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Everything posted by Err

  1. This might be of some intrest, I did this page, it's css and xhtml strict valid, ([removed]], which I can't manage to avoid) best of all it works in IE as well as other browsers. I needed help doing something like this some time ago, and set up an example page. Feel free to take any code you wish, css and xhtml are all on the same page. You can look at it here:[removed]
  2. Err


    Right.{ Background Properties }{ Table Properties }{ Miscellaneous Properties } is not correct css. If you want to make a comment in your css document, you have to use /* and */, becuase using the css brackets ({ & }) is not the proper way to make comments. The browser trys to interpret it as css, but can't... firefox has a serious issue with things like this (not that that's a bad thing).EX: /* This is a CSS comment */
  3. Err


    lmao! no, I don't think so.
  4. Err


    I wish I knew what you know.
  5. Err


    Hmm, good question, I would guess that would depend on what browser you are using... or it may be certainly a server problem/error. Here's a tip though, if you don't want to type out the www. and .com part of the url. On your browsers address bar you can just type in the name of the site (ex: w3schools), then on your keyboard hit "ctrl" and "enter/return" together and it will automatically add http://www. and .com to your url... it works like magic! Try it.
  6. Err

    Message Box With PHP

    Just curious, does that javascript still work in php if you have javascript disabled?
  7. Err

    Audio Ads

    I don't know what'll do without my Adblock :scared: O_OAll those ads flashing, talking, moving, and poping up... I think I would of quit the internetz.
  8. This can be of some intrest.
  9. <p><a class="nav" href="http://www.geocities.com/baileyaya/fauxcogallery.html"="gallery">Gallery</a><a class="nav" href="http://www.geocities.com/baileyaya/cbgallerytwo.html"="prints">Prints</a><a class="nav" href="http://www.geocities.com/baileyaya/cbbio.html"="bio">Bio</a><a class="nav" href="http://www.geocities.com/baileyaya/cblinks.html="links">Links</a></p> Try adding a <div> and </div> instead of using <p> tags, it should take up all the area now and push "Welcome" down: <div><a class="nav" href="http://www.geocities.com/baileyaya/fauxcogallery.html"="gallery">Gallery</a><a class="nav" href="http://www.geocities.com/baileyaya/cbgallerytwo.html"="prints">Prints</a><a class="nav" href="http://www.geocities.com/baileyaya/cbbio.html"="bio">Bio</a><a class="nav" href="http://www.geocities.com/baileyaya/cblinks.html="links">Links</a></div> By the way, those links are all wrong :/
  10. Err


    You ran your comment through Spell Check before you posted it. LOL.Nah, I'm just kiddin' You can spell pretty good.
  11. Adding a height to them also may help with cross-browser problems.
  12. Err


    Yup, I've had problem similar to that also. Norton blocks and asks if you want to give permission to a program that accesses the internet. This is also very annoying when installing new programs that try to access the internet... I figured it's best just to disable it for 30min, which is just enough time to finish what I was doing without Norton interferring.
  13. Err


    ^ That sounds correct, I've heard things like that from different people also. Looks like you registered just to say that, but that's a good first post.
  14. Also, um... isn't it <blockquote>.
  15. What happens if you have a Static (or was it Dynamic? Were your IP changes) IP Address then? Can you still run your own server like that?
  16. Have you tried putting html in there with the body css? It may help with that:html, body{ scrollbar-face-color: #135275; scrollbar-arrow-color: #f8f8f8; scrollbar-track-color: #135275; scrollbar-shadow-color: #f8f8f8; scrollbar-highlight-color: #f8f8f8; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #135275; scrollbar-darkshadow-Color: #993416; }
  17. Err


    Well span tags are not meant for the layouts that's why. That's why divs are good to use. span tags are meant for text only, div's can go both ways. You can use lists as well.
  18. Err


    Huh? O_o?Iframes cannot (and never will hopefully) replace tables.
  19. Err


    http://www.cssplay.co.uk/index.html < That is a tableless site (Look at it's source). It does not use tables to achive it's layout, instead they use mainly <div>'s and CSS styling. Thus gives us a tableless site...That is what you were talking about right?
  20. lol. Talk about having an attitude. Not many people will want to help you if you say things like that. Just a tip.
  21. You can use frames, doing it this way keeps your main url (www.bhuratea.com) the same and does not change even when changing the page. This could be considered a way around this problem...
  22. Err

    meta tags

    Nope, I was talking to the other member, sorry I didn't point it out to you.
  23. Err

    meta tags

    Is that so? So something like:<meta name="Keywords" content=" XML,tutorial,HTML,DHTML,CSS,XSL,XHTML,JavaScript,ASP,ADO,VBScript,DOM,W3C,authoring,programming,learning,beginner's guide,primer,lessons,school,howto,reference,free,examples,samples,source code,demos,tips,links,FAQ,tag list,forms,frames,color tables,Cascading Style Sheets,Active Server Pages,Dynamic HTML,Internet database development,Webbuilder,Sitebuilder,Webmaster,HTMLGuide,SiteExpert" /> would be correct, correct??I always thought that the keywords needed a space after the comma... well, learned something new today.
  24. I WISH I could do that!No, someone edited my topic title and my post, but they didn't leave a note of who it was. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't me... :)Best bet is Skemcin.
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