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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. Ok, this is the code. Save this file as a .php and then it should work. One thing..... where you see joeblow@hotmail.com, make sure you set it to the correct email address to send it to.If I get time, i'll add the extras you had put in your form. But for now, you can fool around with this:

    <?php if (!isset($_POST["send"])){   // no post data -> display form   ?>   <form method="POST" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>"><center><table width="50%"><tr><td><fieldset><legend><font color="white">Contact Us</font></legend><table width="100%" align="center">   <tr><td><font color="white">Your Email:</font> <input type="text" name="sender"></td></tr>   <tr><td><font color="white">Subject:</font></td><td> <input type="text" name="subject"></td></tr>   <tr><td><font color="white">Message:</font> <br />	<textarea name="message" rows="10" cols="60" lines="20"></textarea></td></tr>   <tr><td align="left"><input type="submit" name="send" value="Send"></td></tr></table></fieldset></tr></td></table></center>   </form>   <?  }else{   // found post data .. deal with it   // set email to send email to $to[0]="JoeBlow@hotmail.com";   $from=$_POST['sender'];   // send mail :   if ((mail($to[1],"Scaped: ".$_POST['subject'],$_POST['message']."\n\nSent from ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],"From: $from\n"))&&(mail($to[0],"Scaped: ".$_POST['subject'],$_POST['message']."\n\nSent from ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],"From: $from\n"))){     // display confirmation message if mail sent successfully     echo "Your email was sent."; }else{   // sending failed, display error message    echo "We are sorry, your email could not be sent. Try again later.";   } } ?>

  2. Create the page that you want as your "error" page. If you would like, set a meta that automatically sends the user to your index in 0 seconds. After creating the page, edit the .htaccess file to your substitutions. Then whenever you get a 404, or a 500, or whatever, you'll be taken to the index. :)

  3. Well, i'm pretty sure there's a way to do this, but I suggest a javascript application checking for the browser and writing the appropriate stylesheet/stylesheet link. For example:

    <script type="text/javascript">var brow=navigator.appNameswitch(brow){case "Internet Explorer"document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="iestyle.css" />')break................}</script>

    That will check if the browser is internet explorer, if so, it'll put down a link to the IE style. Where the dots are you have to fill in each switch statement. If you don't know javascript, give me a holler. :)

  4. I don't really understand. I think what you want could be either of the two things:1. A menu to stay static on the bottom of the screen, so when you scroll it stays at the bottom of your browser.2. The menu to just stay at the bottom of the page no matter how much content there is unless it goes to the next page? :s

  5. <script type="text/javascript">function goThing(){x=document.forms[0].elements["background"]zoop=x.options[x.selectedIndex].value;document.body.bgColor=zoop}</script><form><select name="background" onchange="goThing()"><option value="black">Black<option value="bisque">Bisque<option value="blue">blue  <option value="cadetblue">cadetblue<option value="chocolate">chocolate<option value="coral">coral<option value="crimson">crimson<option value="cyan">cyan<option value="darkblue">dark blue<option value="darkcyan">darkcyan<option value="darkgreen">darkgreen<option value="darkorange">darkorange<option value="darkorchid">darkorchid<option value="darkred">darkred<option value="darkviolet">darkviolet<option value="deeppink">deeppink<option value="dimgray">dim gray<option value="dodgerblue">dodgerblue<option value="firebrick">firebrick</select></form>

    Works like a charm for me. :)

  6. Ok, well, my friend and I are around 10% done with a website we're making. They're lots of minor bugs, which i'm sure I haven't found even half of. :) But the major one: If you look in the bottom left corner of the page, you'll notice the side panel image that's behind the buttons stops right over the text. How do I make that continue? Let me post the code:

    <p>  <font size="-1" color="white">Scaped Help Site Alpha © 2005 OSborn and Chocolate570, all right reserved.<br>RuneScape is a registered trademark of JAGeX Ltd.</font></p>

    And you can see the result at the bottom left.Also----, i have a few questions related to 'vanity'.

    • Do the buttons match the layout?
    • Does the logo look ok?
    • Does the basic look of the site seem nice?

    And all due credit goes to these people:Skemcin for the cool mouseover-button-change script.Aspnetguy for the awesome stylesheet/layout, and background images.My Friend for the amazing coding of the site. Me for my uber-great images. (the aweome logo and buttons. :)):(Thanks for reading this. How do I know you're reading this? Because I can see you. Watch your step.~Chocolate570My Site

  7. Then you can do it without installing that stuff. All you need is a browser, prefrably FireFox, and MS notepad. Save the file as .php, open it in a browser, and you can view it.

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