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Everything posted by Err

  1. Err

    New Site Name

    http://www.web-related.com/ *thumbs up* good luck.
  2. Err


    I think Candian and Australian people also spell it that way too.Not to mention, the spelling of center, as "centre", but somehoware both pronounced the same...lol, at least I won't have to change my spelling habits when Icode.
  3. Err


    is it right to spell color, "colour"? or is it how other countries spell it (outside of the U.S). Now, that's something they never taught me in school. Just curious.
  4. Javascript can help with that.http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex5/I have no idea why IE doesn't display the titles.
  5. a:link { text-decoration: none; color: #0000ff;}a:hover { text-decoration: none; color: #FF9900; font-weight: bold;}
  6. Err

    Where is the border?

    <html dir="ltr"><head><title>SysIdx</title></head><body><div style="font-family:verdana; font-size:9pt"><table style="border:1px solid #000000;"><tr><td bgcolor="red" width="250" height="15">Test</td></tr></table></div></body></html> Try that.Also if you are aiming for the cells in the inside of that tableyou have to have a CSS style like this: <html dir="ltr"><head><title>SysIdx</title><style type="text/css">table td { border:1px solid #000000;}</style></head><body><div style="font-family:verdana; font-size:9pt"><table style="border:1px solid #000000;"><tr><td bgcolor="red" width="250" height="15">Test</td></tr></table></div></body></html>
  7. I think you should try a free web hosting company (that's in your native language perferrably) that offers no-ads on your pages. Awardspace.com is a good hosting comany (only in english) that offers no-ad pages for free. You should really try a search for a hosting comany that offers that first before you go and add code to your pages that can slow down the load time.
  8. There stupid servers currently have it disabled... *sighs* Well, nothing I can do. Javascript I don't want to use, what if the user decides to disable it? I guess I have to wait it out. Thanks for all the replies.
  9. I want to load 3 things into my webpages, that would be my header, navigation, and my footer. I was reading more up on SSI, seems like I was a bit mistaken, you can have SSI with .html file extensions, with the exeption that the servers allow it. I have yet to try this out. The server that I'm on seemed to have craped out on me (I guess that's what I get for getting a free web hoster), but once it comes back online, I'll tell you guys what happened. Like I said, I don't want to change my file extension to .php if I don't have to. Thanks again guys.
  10. yes you can. But then again, I don't know much javascript so it's not like I'm going to whip out my notepad and start coding against those popups... and searching for GOOD scripts will have me going in circles. But I'm positive it can be done with javascript.
  11. Err

    Web design

    I know I wouldn't kiss my dog on the lips . I've personally never have used FrontPage, but a lot of people have been discouraging the use of that program for so long that I have never thought about using it. I like to use Notepad (for coding something really fast). I do have my favorite editor though
  12. or how about this:background: url(URL);I did it without the quotes around it. I haven't quite figured it out yet, but I had that problem too, it turned out to be those quotes around the url. It might of been because of the doctype...
  13. hehe , I've done my share of hiding ads. It's the pop-ups that are hard to stop.
  14. Is this what you wanted? : <html> <head> <title>Test Page</title> </head><body><table> <tr> <td> <a href ="index.html" target ="showframe">Enter</a><br> <a href ="hovedside.html" target ="showframe">Velkommen</a><br> <a href ="testeside.htm" target ="showframe">Testeside</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> <iframe src="hovedside.html" style="border:1px black solid;" name="showframe" scrolling="yes" frameborder="no" height = "400px" width = "450px"></iframe> </td> </tr></table></body></html> Well, I assumed that you were trying to say that you wanted thelinks on top of the frame, so the frame is all the way to the left side.Did you still want those links to the left of that frame? Or is it okay whereit is?
  15. Thanks a lot Little Goat! I will certainly put that info to use. In any case, if anyone has any more input on this subject, please drop me a line or 2.
  16. Hello.I didn't know where to post this, I think it's more of an HTML problem then anything else so...I'm designing a site that uses a header/footer/navigation on all my webpages that I have. My question is, is there a way to repeat the header or anything else I want on to different pages without painfully going in and adding these dreaded things on to every single webpage that I have? I know about SSI, but that's out of the question for me. I've seen some other webpages like CSS Play that have something like that going on and they have no need to change the file extension to .php to get that effect. I want to stick with just the plain old .html file extensions. Any help on this subject would be awsome.
  17. Lets try: <html> <head> <title>Test Page</title> </head><body><table border="0"> <tr> <td> <a href ="index.html" target ="showframe">Enter</a><br> <a href ="hovedside.html" target ="showframe">Velkommen</a><br> <a href ="testeside.htm" target ="showframe">Testeside</a> </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> <iframe src="hovedside.html" style="border:1px black solid;" name="showframe" scrolling="yes" frameborder="no" height = "400px" width = "450px"></iframe> </td> </tr></table></body></html> If that doesn't work I don't know what will.All I did was add a text-align:left; to the <td> where the <iframe> is.Also, some good things to note:A standard web page has the following mark-up: <html> <head> <title></title> </head><body>Your Content here</body></html> The border="0" that you have in your tablereally means nothing because that value is automatically 0. Only wheneveryou are going to have a border on it would I suggest that you havethat code there.Well, I hope it all works out for you
  18. Err

    IP Location

    Any help would be wonderful.
  19. Err

    IP Location

    Hello. I'm building a page with php in it, and I need the php that displays the IP Location of the user viewing my page (by that I mean the country of the viewer) ... I've done some google searches but there are only "programs" that I have to download or it isn't php itself. I just want a simple php script that displays the users IP location on the same page -- without all that fuss. Is it even possible with a few lines of php script? I'm still new to php so I don't know much about it. If someone knows the php script for this can you stop by and at least post it please?I got this close: <?php echo ($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]); $country = GetCountry($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]); ?> But, it doesn't work I get this error:fatal error: Call to undefined function: getcountry() in /home/www/mysite/index.php on line 65.
  20. 100% widths would be my #1 suggestion. You can change your screen to a higher and/or lower resolution to test out your pages, also don't forget that a lot of laptops have wide screens which would be a 1280 x 800 resolution.
  21. Err

    Justifying horizontal menu

    Why don't you use border-bottom: 1px solid red CSS? It could help
  22. Err

    Opacity issue

    Transparent GIF. It works in all browsers. No PNG, m'kay?
  23. That's what I first suggested! lol ...now, please don't ban me for saying that.
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