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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. Dreamweaver should only be used after you have understood the basic concepts. If you don't, then you'll have to keep going back to the editor to edit anything. And that's a pain in the.....back. :) First understand the concepts, use the editor to make the framework, and then do it yourself. :)

  2. Here you can be welcomed to the forum. Just introduce yourself, so we can get to know everyone better. This is not a place for questions, so keep that in mind. My name is Chocolate570 and I am a moderator of this forum. You can PM me any concerns RELATED to this forum. What about you? :)~Chocolate570This has not been stickied for a reason. If I see alot of replies, then i'll sticky it. Otherwise, it'll just occupy more space in the pinned section.

    If you posted here, you might find this intersting:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=456
    • Like 43
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  3. Question 1.... AnsweredQuestion 2.... UnansweredQuestion 3.... AnsweredQuestion 4.... UnansweredQuestion 5.... AnsweredThanks so much hacknsack, but do you think you could comment that a bit more? I don't understand what parts do what for questions 2 and 4. Thanks.

  4. If i understand, you have a site on your computer, and you want to host it. There are lots of places for free webhosting. One iswww.freewebs.comGo there, register a new account, and put your codes in. :)

  5. Sorry for bringing this back up, but I thought that it would help out if anyone still needed this.MSDN Says:

    Remarks    For security reasons, the history object does not expose the actual URLs in the browser history. It does allow navigation through the browser history by exposing the back, forward, and go methods. A particular document in the browser history can be identified as an index relative to the current page. For example, specifying -1 as a parameter for the go method is the equivalent of clicking the Back button.    This object is available in script as of Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0.
  6. www.invisionfree.comSign up an account there, and after you're done, it'll tell you whre your forum is. Take that, and put it in where it says:<a href="put the place here">Forums</a>

  7. The demo only lasts 5 days, then you gotta buy the software.I suggest invisionfree or phpbb. invisionfree is SO MUCH EASIER to use than phpbb, but phpbb has MUCH more compatability and many more features. Not to mention you can change every sing part of it.

  8. You can do a bit of javascript so that it auto-opens on page load.In the body tag, add this:onload="openFile()"In the head section, add this:

    <script type="text/javascript">function openFile(){window.open("whatever.html#apps");}</script>

    That will open a new window with it. Or, if you wanna just change the location of this window:

    <script type="text/javascript">function openFile(){window.location="whatever.html#apps";}</script>

  9. 1. Ok, so to cut a long story short, i'm making a script that will only work if run at the body onunload event. The problem: I don't have access to change the body tag. How do I change the onunload (if that's what it is) event from a javascript function? window.onUnload=""? 2. I need to take the value of a text(area?)box and see if it contains one of many phrases. I was thinking of doing a for loop depending on how many phrases could be switched, then put an select case inside that loop to call a specific function depending on what case was pressed. Or maybe just one function with paramaters. But i know that will work; what I need to know is how to figure out if there's a particular word in a variable?3. How do I change the selected index of a option box? :ph34r:4. From question 2, I need to check if there's more than one of the possible phrases in the box. :) How would I do that? :ph34r:5. How do I escape every character out of a string so that I don't have to do each one completely? This is what I mean:O'M'G' T'H'I'S' would have to be O\'M\'G\' T\'H\'I\'S\'Which is quite annoying. Is there a way to auto-escape everything that needs escaping? Thanks in advance.Chocolate570

  10. Actually, there is no way you can block the user from viewing the source, and the most security you can get is by putting a <script src=""> and in that, put the escaped code, making it so the user's like, "Huh!?!?!". O_o

  11. Wait, does that mean it'll work? :) I'm slightly confused.

    But if I do that with a form "action" attribute, then the page will post back to my site where it is impossible to process the information like the target page intended. So, here is where I use the same set up descibed above, but instead of grabbing the victim page, I grab the action page it posts to while passing the form attributes it expects. When that information is sent back and dumped out - I will have essentially logged my server into your site versus your browsers into your site (which is the problem witht he firewall).
    Won't that work ok?
    Nope. Everyform is different. Every form posts to its target - so if I am pulling a page into my page then when it posts to the target it is posting outside of my page - thus removing all control I would have.
    Oh, like if they were sending the link to the frame.....Well, do you mean it's possible? :)Thanks so much.Choco
  12. No question is foolish here. :)One way you could do it is make a table with an id. Then, in the function, add this:document.getElementById("table id here").innerHTML=archive.htmdocument.getElementById("table id here").innerHTML+=info

  13. Hmm...see, i don't only have the acp as a problem, it's email and so on. And well, that's alot of sites. Is there anyway to code it so it automaticaly works with forms? Also, what language is this that yuo're using?

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