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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. Ok, i've spent the last few daqys avoiding my computer. Sad isn't it. (there's a point here.) Do you want to know why? I CANT GET THIS STUPID SCRIPT TO WORK! AHHH!I'm done.Basically, what the script does is get the value of a textarea, then checks if it contains a phrase. What I want it to do is check for multiple phrases, but that's a different story. Currently, my regxp doesn't work, and my match() doesn't work. Can anyone tell me what the heck i'm doing wrong?

    <script type="text/javascript">////////////////////////////////////////*PostMOD Script NEAY(not even alpha yet)©Chocolate570 2005Editing anything could resultin faliure of execution(the thing might blow up)*///////////////////////////////////////if(document.REPLIER){  document.REPLIER.submit.onclick= checkModKey();}function checkModKey(){  re=/test/g  PostVal  = document.REPLIER.Post.value;  if(PostVal.match(re))  {    alert(PostVal);    return false;  }}</script>

  2. <script type="text/javascript">var name=prompt("What's your name?");document.getElementById("divid").innerHTML="Hello "+name+", how are you today?"</script><div id="divid"></div>

    Final code.

  3. I suggest learning the following languages completely before even attempting such a feat. The important ones are in bold:HTMLCSSPHPSQL(MySQL, Etc.)JavaScriptGood luck. :)

  4. That's exactly what I want, except for the fact that i'm going to have around like 8 buttons, and doing a function for each of them is going to be annoying. Instead of javascript, can someone do it with the onmouseover="this.src=''" thing? :S

  5. Could anyone make the code for me? It jst isn't working, i don't know what's wrong. Here are the three images:images/Buttons/quests-unactive.pngimages/Buttons/quests-active.pngimages/Buttons/quests-clicked.pngThe names explain it all. Thanks so much. This is kinda sad, isn't it....

  6. document.write("<table border='0' cellpadding='5' align='center'>");document.write("<h5>");document.write("<tr>");document.write("<td><a href='http://briansplace.fcpages.com'>Back to Main Page</a></td>");document.write("<td><a href='http://briansplace.fcpages.com/raceskills.html'>Race/Skills List</a></td>");document.write("<td><a href='http://briansplace.fcpages.com/patriotpub.html'>Dragonball Evolution Member Pics</a></td>");document.write("</tr><tr>");document.write("<td><a href='http://www.geocities.com/toalinree/'target='_blank'>Dragonball Evolution Website</a></td>");document.write("<td><a href='http://jail-bait.net/dbe/'target='_blank'>Dragonball Evolution Forum</a></td>");document.write("<td><a href='http://pub36.bravenet.com/forum/3074625174'target='_blank'>Comments about this site</a></td>");document.write("</tr>");document.write("</tr></table>");document.write("</h5>");document.write("<center>Send your pictures to <i>Brian5@email.com</i></center>");

    Either that, which will not make the "Brian5@email.com" a heading, or this:

    document.write("<h5>");document.write("<table border='0' cellpadding='5' align='center'>");document.write("<tr>");document.write("<td><a href='http://briansplace.fcpages.com'>Back to Main Page</a></td>");document.write("<td><a href='http://briansplace.fcpages.com/raceskills.html'>Race/Skills List</a></td>");document.write("<td><a href='http://briansplace.fcpages.com/patriotpub.html'>Dragonball Evolution Member Pics</a></td>");document.write("</tr><tr>");document.write("<td><a href='http://www.geocities.com/toalinree/'target='_blank'>Dragonball Evolution Website</a></td>");document.write("<td><a href='http://jail-bait.net/dbe/'target='_blank'>Dragonball Evolution Forum</a></td>");document.write("<td><a href='http://pub36.bravenet.com/forum/3074625174'target='_blank'>Comments about this site</a></td>");document.write("</tr>");document.write("</tr></table>");document.write("<center>Send your pictures to <i>Brian5@email.com</i></center>");document.write("</h5>");

  7. I don't know how to answer either question. For the logo part, i just dont see any reason it should be so low. For the second part, i don't understand. You wouldn't use CSS, you'd use html. Could you explain a bit more?

  8. Ok.I have a button on my site. I have created 3 button images: 1 for an inactive button, one for an active button, and one for a clicked button. It doesn't work, as you can see on the site. The button is located to the menu on the left, it says 'quests' on it.This is my code, why won't it work?

    <img src="images/Buttons/quests-unactive.png" onmouseover="this.src='images/Buttons/quests-active.png'" onclick="this.src='images/Buttons/quests-clicked.png'" onmouseup="this.src='images/Buttons/quests-unactive.png' alt=" />

    It behaves erratically, again, check the site to see what it does.Thanks to anyone who can fix this.~Chocolate570

  9. Sorry to be so blunt, but no. I just learnt this a bit ago, :), we're not trying to pull people away from the tutorials. This is a forum, for support, not scripts. If you would like, you can send them to kaijim and he might include them in the actual w3schools.com site. Sorry again. :)Choco

  10. When I say attribute, i mean this:<input type="text" value="thing" id="test">The bold parts are the attributes, or the 'settings' of the html element. Does that help a bit?

  11. Do this:<input type="text" id="java"><input type="button" value="Click" onclick="doThing()">And in the head section:<script type="text/javascript">function doThing(){document.getElementById("java").attribute=value}</script>:)

  12. Let's just say it's impossible to write a chat program with javascript. Javascript can interact with only 3 things, and you should memorize this:1. Itself2. Your browser3. YouNotice "4. Other guy who's trying to chat with you accross the world" isnt on the list. :)Choco

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