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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. If you WANT to do that, there is a way with meta tags, but since I don't know that, just put this in your head section:<script type="text/javascript">window.location="222.com"</script>And it should go to 222.com.

  2. I'd like to remind you, mr. Hypocrite, to talk a bit nicer.W3Schools is in NO WAY affiliated with W3C. Yes,

    W3Schools is in NO WAY affiliated with W3C.
    As for your complaint about abusing tables, is there such a thing? I'll let a more knowledgable moderator or member take over from here.~Chocolate570
  3. I'll add some comments to it, so yuo can figure it out.

    var dayName = new Array ("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");//Useless, not needed for this scriptvar monName = new Array ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");//putting the months of the year in an array, so they can be accessed by the month number.var now = new Date;//gets the current day of the month.if(now.getDate() == 25 && monName[now.getMonth()] == "December")/*checks if the day is the 25th of december. How it does this is monName contains an array of the months, and getMonth gets the number of the current month, so if the current month is april, it'll get the 4th value in the array, which is april.*/{   alert('Merry Christmas');}

  4. I think you might be able to do this:<area coordinates and stuff="values" onmouseover="this.border='14px'"> Not sure. An easier way to do it would be to use a javascript function that changes the image depending on what area was mouseovered.

  5. I suggest you use PJIRC(search it on google). Then tell members to type /msg nickserv help registerThat will tell them how to register their name. When they do, they will have to send their pass in to use the name every time they join the chatroom. :)

  6. By asking to be a moderator or how to be a moderator, you completely remove your chances of becoming one. Use your common sense on how to be a good member. Don't spam, help out, and be considerate. :)

  7. Yes, that's exactly what i mean. The image stops before reaching the bottom because the text goes underneath the image.And the top part was just me fooling around, probably just as you were looking at it. :)Can anyone tell me how to fix it? I tried to do what you said, skemcin, but it didn't work. :S

  8. Whoa...i forgot about that. We're going for an all-brown font color, maybe a little white/light brown. Those red and blue font tags were preliminary testing that i forgot to remove. :)I like the font of the buttons, just as long as you can decipher it. If it takes more than 5 seconds to figure out what something says, it needs to be changed. :)Yes, those bullets. How do I move them over a bit? If you notice, they're in a main div, which is next to another div with the side panel background image, so I can't figure out how to make it work. :(No, the brown border is only at the top. Do you think it would be better some other way? Hmm...is the logo that big? I made it as small as I could. Maybe a bit smaller, but later. :( More important things to do right now. :)Thanks for all you're suggestions. I'll be constantly updating it, so check on the site in a couple of days. Everything you've said should be fixed. :blink:Thanks again!~Chocolate570PS. Kcarson- Thanks for the compliment about my clan site. But i owe everything to my friend, who's done most of the work on that site. I just got people to it. :D

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