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Everything posted by Err

  1. Err


    Try this: html, body{background-image: url(background.jpg);color:#ffffff;font-family:sans-serif, verdana;font-size:10pt;scrollbar-3dlight-color:;scrollbar-arrow-color:black;scrollbar-base-color:black;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:black;scrollbar-face-color:black;scrollbar-highlight-color:black;scrollbar-shadow-color:black;scrollbar-track-color:;}
  2. Try and make all your floats "left". #leftcol, #midcol, #rightcol { float: left; border: 1px solid #393939; height: 150px;}#leftcol { margin: 10px 0 0 10px; width: 20%;}#midcol { margin: 10px auto 0 auto; width: 54%;}#rightcol { margin: -152px 10px 0 0; width: 20%;} I have not tested that, try it and see if it works. You might need to adjust your margins and/or widths a little.
  3. We're talking about e-mail signatures right? I don't think it really matters if it's for a signature, I mean no one is going to check your code to make sure it validates or anything like that... (at least from my experience) so do what you think will work better for you. Though I personally would reduce the code to make it a little more understandable. Also it seems to me that you're not really using the table (based on your code). Can you work without it? <p style="color:black; font-family:Arial, sans-serif; font-size:12px;">NAME, TITLE</p><p style="color:black; font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;">Iverson Language Associates, Inc. A Future 50 Company</p><p style="font-family:Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;">Managing Document Translation</p><p>Celebrating 20 Successful Years in Business: 1986-2006<br />P.O. Box 511759</p> Maybe?
  4. http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp
  5. Hmm... it looks like the image is causing that vertical scroll bar to appear in IE (Why only IE...? I don't know). You can always try to make your banner a background-image so matter what resolution a user may have it will always fit.
  6. Awesome. That worked VERY good. Thank you so much. (err... what do you mean you tested it on my web page? O_o?)I also wanted to ask if you know how to put 2 of those scripts together. Adding them together like the below example renders the javascript useless. It so far only works if they're in there own separate <script> tags. <script type="text/javascript"><!--elements = document.getElementsByTagName("p");for(i=0;i<=elements.length;i++) { if (elements[i].className == 'a') { elements[i].style.display = 'block'; }}elements = document.getElementsByTagName("div");for(i=0;i<=elements.length;i++) { if (elements[i].className == 'b') { elements[i].style.display = 'none'; }}// --></script> Please take a look at my web page again to see what I'm talking about. You can toggle your js on or off then refresh the page to see the result.[removed]
  7. Because I'm very short in time, I'll get right to the problem:I can't get this java script: <script type="text/javascript"><!--elements = document.getElementsByTagName("p"); if (elements.className == 'test') { document.style.display = 'block';}// --></script> to "block" this content: <p class="test">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p> with this CSS: <style type="text/css">.test { display: none;}</style> The css display is set to none for the class ".test", but I'm trying to call the javascript to block that class thus the content is only seen when javascript is enabled. I do not want to use id's I know it works, I'm just trying to call a bunch of classes with that javascript. I edit that javascript myself, but it doesn't work.Here is a test page of what I'm talking about:[removed]You have to look at the source to see that some content is actually not displayed because of the style I have on it, but it should be blocked anyways becuase of the javascript I have on there... or so I thought, what am I doing wrong? and is there a work around for what I'm trying to do? Thank you very much for any help on this.
  8. JavaScript for dummiesPHP for dummies. What?
  9. I'm on broadband also, plus I can adblock any images/advertisements I want to speed up my loading time. (Yes, including the ad on the top of this forum )IE = Internet Explorer orMSIE = Mircosoft Internet Explorer
  10. Your content (images, characters) will force your height to expand even if it's set to a fixed height. I do believe that's different if you have your div to display: block; or floating (I'm not totally sure) which in that case your div will stay the same height and your content will "magically" go over the div, giving it a terrible look. overflow just adds scrollable content in a fixed sized div. More about it here:http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_pos_overflow.asp
  11. Taken from your other topic: I added the bold and italic you wanted, but please take some time to take a look at these links for future reference:http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_font_font-style.asp (italize)http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_font_weight.asp (bold)http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_pseudo_classes.asp (hyper-links)To modify in-line hyper links would be something like:<a href="#" style="color:red; text-decoration:none;">Your Text</a>But you can only do so much with an in-line style link.
  12. No problem. I still appreciate your help on the matter. (That is until I code javascript fluently! J/K)
  13. Awsome! It works great. Thanks! :)Thanks for all the help folks.
  14. Thanks for correcting the script mistake choco, however it's still not working. I'm using Firefox and even with your updated script it's still not fully functional. You can look for yourself here:[removed] (Updated sizes)I noticed that if I change around the ">" to "<" on the if (scrnH>1200) {scrnH=800;scrnW=800} part of the code, the pop-up size changes to that of the highest resolution size and vise-versa. That however DOES NOT fix the problem. :)I have a script on the actual pop-up now to tell me and you how big the pop-up window is (it's not exact, but it helps) and what resolution you are currently using for testing purposes, but this script only works correctly in Firefox (please note that). Thanks again for all of y'alls input.
  15. Thanks scott. I see the scrnH>1200 "if" statements and that way will work also, however the problem that I'm having with that script is that only the else {scrnH=350;scrnW=200} part of the script is working, it's completely ignoring the other parts of the script regardless of the screen resolution I have on at the time. Perhaps I messed something up. Can you tell me what went wrong?Here's the code I have now: function popitup(url){ newwindow=window.open(url,'name','height='+scrnH+', width='+scrnW+', scrollbars=yes, status=yes, location=no, resize=yes, toolbar=no, directories=no, menubar=no, status=no left=5, top=5'); if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()} return false;}scrnH=screen.height;scrnW=screen.width;if (scrnH>1200) { scrnH=800;scrnW=800}else if ((scrnH>1000) && (scrnH<1200)) { scrnH=800;scrnW=450}else { scrnH=350;scrnW=550} I changed the scrnH and the scrnW a bit because I was testing out the script. Also please note that I have this script in an external .js file.Many thanks for the help.
  16. You need a doctype on your page, so you'll have something to validate against (that is if you want to validate your page). Yeah, the template looks a little simple and what justsomeguy said.edit: I'm a little slow
  17. Err


