused0069.gif" />'finRepg=bodyHlder.innerHTML.replace(/\:\S/g,imgRepsec);bodyHlder.innerHTML=finRepg;bodyHlder=document.body;imgRepthi='<img src="http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/sad/sad0119.gif" />'finReph=bodyHlder.innerHTML.replace(/\:\(/g,imgRepthi);bodyHlder.innerHTML=finReph;bodyHlder=document.body;imgRepfo='<img src="http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/tongue/tongue0021.gif" />'finRepj=bodyHlder.innerHTML.replace(/\:\P/g,imgRepfo);bodyHlder.innerHTML=finRepj;bodyHlder=document.body;imgRepfi='<img src="http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/winking/winking0001.gif" />'finRepk=bodyHlder.innerHTML.replace(/\;\)/g,imgRepfi);bodyHlder.innerHTML=finRepk;///End Replacement Scripts///

  6. I tried the code above, but it didn't work. : and ) are probably special characters. So I backspaced them and it worked beautifully.lol=x.innerHTML.replace(/\:\)/g,zoop);Thanks so much for that page, and the code. :)Choco

  7. Ok. Like I said, I feel really stupid. Really, really stupid. Ok, so I need a script that changes all ": )"'s into smiley images (without the space between : and ).) So far I have this:

    <html><body><div id="txt">Ok, I like monkeys. :)Monkeys are cool. :)</div><script type="text/javascript">x=document.getElementById("txt");zoop='<img src="http://www.smileygenerator.us/community/html/emoticons/smile.gif" />'lol=x.innerHTML.replace(":)",zoop);x.innerHTML=lol;</script>

    But unfortunatley, this script only changes the FIRST instance of : ), but not the rest. What's with that? How can I mae this work? I was about to use a for loop through every character of the innerHTML and then check that character and the one next to it together to see if they are : and ), but why do that much code when I know there's a simple solution? Thanks.Choco

  8. Thank you, Skemcin. I hope this will help a couple of web builders too, since I for one never knew that. Is it ok if we just added a notice at the bottom of a page that says this:"All content, images, and posts are property of (site name)"?Thanks.

  9. Ignore the topic description. I was bored.Anyway.Every website (ok, not every, but you get the idea) has the little famous © at the bottom. But I've always wondered---is this against the law? Because I can guarantee you most of these site owners have not gotten a copyright notice, and not gone to the national service allowing them to copyright their page.Can you copyright a page by just putting a little © on it?Or do you have to go through legal process?I've gone through hundreds of documents (on the web and off) and i can not seem to find the truth. Every single one I look at contradicts the other. If I make a new site, should i just bang the © onto it immediatley, or is there more to it?Thanks.Choco

  10. (Russia is in) Northern Asia (the area west of the Urals is considered part of Europe), bordering the Arctic Ocean, between Europe and the North Pacific OceanSez the CIA World Fact Book. :)


    It hasn't been released, and i don't know when it will be released. Someone else on the forum is sure to know, though :)

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