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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. What a coincidence, that's the software I use too. :) I love it. People say it doesn't have all the functions photoshop has, but in fact, the GIMP has everything photoshop has, but in longer steps. Defintley worth how much you pay for it. (it's free) :)

  2. I have more complicated graphics software, so they make transparent images. I'm not sure if paint can do this. Here is what I know:1. Paint can't make transparent images.2. When you're saving the picture, replace the existing file extension with .pngHappy holidays!~Chocolate570

  3. (But the fact that you can make a webblog with 58 lines of code is VERY appetizing) :)We have to let Kaijim decide this. We also need someone who is at least near fluent in the language. (I'm just saying this, i still don't think that there should be a tutorial on it)

  4. Look. Here's a sample program, post it on a try-it editor and see it work.

    <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function uRl(){window.open("url 1")}function uRK(){window.open("url 2")}</script></head><body><input type="button" value="Url 1" onclick="uRl()"><input type="button" value="Url 2" onclick="uRK()"></body></html>

    Do you get it? :)~Chocolate570

  5. Easy. Make the image map, first of all. Then in each <area>, put onmouseover="hiLight('name of section')" and onmouseout="unHi()"Next, put this in the head section, adding new variables..

    function hiLight(sect){idthing="id of image here"bonnet="src of bonnet image here"hood="src of hood image here"//and so on, with all the images.switch(sect){case "bonnet"document.getElementById(idthing).src=bonnetbreak//keep going with this.}function unHi(){idthing="id of image here"mainsrc="src of main, unhighlighted image here"document.getElementById(idthing).src=mainsrc}<script>

    Does that work for you? :)

  6. Ok, here is the compact-but-full version.

    Ok. So. What you do is code your html page, with the nav, or whatever, tables and so on. Then, you put MY code, which is in the post above, into where you want the form to be. Edit the email addresses and the form and so on, and then SAVE AS A .PHP!!!! It doesn't matter whether the page contains html or not, SAVE IT AS .PHP. A .PHP file CAN parse html, meaning, it'll be exaclty like a .html page.
    Do you understand?
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