    Might as well join the bandwagon.
  18. @Chocolate570:Well, that script actually makes the pop-up window the exact size of the users resolution. I wanted one that is a fixed height and width for specific resolutions upon them executing the pop-up, but only for more resolutions. The above code I have has a pop-up size (width and height) that is perfect for my resolution, but not so great for others. @jesh:That's not really what I wanted. But thanks.I can better illustrate what I want to do by this image:[removed]Hopefully that helps.
  19. Howdy. I'm looking for way I can add a user executed pop-up to adjust on whatever the screen resolution of the user is. So lets say, me, I have a screen resolution of 1280 x 800, I want a pop-up to change window sizes based on my screen resolution for that specific resolution only. Now I have the pop-up script, I just don't know how I can add the screen.width and screen.height on to the below pop-up script to do that. My best guess would be with the "if" and "else" statements... I just need help on that. I want to do this because on some resolutions, the pop-up window size I have now is a bigger size on a lower resolution, then that of a higher resolution. I just want to eliminate that problem.pop-up script: <script type="text/javascript">function popitup(url){ newwindow=window.open(url,'name','height=500, width=650, scrollbars=yes, status=yes, location=no, resize=yes, toolbar=no, directories=no, menubar=no, status=no left=5, top=5'); if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()} return false;}</script> It would work better if I had all the pop-up attributes (e.g. "scrollbars=yes, toolbar=no, etc") in each specific resolution containers. If someone could just get me started, I can add the rest of the resolution sizes myself. Thanks.
  20. I checked it with Opera, Mozilla Firefox, and IE. Everything seems okay. lol, what are you on? dail-up? It took about 2 seconds to load (on high-speed cable) for me.
  21. I see. Okay. I thought "cgi" and "cgi-bin" were 2 different things, you know just like "java" and "javascript". But yeah, that link helps.
  22. I've commonly seen "cgi-bin" in url's, and today I was looking around and I finally got curious enough to look it up when I saw it in of my folders in my site... google searching it turned up few worthless results, so I thought I'll ask here. What the heck is it?
  23. Err

    innerHTML issues

    Words can not express how greatful I am! Thank you so much!
  24. http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex15/index.htmlThere you go, that might be of some intrest to you.
  25. Fixed width is when you are using px (pixels) or other percise sizes for your document. % (Percentages) are usually not fixed because they can grow with your browser (The more bigger you make your browser window the more bigger/wider your content will get automatically). Learn more here: http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_dim_width.aspYes, he also wanted you to use the HTML.
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